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Everything posted by petermik

  1. I find it hard to understand why the police here cannot be trusted.......
  2. A good friend of mine used to own a bar...pre covid.....on New Plaza his local "bobby" collected 8000 baht/month to make any issues go away.........
  3. A few years back....3?....during discussions about the poor air quality/pollution in Bangkok the PM Prayut declared that all vehicles belching out excessive fumes would be taken off the road....what happened....zilch/nothing just more hot air from the Authorities here....talk and no action.
  4. They will all claim that......
  5. Owing to the lack of the Fire Service in attendance in any numbers he was a real hero..........40 minutes from the fire breaking out the second much larger Fire engine turned up...the police were there in numbers taking pics only (must have Tik Tok accounts) so it was left to individuals to do what they could....apart from the first ten minutes I watched the whole thing.
  6. Reverse gear was instantaneous when he realised what he,d done LOL
  7. They simply could not care less....their image is rock-bottom already
  8. Who says it cannot be fixed? I have a Sylphy with I believe the same engine and CVT gearbox as the Juke....done 110,000 kms in the past 4 years without any problems....changed the cvt fluid at 60,000 and 100,000 kms...still running sweet....have you ever had your CVT fluid changed?
  9. And when the fire brigade turned up they tried dousing the flames with water LOL....never heard of foam for putting out electrical fires I,m guessing?
  10. Luckily she didn`t pinch his gold necklace............????
  11. petermik

    Best tv price

    Mines bigger than yours symptom.......
  12. Talk talk talk but never any action... empty words.
  13. Perhaps wedding cake is a favourite of his?
  14. No helmet...why oh why is this law not adhered to and enforced rigidly I do not know.....RIP to the gentleman...what a waste of life.
  15. The police have their hands full handing out tickets for traffic violations...no money in proper work.
  16. Small solid IPM dish
  17. As I posted will this be compatible with my IPM dish and is it superior or virtually the same as an IPM HD 3 box... thanks for your help I realise there are many options but as I mentioned we spend just 10/12 days per month down at the house and I don't have a data plan on my phone...we don't spend a lot of time in front of the television just in the evening we will watch a movie or UK series followed by the Thai news late on,my better half English is very good... currently we are part way through the 5th series of the Blacklist which she is enjoying immensely.. again thanks for your input.
  18. No thanks I just want information specific to the thread....
  19. Gents help needed....currently we have a IPM hd2 satellite box installed which developed a fault, repair guy came out and fixed it but as it's 8 years old recommended we upgraded it... now the obvious choice would be the IPM hd 3...but am I right in thinking a PSI s2x or a Infosat receiver would do the same job...because my dish is an IPM am I limited to the IPM receiver or could I use any of the others mentioned.... this system is in our second home which we only spend 10/12 days each month so having internet installed is not worth it....we watch downloaded movies/series in the main but my better half likes to keep up with the news and the odd variety shows....thanks in advance for any help.
  20. Do this in future then problem solved...if you feel the "gayboy" was being awkward spare a thought he may have got out of bed the wrong side and his knickers were on the wrong way... nobody's perfect thas knows.
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