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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Somchai made a well-deserved break at the local pub and had to say hello to his Mianoi in his favourite house of ill repute ....... why are you asking?
  2. While the BIB (the immigration is a sub-division) were, are and most likely stay unable to get the Red Bull sweetheart on the run for meanwhile 10+ years, despite TV crews could find him without a problem ........ they hunt all over Thailand to look after those dirty farang and alien. Look into your computers, EVERYthing is recorded there and just run a list of overstayers. You know where those culprits are (unlike a substantial number of semi-divine Thais who do NOT live at their registered address) and go after them without all this rannygazoo of "hunting", "coming out in force" etc. As the police is, like all other government agencies, completely overstaffed, it would be an easy task to just include this duty in their regular day-to-day scores.
  3. Maybe the Thais need to be told, that no foreigner so far could roll up his property, pack it into a suitcase and take it along back to his homeland. Look at all the property and assets owned by the oligarch elite overseas, accounting for billions of dollars, and not one of them arrived at Bangkok airport with a plot of land in their luggage. Maybe time to throw out this medieval paragraph and let inferior dirty farang and alien own some land for own private use? The Thai law stipulates, that everybody is equal. Well, explain that to the non-Thai husband, when his Thai wife makes a runner with Somchai and takes land title deeds, usually paid in full and exclusively by the non-Thai husband, along. I was told, that non-Thai spouses have to legally sign a document at the land office to forfeit their right in a land, where everybody is equal. Go figure ........ pathetic farçe!
  4. Ah, the North Korean version of percentage expression - the country which achieves 118% of all voters voting for ........... you know the script ????
  5. Thank Chavalit Yongchaiyuth and his cronies; he was the one running around proclaiming "Green Isan" or "อีสานเขียว" some 35 years ago - the result of his endeavours of irrigation management are finally evident.
  6. They will know for sure on 13 July latest. It might be later though as you could also see the inability to figure out eight years of sitting on the prime ministers sedan chair which got slightly extended to 9+. Lets wait and see, an interesting summer ahead ????
  7. 3,000 baht for the school lunch per semester? Given the Thai love for public, religious and royal holidays you can assume, that a semester 90 school days, i.e. 3'000 for 90 meals or 34 Baht/meal. As it is most likely outsourced servicing the operator wants to make some money. Go figure! You get what you pay for and in this case the kiddos are the definite losers and explains the present state of affairs as far as health in children in Thailand (as well as most other countries) is concerned. Apart from missing basic needs of minerals, vitamins and salts the nutritional values of the pictured kitchen disaster is self-explanatory.
  8. While any pornograpic issue whatsoever (life shows, movies, pictures etc.) are forbidden by law. Has ever anyone told these people, that the calendar refers to 2566 - or in Western terms - 2023? Just wondering if and when they will come out from under their hiding stone .......
  9. Well, I call it neo-slavery. Most Cambodians (like Burmese and Laotians) work here illegally, some of the Burmese even paperless as they fled from the genocide across the border. Too many Thai businesses benefit of the status-quo by running their businesses with neo-slaves, latter without legal protection, insurance or minimum salaries - exploitable to the very end. The reference to MFP would have to verified by MFP directly; what the media carried/carries at the moment is a subjective wrong position and does not reflect MFP's views on the subject. Is it dinosaur Hun Sen doing his brethren in the West a verbal favour?
  10. Given the fact, that eggs are a local product by local chicken fed with locally milled feed mill food ...... but maybe the chicken kings of CP-group can answer that. Egg prices are like the stock exchange, they can change daily - to the benefit of the chicken? Another interesting discovery is, that eggs sold in wholesale markets are usually cheaper than the mom and pop shop around the corner selling eggs laid by their own "in-house" hen ...... your call!
  11. So it is either excellent weed smoked by the goons or just the regular recurrence of day dreaming. Does anyone in his/her right mind think, that the present political Hickhack would help in any way to boost confidence of buyers or investors? Where does the Thai Baht stand in 2024 and later? Some 10+ years ago the red and yellow shirts celebrated their multi week stand-off with warlike cordons in downtown Bangkok and closed airports - during in peace time. Is Thailand the right destination for their next holidays which they start planning now for winter 23/24? Hundred thousands of tourists got stucked at Swampi, Don Meauioing and U-tapao; some lot their jobs because they were 2 weeks late back to work, others had financial impacts of "extra unpaid leave" as Western companies certainly would not cover "late return to work due to political unrest in Thailand" ..... International news services (BBC, CNN, DW, TV5 and France24, just to name a few) ensured proper coverage of the "fight of the Titans" in Thailand back then. The fight of the dinosaurs against elected MFP will affect foreign exchange rates for sure so, whatever those governmental agencies of DBD, TAT and other official fan clubs come up with - take it with the possible bigger-than-usual grain of salt!
  12. To all landlords, put it in writing. I saw contracts clearly stipulating, that a delay of more than 30 calendar (note, not week- but calendar) days in rent payment would allow the landlord to extradite the tenant. The property would be emptied, the belongings kept for another 30 days after which the left behinds would be considered forfeited. The legal reason behind this is that the security deposit alone is not sufficient to cover eventual costs left behind by a tenant being in arrear.
  13. Nobody might buy these books. I had a big collection of English, French and German books and gave them away free of charge to a second-hand book store in the end!
  14. I just hope that this terrible immigration office in Phibul Mangsahan is no longer the only place in Ubol. Years ago I needed a re-entry permit and was sent back to Bangkok to get it. In Bangkok they laughed and said, that a re-entry permit can be obtained everywhere. Driving all the way back I passed the Phibul Mangsahan office again and told the lady in no uncertain terms, how much fun it was to waste two days for something she was supposed to do within her line of duty. Answer was, that Bangkok can say, what they want and that they knew what their duties are and what not. If the same people would be in charge of checking vehicles on paid road tax or valid driving licenses ........ but let's not go there - me thinks!
  15. Counting is one thing, accepting individuals in a party another ....... let's wait and see, if the counting and re-counting was worth the endeavour ????
  16. Now that's a LOT of cash for all those promising statistics, forecasts and their daydreaming of zillions of tourists spending 10, 20, 30 or 40 thousand Baht a day ......... Keep up the good work - entertaining all the while ????
  17. You're too kind; among the other 10% more than half would have expired licenses, ID cards or operate with the paperwork of a "friend" ????
  18. I am always appalled by the number of poisonous snakes around the government house .......
  19. I would rid planet Earth from such elements; a cold blooded murder = death penalty. You will not reduce crime but you will ensure, that this person will never ever even have a parking fine and relief the state's coffers of the expense to lock up such pristine elements of our society!
  20. As long as medical doctors, lawyers, teachers and government officials are being hailed as semi-divine, do not expect any changes. I've asked each and every medical doctor on how they got to the diagnosis they made and, more than once, I was verbally reprimanded for querying their professional competence. I replied in all cases that this is certainly not the case but I would like to understand, what is going on. In two cases I went for another opinion just to hear, that the first medic's diagnosis was completely off the sheet. And in both cases it happened in one of Bangkok's top rated and very expensive hospitals ...... Bottomline is, ALWAYS go for two, eventually three opinions - in your own interest ????
  21. Well, immigration and bureaucracy is a Thai things but it gets a nuisance only once you have a non-Thai tenant. Some landlords simply cannot be asred to deal with non-Thai-related bureaucracy. I - for one - have my tenants in my wife's properties to access the TM30 software themselves and they all manage. But it is time to throw this silly law overboard as well as it only makes life miserable. Thais themselves have such a tremendous mess in their civil registrar so maybe they start cleaning up that act first by moving the entire registration closer to the 21st century.
  22. They violate their very reason for having been granted a "license" to operate a cab. Revoke the license for good, confiscate their driving license for a cab and ensure a juicy fine. After 10 - 20 indictments I am sure that the message will get across. All that pussyfooting around the semi-divine Khon Thai has to stop, in the interest of Thailand and its people (of which the visiting tourists can only benefit as well).
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