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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 25 minutes ago, Thairealist said:


     I would like to compare how your head of state is elected in comparison to how the head of state of the U.K is appointed. A system that you obviously disapprove of, but refusing to allow us to make comparisons, will only force us to make our own conclusion.

    I don’t see how it is relevant, as this thread is about Ursula von der Leyen. But if it gives you peace of mind: The head of state of the country on my passport is elected by parliament and the same number of representatives from the federal states through absolute majority. 

    • Confused 4
  2. 13 minutes ago, Thairealist said:

    You criticize how our head of state is appointed,

    No, I didn’t. Quite the other way round; people whose own head of state is unelected like to falsely claim that EU politicians are unelected. I am just mocking their hypocrisy. 



    so I politely ask,from which country you are from, so that we can compare.

    Again, what do you want to compare, and how is it relevant? This thread is about the appointment of Ursula von der Leyen. 



    And all you can reply, is that it’s irrelevant. Me thinks that you are too ashamed to state,where you are from,yet you like to criticize the U.K. Says a great deal about you.

    I still don’t understand how one could possibly be ashamed of the country oh his passport. It’s neither something you can be ashamed nor be proud of. Just a statistical date. Take whatever country you like; it doesn’t change that your head of state is unelected, whereas Ursula von der Leyen was elected. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, aright said:


    My question was what can MEP's do to change it. Finally you agree theirs nothing MEP's can do within their remit to effect reform.

    No, I didn’t agree to that. In fact, I posted an official document what MEPs’ role is and asked you what more you expect. 


    12 minutes ago, aright said:

    You only have to look at voting patterns to see what a success they have been. One of my reasons for leaving. What are your reasons for staying?

    It’s economically and politically superior to being a single country outside the EU. (Cherry on top: you don’t risk being the laughing stock of Europe.)



    • Haha 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, aright said:

    More glib pedantic answers then. We Leavers would prefer to know what you do feel not what you don't

    I feel hungry and asked my secretary to get me some sushi. Any other feelings I should tell you leavers?


    11 minutes ago, aright said:

    and no answer to the question beyond a non related, obfuscating, obscure EU document.

    You asked what British MEPs are supposed to do in the European Parliament. I provided you an official document specifying exactly that, which is the same for all MEPs. What more do you need? 


    11 minutes ago, aright said:

    Since you don't feel we should stay and reform from within you must feel the EU is ideal. Is that fair? If so and you are not prepared to give your reasons for this then I can't see we have anything further to discuss.

    Again, you’re lacking logic. No, when someone doesn’t feel the UK should stay, this doesn’t mean that person feels the EU is ideal. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, aright said:

    Who said the EU is “so perfect”?

    Let's say it must be more perfect then the UK otherwise you would not opt to stay.

    1) How can something be “more perfect”?

    2) Even assuming you meant “better” instead, the statement doesn’t make sense. 


    16 minutes ago, aright said:

    Leavers have given their reasons for leaving ad nauseum on this forum but since you admit the Union is not perfect and presumably feel we should stay and try to reform from within, this is a question I asked on another posting.

    I don’t feel you “should stay and try to reform from within”. 


    16 minutes ago, aright said:

    "After almost 50 years of failure to reform, were we to stay, what would you recommend British MEP's (10% of the EU Parliament) do and what would you prioritise and how long would you give them to change?" 


    See here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32005Q0684




    4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Johnson will be PM, and he will stand up to Brussels and tell them "nice try" but May's pathetic surrender treaty is dead. Forget your backstop, forget your 39 Billion.

    50% of the UK’s exports are to the EU. The UK will be very eager to sort out the future trade relationship with the EU. And that discussion will not even start before the backstop, EU citizen rights and the divorce bill are agreed. 


    4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    If you want a hard border to protect your precious single market and customs union then you better start building one, chop chop.

    Unlike those fantasy technological solutions that Brexiteers chase in lala land, border checks are not difficult to implement. 


    4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    If you want a sensible trade deal, come and talk to us after we've left.

    Again, who’s relying 50% on whom, and who only 7%? Nuff said. 


    • Like 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    They're starting to see the wonders of the Schengen Agreement and freedom of movement in Europe. Most of these people probably entered Europe somewhere other than France, like Italy or Spain. Lots of "lookie-lookie" men.

    What does it have to do with Schengen or Freedom of Movement?


    46 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

    thanks to EU immigration policy the whole of Europe is reaping a whirlwind, do these peole in authority have one brain cell between them.

    What “EU immigration policy” are you referring to?

    • Confused 1
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  8. 1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

    Boris is a lot smarter than his well crafted public persona would indicate.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit to find that his gung-ho Brexit talk is a planned act that serves two purposes: 


    20 minutes ago, Small Joke said:

    I share this suspicion too. 

    I cautiously predict he'll be PM, then 'a funny thing will happen on way to the Brexit Forum'.

    I was suspecting the same. I think he’s an opportunist. He doesn’t care about the cause; he doesn’t care much about the party. He wants to be PM. And not just for some weeks. He will be eager to find a solution and then move on to other issues where he can make a name as PM. 


    At the same time, he knows he won’t be able to change the EU’s position or parliamentary arithmetics. He will either get a relabeled customs union deal through parliament or hold a second referendum. I don’t think he will be stupid enough to risk an early general election where there would be a huge risk for him to go down as the shortest serving PM in history. He’ll flip-flop when he has to, as he did in the past. 



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