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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    there has already been the referendum though .

    An advisory one. 


    14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    if the UK Gov are not going to what the electorate voted for , theres no point in asking again

    No government would ever be able to do so, because you cannot at the same time satisfy the electorate that voted for leaving without a deal and those who voted for leaving with a deal. And there you have your point for asking; not asking “again” but asking more precisely. 

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    3 hours ago, evadgib said:

    The above would already be public knowledge if he was receiving the same sort of exposure as Miller as 7x7 would have us believe.

    You know what also would already be public knowledge if it was receiving the same sort of exposure as Gina Miller‘s case? That I just farted. It’s a scandal the MSM is not reporting it. Can’t you see the conspiracy? 


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  3. 8 minutes ago, vogie said:

    And heres the rub, the only way that Labour could stop him is to vote for Boris and say we have confidence in you. ????????????????????????

    Here’s more rub, the only way that Boris could get an election is to call a no-confidence vote against himself and say he doesn’t have confidence in himself ???????????? ???????????? 


    If Corbyn then votes for Boris it’d kinda even it out no? I love this circus! Great entertainment! 


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