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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Pointless really when there is no-one here able to pilot them properly.......
  2. A right turn across other vehicles is fine providing your exit path is clear...in this case it wasn`t someone rightly or wrongly was passing on the inside and they have right of way...luckily you slowed down and no damage done...your fault IMHO sorry.
  3. A very strong elastic band so I,m informed........
  4. Somewhere along the line all will go quiet and be forgotten about by the rule makers here.....money talks and justice has to take a back seat.
  5. Walked past Cheap Charlies (soi Buk) this pm and they have a sign outside saying Guiness 209 a pint.......
  6. Ticket collector????
  7. It`s reassuring to know the Government is doing all it can to keep the country safe from possible invasions
  8. Were they related????????
  9. Swamp too deep....a bottomless pit....
  10. Are many bars open yet....plenty or few ladies at present....beers prices etc. any info purely for research purposes only and much appreciated ????
  11. Best pies in Patts are bought from the Caddyshack pub...or for a higher price in Friendship.
  12. Jebb maak maak....hurt too much
  13. Titbread Wankard we used to call it in upmarket Rochdale...a good beer though along with Wilson's Dark mild...aah memories.
  14. During the hours of darkness if a red light is showing against me and no other traffic is about I turn off all my lights and go through.....adds to the excitement
  15. Allen key socket for sure.....
  16. Can.....served by pleasant staff and free wifi if wanted.
  17. Or try a very popular bar 200 metres further along soi Bukhaow where they have just increased soft drink prices by 5 baht....coke now 25 baht with all the free ice you may need. 55 baht is a rip off......
  18. Where`s your sense of adventure gone jacko.....LOL
  19. Only re-opened a few months back....someone has cocked-up if they`re closing it again.........
  20. Reminds me of the time I was entertaining a young lady here and just after the deed was done and feeling very proud of my achievement I dropped a silent one....seconds later the young lass dived under the covers wanting to resurrect the pogo stick for round two......
  21. Never farted in my life....often suffer from a trouser cough though.
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