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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 2 minutes ago, nontabury said:


    Yes we do have minimum wages, but then they are so much higher than those available in Eastern Europe. And this is the reason that the multi national have taken advantage, with the help of the Bureaucrats in Brussels, to transfer thousands of British workers jobs to Eastern Europe.

    Big secret: Businesses will always produce where it’s cheaper, and they don’t need “Bureaucrats in Brussels” for it, otherwise Apple would produce its iPhone in the US. Do you really think Brexit will bring any of those jobs back, or stop businesses in the future moving production to lower wage countries?


  2. 1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Did you see any sign, even a tiny little sign, that the EU changed their mind because of Boris "leverage"?

    It is very obvious that Boris dreams about something which is not happening.


    It's like if you go to 7/11 next door and tell them: From tomorrow on I want my beer for 1/2 of the current price. If you don't give it to me for half the price then I will walk away and never come back. Do you think the 7/11 will be impressed by you? Do you think they will give in because your business is so very important to them? Or is it more likely that soon you will go back to them and ask if they let you in again because the next shop is far away and they also don't give you any special price.

    But he has been such a good 7/11 customer all the years. Doesn’t he deserve such special treatment? 

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

    Boris is absolutely doing the right thing. Your error is not understanding leverage and incentives. The EU doesn't want the UK to leave the EU and they don't really care about the financial havoc that a never ending Brexit process wreaks on the UK Economy. As long as the UK stays in the EU, they are satisfied. So the ONLY way the EU would be inclined to offer the UK a satisfactory deal is the threat of a No Deal. If Boris can't leave on Oct 31st, why would the EU offer him a deal when he goes hat in hand to them on Oct. 30th asking for a good deal? The EU will laugh in the UK's face and say, "Or what?". The UK has no leverage. And without leverage, the status quo will continue indefinitely. Brexit could dominate British elections for the next decade. 

    That’s certainly not an EU issue. It’s simply because you don’t have a majority for it. That’s something you have solve domestically. 

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    It has been said to death. Boris has mentioned get rid of the backstop and the EU won't, as it ties the UK to the EU, which is keeping the UK in the EU. Even those who are mentally challenged know this.

    This is utter nonsense. It is a transition service — something the UK should be appreciating as it helps her to leave without causing more disruption. The same happens when a company sells a business unit. Typically the selling parent company would agree to provide transition services (such as using the existing IT, licenses, agreements etc.) so that the sold company has time to build those itself (or a potential buyer has time to implement his). I have yet to find a CEO (of a business to be sold or a potential buyer) who would disagree to that — typically it’s the other way round and the selling company would like to get out as soon as possible. 


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