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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. That's where a former PM got "detronizzato" - that's what the Italians would call it ????
  2. The hosts definitely outstayed their unwelcoming attitude. Do away with the multi-tier pricing, call tourists visitors rather than "alien" or "dirty farang" and go, how neighbouring countries do it. If Cambodia would not be wild west, Laos would not be a slave state of China and the army would be out of Burma, then Thailand would be having even less tourists. Do away with this ridiculous bureaucracy making every government official sooooo important, grant the visa-free countries 45 days instead of 30 and the countries requiring visas to be processed professionally. Presently you can wait for weeks to get an appointment for a visa in certain Thai embassies and consulates abroad while some Thai representations neither answer the phone nor reply to email. The shorter end of the stick is always with the electorate taxpayer ????
  3. Chances are slim but there is the chance, that you might bump into the Swiss President in a check-out lane in a supermarket or another Swiss minister waiting for the public bus, sitting in a tram or a train. My conclusion is, the more banana-republic the more the show-off. If he likes a fancy car he certainly has more than loose change to buy all of his ministers such vans and, yep, some might be well advised in getting the bullet-proof version. Not all those ministers are as popular as they think ????
  4. They must have fantastic insurances as they all drive "decent" cars and, not to inflict bad omen or spirits, not one car has a "handicap" sticker anywhere. Thainess - explained and a Lao car followed suit at the car park in Nong Khai ............. selfish bunch of pirkcs ????
  5. Well, I've heard - literally - thousands of stories which worked the other way round ........... young stunners romancing rich elder farts ........... But, yes, I agree, you cannot write about all those Thai pussies and the farang gander - as the internet would collapse immediately - Nuff said ????
  6. Despite all this, the result is that Thailand has possibly among the poorest education system worldwide. I - for one - never found out, what these "teachers" are doing with the kids over 15 years at school/university apart from slapping, extorting and the occasional quickie ........ But, as an outgoing ambassador once said in his farewell speech to a chamber of commerce, when education was touched, he said that he had "the pleasure of serving under not less than seven education ministers" in various assignments all over the planet whereas his "tenure in Thailand was blessed with three of them alone". I forgot the ambassador's name but the statement remains a vivid memory .........
  7. Remember the captions in Bangkok Post articles when they published a photograph of a car accident? The caption always read "the driver fled the scene" .........
  8. Is this toad a general or a minister or what? Get the titling of this gentleman, best known for his little naps everywhere, right. As head of the National Water Command he had N I N E years time to get his act together but he must have had bigger fish to fry (pun intended)!
  9. Now that makes sense; get the very shaky house back home in order - or at least try it. He might not be around for the next ASEAN meeting anyhow .......
  10. Lock down the country immediately and hunt for those dirty farang who brought in the disease. What's next, the chicken cough or the buffalo fart?
  11. No issues with trannies yet there is a slight difference in body posture, only for those who attended biology classes back in the day though .......
  12. Recalls Obama's visit to Thailand having tea with HM while the Chinese President went to see the sitting Thai prime minister for advising the next few instructions from Beijing - clevell, these Chinese plofessionals ????
  13. A sad life came to an end; did he eventually manage to obtain British citizenship? He failed on various attempts, despite the loose change, reputation and his attempts to shoulder-rub with royalty. Maybe he knew, what really happened in that Parisian tunnel some 26 years back........
  14. The Chinese have always been the better chess players while good old uncle Joe is still roaming, slightly lost though, the lawns of the White House ????
  15. I had a restaurant for many years and in regular intervals I got email offers to "boost" Tripadvisor ratings. For USD 400 the offer claimed 400 four and five star ratings from all over the world. I reported that to Tripadvisor and their laconic answer was, that there is nothing they could do about it. Well, for one, if you use i.e. Agoda as a booking platform for an accommodation, the rating window opens only, if you paid for the service - here an overnight stay. Unlike Tripadvisor, where every Tom, Dick and Harry can vent his spleen. A simple system would have been to scan the receipt of the meal in question to be submitted together with the rating. Best is and remains word-of-mouth ....... me thinks!
  16. Bottom line is simple "8.2 million baht is the going price for keeping the shrimp prices low" and the decision makers (to burn the 8.2 million) did not even see a single lower-priced shrimp either ????????????????????????
  17. How many women among the five pictured? They certainly have "shoulder" qualities ????
  18. If it ever happens, and that is a very big IF , then the Chinese will do it. Too big, too complex for the Thai government (irrespective of who habitats the government house); latter only interested in the massive kick-backs. Here the question comes of course, if and how Singapore would react as it would take the entire transit East-West out of the equation for them. And, in all fairness, having seen both the Thai and Singaporean way of operating ports, the Thais are generations behind ????
  19. Correct, Thailand should focus on quality tourism - quality over quantity. The visa-free country should get 45 days instead of 30 - covers 90+ % of all travelers in that group. The group of those countries requiring visas will not change. Immigration to be massively lightened by all this unnecessary burden of bureaucracy, forms, blue-inked photocopies, photographs etc. etc. etc. Do away with TM6 (only applicable now for overland arrivals), hence of no statistical value any longer as the majority arrives by air. Do away with TM30 as more than half the Thais do NOT live at their registered address (see bureaucracy as well). Do away with the 90 days nonsense, it gives Thailand and East German STASI taste - to say the least! Ultimately, train all immigration officers in English to a conversational level - it is scary how poor their English can be!
  20. Correct, Thailand should focus on quality tourism - quality over quantity. The visa-free country should get 45 days instead of 30 - covers 90+ % of all travelers in that group. The group of those countries requiring visas will not change. Immigration to be massively lightened by all this unnecessary burden of bureaucracy, forms, blue-inked photocopies, photographs etc. etc. etc. Do away with TM6 (only applicable now for overland arrivals), hence of no statistical value any longer as the majority arrives by air. Do away with TM30 as more than half the Thais do NOT live at their registered address (see bureaucracy as well). Do away with the 90 days nonsense, it gives Thailand and East German STASI taste - to say the least! Ultimately, train all immigration officers in English to a conversational level - it is scary how poor their English can be!
  21. Well, what does it cost the taxpayer to keep these two monsters alive for a month - considering their relative young life? Who guarantees that they will get to reason and never ever do such a thing again? There are three reasons for death penalty; rape, murder as a guardian (be it old people or young children) and drug dealers. You do not make these crimes "unhappen" but they will never ever be committed by the same people. Life sentence, no parole, limitations of 25 years etc. etc. etc. - Fact is, that there is hardly anyone serving the full "life" sentence and I wonder, how big the "repetition" case is. After X years in the slammer they had enough time to build up even more evil and hatred. We might have to agree to disagree on this!
  22. Just imagine, they let him in jail for the next few years ....... out of sight. They could do what they wanted, plunder more troughs and the electorate would not really care. His party is toast anyhow .........
  23. The Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Romans all the way through the Inquisition, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot or Newin had one thing in common. They scared their underlings for power and, regretfully, were mostly successful. Covid 19 was no different; most governments misused this highly contagious flu to scare the "*ç% out of people and creamed off zillions of dollars in "fighting" against humanity's nemesis. This planet has been facing the ever-evolutionary flu, all originating from the virological family of corona. Knowing what we know now about "Covid 19" these days, it is up to each and every individual to query the serious threat to society based on "two new cases" of a flu virus. Latter is evolutionary and will do everything to survive by adopting continuously. Every North European or North American can confirm, that flu is, predominantly, a standard "winter nuisance"; some years you come down with the flu, other years your body manages to sail through without impact. Every year a few hundred thousand (mostly elderly or people with health pre-conditions) regretfully die on health deficits which are facilitates by the weakening of an evolving flu virus. "Pure" flu deaths exist as well but it is almost impossible to put a percentage on that small number. I took the public statistics of an European country and compared the total number of citizen living in the country and compared the total number of deaths in the same country - over 20 years. And, guess what, no spikes nowhere. Before you would die of cancer or heart weakness, the last few years you saw "Covid" in lieu of the afore-mentioned. It is like AIDS, nobody dies of AIDS but the body's weakening due to AIDS facilitates the death which a person might avoid, if NOT infected with AIDS. In closing, be careful and keep an eye on your health but keep the whole subject within reason and common sense. Two cases in a population of 70+ million ...........? The blackmailers now will refer to "it always starts with two cases" - your call!
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