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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 6 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    It's binding. They put that clause in just in case the process of the referendum turned out to be illegal in some way or if some unforeseen circumstance compromises the result. The result was deemed legally valid so in all practical and moral terms, it is now binding. Drop it.

    Show us the law that says it was legally binding then. It doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy product of Brexit lala Land ???? 

    • Confused 1
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  2. 12 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    Where did you get the bit about 'right to oppose and overturn referendum results before they have even been enacted'? There is no such right.

    there doesn’t have to be such right because there’s no obligation to enact a non-binding referendum in the first place. 


    12 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    You can oppose all you want, but the referendum result has to be enacted.

    no, it doesn’t. ???? 

    12 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    Stop whining and accept it.

    you wish ???? 


    12 minutes ago, JamesBlond said:

    After a few years there can be another referendum if there is sufficient call, and the result of that one must be honoured too, just as the result of the present one must be honoured. Get the system?

    Who gives a damn about your “system”? 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    Pot calling again. Self-righteous remainers, who lost, now call the referendum with the biggest vote in UK history an "opinion poll"! 

    It doesn’t matter how you call it. The law is clear on that. 

    5 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    Then they try and get it overturned because it suits them. What a shower! 

    How can you overturn something if it’s legally binding? 

  4. 3 hours ago, nauseus said:

    This parliament is useless and unfit for purpose.  

    That’s not up to you to decide. The electorate went to the ballot box to give a mandate to MPs to represent them for a term of 5 years, not until it suits some Brexiteers. The wish of the electorate is to be respected. Unlike the referendum, a General election is legally binding and not just an opinion poll. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    And the only time they will learn this was wrong, will be when the left finally win an election only for the rest of the country to not consent to losing. We will say, "they were too dumb to know what they were voting for", or "they didn't understand the issues we need a 2nd vote".

    And based on what law should that happen? Please tell us, otherwise I consider it just another confused idea from the lala land Brexiteers are living in. 



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  6. 49 minutes ago, englishoak said:


    The Commons voted on the  article 50 programme by a majority of 384 votes, to 114 on feb 17 then again MPs voted 461 to 89 in favour of the motion in march to trigger it. THAT made it legally binding


    Wrong, none of that turned the advisory referendum into a legally binding one. 



    then the parties all also pledged once again to uphold the decision to leave when May called an election. 

    Again, wrong. Not all parties pledged to leave. And more than 50% of the electorate voted for manifestos against a no-deal Brexit. Parliament is respecting that wish of the electorate; BJ and the Tories aren’t.  


    Labour: Reject no-deal and retain single market and customs union — 40%

    Greens: Referendum and campaign for remain — 1.6%

    Libdem: Referendum and campaign for remain — 7.4%

    SNP: Remain in the single market — 3.0%

    • Like 2
  7. 18 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    You may have been asleep for a while and missed some stuff but for over 3 years the UK has been trying to do that.

    You know that’s not true. 


    18 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    The problem was that the negotiating team were Remainers led by an arch Remainer Teresa May. She is the sole owner of the UK negotiations that led to her demise.

    You know the problem is that you don’t have a majority. And now you’re blaming the majority that they don’t support you. 



    18 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    IMHO If I were Boris I would wait until I has to write the letter to the EU and simply refuse to do it and the reason would be because parliament stopped me, you can get on with it on your own.

    Yes, when you have a keyboard but no responsibility you would do many things if you were Boris. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    I think having a referendum is a great idea.


    Of course we would have to complete the current one first otherwise there is no point in having a second one.


    Then of course if the Remainers win then then it should be the best of 3, 5, 7 etc unless one side reaches 3 clear wins first.


    Another referendum would need a good set of rules starting with a pass mark of say 65 or 70% of the actual voters and if that fails we revert to the existing referendum results. I say actual and eligible because if, as in the last referendum, a sizable proportion didn't vote that means only the actual votes cast are eligible.


    Would the voting age be lowered and to what age limit?


    Next, who would decide what and how many questions should be asked?

    You have a majority for that? Or is it just another unicorn that isn’t flying? 


    1 minute ago, el torro said:


    And the EU are colluding by allowing ever continuing extensions....

    If acting in our best interest is “collusion” for you then it just shows how deep in lala land you’re living. If you don’t want extensions, don’t request it. Simple. 


    1 minute ago, el torro said:


    Nobody wanted 'no deal' - but it is the only option now as a result of politicians in both the UK and EU determined to find a way around the referendum result :sad:.

    It’s just another option you don’t have a majority for. The only option you have a majority for is extending. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, el torro said:

    Posters stating that other posters are asking for unicorns is an insult IMO.

    If you don’t want to be called chasing unicorns, stop chasing unicorns. 


    23 minutes ago, el torro said:

    The referendum resulted in a leave vote, so it's not 'brexiteers wanting something for nothing', as you imply.

    Your domestic problems are not ours to solve. You decided to confuse your representative democracy with a non-binding manipulated opinion poll. 


    23 minutes ago, el torro said:


    Extensions just prolong the problem, as has already been made clear.

    Again, not our problem. We can live with extensions. If you don’t want them, don’t request them. 

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