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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. So the local thieves, cheaters and highway robbery experts got "international" competition? Who will go and tell His Excellency, the Digital Economy and Society Minister, Mr Chaiwat Thanakamanusorn to have coffee with his counterpart running the Ministry of Education? During that coffee break it might surface, that you have to shut down all those stupidity centres called "Thai schools" and start educating basics. After 15 years of schooling in Thailand some cannot even complete a job application form, handle an ATM machine (except withdrawing money of course) or optimize the use of a computer/smart phone. Shutting down Facebook has a completely different script; the boys in power (present and future) have all the interest in closing down those hatred social networks as they cannot control them and have enlightened the Thai youngsters more in the last five, ten years - compared to what happened over the last hundred years until social media became a subject - me thinks! Close Facebook, what an silly idea ????????????
  2. Have you checked all possibilities including *Easter Bunny*, *Father Christmas* and *Micky Mouse* ?
  3. That long? I attended church services where a priest recited prayers at the front while in the back the "mourners" were talking about the "wake menu" and yet others were wondering, who would get those expensive Bally shoes - life goes on after all!
  4. “so, it is necessary to forget what we said” Thai dinosaur politics explained in one short sentence - brilliant, beautiful, extraordinary ❤️❤️❤️
  5. To avoid, that he will be incarcerated with the other inmates nor enjoy the same culinary delights of the prison kitchen nor that his visitations will not affect the rights of other inmates ....... The Author's Lounge of The Oriental springs to mind and, for a gentleman of means - loose change! Is Wissanu and the other clowns aware of the fact, that the internet can be accessed also outside Thailand and that the entire stage show makes Thailand the laughing stock of Planet Earth - once more again? Les jeux sont faits, Messieurs; it will be an interesting week ???? The roaring pleasure and excitement of the electorate remains to be seen; for sure the deals are done, inked and sealed and some are winning and some are losing ????
  6. Expect more such news - stay tuned. It is a fact that if you would remove all unpaid vehicles from the roads it would look like downtown Bangkok during Songkran break ........... but show-off, face and the loss of the latter is prevailing over absolutely everything ????
  7. How nice of the prime minister. He could have asked around for some queries many people seem to have. While Thai Airways have +/- 30 aircraft permanently parked on the tarmac of Suvannaphoum airport (covered engine air inlet and covered cockpit windows) they keep buying new planes as if there is no tomorrow. I have not been back to U-Tapao in a while but back in the day they had parked additional airplanes there as well - for longterm storage. Apart from that you find "scrapped" airplanes all over Thailand, on Sukhaphiban road in Bangkok, the Chic Chic market in Nong Khai etc. etc. The latest press release which sprang to mind was that Thai Airways made a profit of THB 10 billion. The same day, Thai Smile (a 100% subsidiary of Thai Airways) reported a loss of THB 20 billion and is about to be closed down by the end of 2024. This all looks a little like the Tom-Yam-Goong crisis of 1997, where banks shifted bad debts (they had zillions of 'em) into finance companies they ran which resulted in 56 out of 57 finance companies going belly-up. Someone should explain the logics behind all this - I for one did not quite understand how this works and I spent years in the aviation industry ???? But, who am I and what do I know!
  8. What a banana republic with no leadership at all, anywhere. The voters have spoken but the oligarch elite, the dinosaurs and the rest of the crooked clan try their very best to utterly disregard their electorate. I hope that all of them are aware, that this will backfire big, big time - sooner or later - but it will. They seed gunpowder literally everywhere; get ready for a bumpy ride into the 21st century without all this fanfare, asresikking and bribing 8-)
  9. GOOD news. Ensure enough space to carry 250 senators and all the other clowns in the political circus, the flour-to-illegal-substance guy, the kiddo who assumingly killed a police officer on duty with a Ferrari for which he could not even afford the window-washer water and all the rest of these sick minds in the oligarch elite which ruins Thailand to the bones. 20 tons of TNT should suffice to get the rocket airborne; no need to fly anywhere as it will be of exquisite quality like most other things "Made in Thailand"; a huge state funeral and a mourning period of, say, 30 seconds. After that, carry on with business, get the professionals into offices and start repairing Thailand, its economy, tourism and its reputation ????
  10. Well, well, let me get the popcorn - the road show is getting ready and it will be more than nasty ????
  11. Good luck, Thailand, good luck! Missing is Thammanat, the miracle traveller converting flour into illegal powders mid-air, then Chalerm "the boozer" with his three lovely sons is not shown yet as well. Glad to see Phiphat, Saksayam and the rest of the flock - in essence nothing has changed except the increase in disappointment of voters. Wondering now, how well, if at all, this might go down those 14.4 million who were ....... short changed, again?
  12. So the Generalissimo had a field day; once a soldier always a soldier. Might have missed the big bangs though this time again. Wondering, where they got their outfits as the tailor must have been working on a tight budget, as far as the cloth material is concerned. Well, how sporty of them to save unnecessary waste around the waist ????
  13. The two tier pricing with increased (partly doubled) ticket price for the infidel, second-class alien, will do the rest - welcome to Thailand!
  14. If so, kindly share it with me - I am a big fan of Benny Hill ????
  15. Vote with your feet. A beautiful trick is to show up at the ticketing counter. They will prepare the tickets for you, i.e. rip them out of a ticket block and tear them to invalidate them. Then they will tell you, how much. Smile back to the clerk and tell him/her, that you find it too expensive and will not go along. The invalidated ticket will be more difficult to explain as most would assume that the ticket got sold and the staff kept the money. Works wonders over time while you will have to deal with an extra lecture in Thai swearing ........ Never a dull moment but vote with your feet
  16. Ah, in due time again - the lovely Chidchob family. This time round the English version of this rather famous name has been slightly amended to "Chidchop" to confuse the internet. His brother Newin (named after Burma's Newin) is the uncrowned monarch of Buriram and latter had an important political bullet in his gun when it was "shoot Thaksin" time. His father Chai Chidchob, meanwhile dead, was House Speaker who froze Thanathorn some 4+ years back. So read between the lines, some shuffling of a big deck of cards is going on and Saksayam seems to be the "target of the day". Thailands politics are more entertaining than any cabaret, albeit at a much higher price than what you would be paying for the latter.
  17. Well, when I arrived almost 40 years ago, Thailand had a ceiling of not more than 13 public holidays. The cabinet's "gift" to the people of Thailand is not paid by the government or its tax payers (if you discount those millions of government employees) but by the private industry. They carry the burden of paying taxes (for the government employees holidays) as well as the absence costs of their own staff; latter being paid for not having to show up to work. That really has a great impact on anybody seriously considering investing in a labour-intensive industry in Thailand where it is questionable, which is the greater problem. The inability to find (semi-)qualified staff, the complete absence of loyalty among most staff or the unheard of high number of paid public holidays. Your call!
  18. It would really help, if you would READ before you fire away. The passport issuance is a domestic affair, overseas a country's Embassy is responsible for that. I never wrote that Interpol has anything to do with passport issuance, withdrawal or anything the like. Interpol is a inter-country communication platform to facilitate crime hunting and the like ????
  19. Well, it is not "missing advisories", as we know. But you have to issue them and then you can take it to the bank that the police force will do their part to ensure, that the assumed culprit is to go and face the music in the land from where the "advisory" was issued in the first place, Sir. The same "advisory" is required to block the issuance of a new passport and the boy's in-laws are properly connected to move the manillas in such a way, that such advisories might get ....... lets say .... forgotten?
  20. Don't tell me that the elite, the oligarchs, the selected few and the dinosaurs overdid it this time?
  21. I just wonder what it takes for the electorate to realize, that they have been short changed for decades and cheated out of trillions of Baht. Thailand came a pretty long way to spell out a government and an opposition, i.e. a polarization of government functioning. But what I've been seeing over the last few elections makes me wonder, if not everything here is in "limbo", on purpose, to smokescreen the electorate as long as there is power and cash to be creamed off ......... at the voters expense?
  22. Like any other civilized country, Sir. There is Interpol for a start. Another option is the passport. Over time (and certainly less than ten years) the accused will need a new passport. Other (European) Embassies will not issue a new passport replacing the expiring one to allow the holder to travel freely anywhere. Instead they issue a "laissez passer", being a document by the Embassy validating the holder's personal details like in a passport but qualifying only for one single, one-way, trip back to the accused's home country. Once the accused has arrived in his home country, the local laws and rules apply. If no "laissez passer" is issued, the accused is no longer sitting on legal papers and will get extradited. Last not least is to file the papers with the authorities of the country the accused went into "hiding" which can result in cancelling the visa of the accused and get extradited (see Dr Thaksin in 2006).
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