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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Well, I hear that hundreds of buses are leaving for U-Tapao airport to apply at the "After Flight" A-Go-Go emporium. Are these people for real, honestly?
  2. So the kindergarten is in full swing with Bhumjaithai's turn in throwing a tantrum. What this country and its present system needs is someone to smack all those childish fighters and tell them to stop their Hickhack and start working for the voters who put them in office.
  3. Anything official in this country is a godforsaken mine field and chances are, that you blow yourself up whichever direction you go. But it is the Thai citizen with their voting rights grossly misinterpreting their power and so they just follow the gravy train of vote buying and smoke-screen governmental hand-outs. While 40 years ago I could understand the ignorance of the voters to a certain extent I am appalled by the ignorance of the generations which followed. Thailand as such is a failed state and could have done soooooo much better, for the improvement of the very same Thai citizen and Thai voter. There's an easy way and a painful path; the flock of sheep chose the stony way to the slaughterhouse operated by all those eliterian oligarchs, the BiB, the crooks in uniforms hiding between countless numbers of articles, be it 112, 272 or whatever else is well placed in the latest version of a "voter's approved" constitution. Thai people - it is your call if you are unhappy!
  4. Wichian Klanprasert, a Thai police officer, got killed on 3 September 2012 allegedly by Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya, grandson of billionaire Red Bull co-founder in a hit-and-run incident in Bangkok. The whole world knows, where this sweetheart of Thailand's future ran into hiding, Associated Press even got him in front of camera and microphone. The only ones dragging their feet BIIIIIIIG time are the very same BiB. While cleaning up Pattaya is more than long overdue and all those wannabe rockers in the "grey" area of legality are a nuisance to the rest of the population, it would really reinstate some trust and belief into the local BiB, if such cases (and there are many more) would be closed by apprehending the culprits to face the music - once and for all. I just wonder, how much it takes to keep Vorayuth out of a lifelong jail sentence (or the death penalty) for meanwhile almost 11 years.
  5. Wrong title, it is not "General Sereepisuth Temeeyaves (centre), a former National Police Chief" but rather "pristine example of a dinosaur of the first degree farting around in politics". Not the slightest clue of democracy but sitting snugly on his previous "achievements"; as long as you have such old farts coughing in the direction of press and microphones, you will not get anywhere. He should play with his grandkids, go fishing and enjoy the few years left - before also he has to hand in his dinner pale!
  6. Wondering what kind of excellent weed is smoked down by the Tourism Authority officers these days .........
  7. Maybe Prayut and the Jurassic Park presently running the show should not call but listen - for a change ????
  8. Honestly, does anyone think that Thailand ever cared about what others think about them? Thailand's interpretation of law and order can be explained very, very simple: A few weeks ago a German with a "tainted" background got butchered in Pattaya. There was an outcry by literally everybody and within zero time all suspects got apprehended and booked. For the outside world the law has been enforced and is now legal fodder. The very same authorities have been, (purposely or not?) hunting for the priceling of Red Bull, Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya, whose declared wealth, according to Bloomberg, reads USD 27 billion as of March 2023. Even Associated Press found his whereabouts in London in their first attempt yet he has been on the run for more than ten years. A Thai passport has a maximum lifespan of ten years. All the rest is up to the gifted readers ........... and might depend on the relatively thick sizes of wrappers, so timely dished over and over again to make sure that the story does not go down in history of the Yoovidhyas. And, despite this legal "query", the yearly sales figures have exceeded more than one can of the sludge per earthling. Your call!
  9. Is it not appaling, how medieval all this musical-chair-performance of all those dinosaurs appears? Anutin can "supply" MPs to get a political party into the driver seat. In a democracy voters are the legislative and the Anutins are the executives but here ....... Democracy in Thailand is confirming, once more again, the very own interpretation of the system without similarity to the proclaimed manifest. But it remains with the semi-divine Thai voters to live with the mess they have been voting ...... or for their unwillingness to change a completely rotten system so utterly misused all in the name of their nation, religion and monarchy.
  10. So we're back to the same wick as 2006 and 2014; I wonder if it will be the same show again, when the army will dethrone Pheu Thai, under the guided puppet master leadership of the Brother in exile, with a little coup d'état? Stay tuned, the boys in uniforms will be watching until the watching is over ????
  11. Years back I wanted a re-entry permit from the immigration office in Korat. As I was registered in Nong Khai then, the officer said that I would have to get the re-entry permit in Nong Khai and flatly refused to do it. I went on to Buriram, got my re-entry t here in order to cross into Cambodia. Quite obviously the entire immigration's revamp from scratch is overdue; if you are punished by dealing with a p1rkc of an officer, usually lacking thorough knowledge of the (arguably confusing and overlapping) rules and regulations or has an inferiority complex which is vented on such occasions .........
  12. So there is the very last four years of stealing, lying, cheating and story telling ahead of us. 2027 then will be the year (latest), when Thailand is inching its way into the 21st century and will be sending crooks, thieves, oligarchs, eliterian dinosaurs and the likes into the abyss.
  13. Well, if the government and its politicians did, what they were told by the voters, then there is absolutely NOTHING they need to be worried about. The government is executive, the electorate is legislative, i.e. the government and its branches like police and the armed forces are executive help to the government and the government is executing, what voters voted for at the polls. Or am I misunderstanding something here again - as so often in the past in Thailäääännnn?
  14. All the while, the entire world is "concerned" about the US in general, its tattering president and the USD 886 billion defense budget approval for 2024. So, what exactly is the US' point? Thailand will fix its own problems in its own way by its own people. I strongly suggest that the American people and their government is doing EXACTLY the very same - clean up your own mess first, pay up all your debts in zillions of USD and then wait for someone knocking on your door, if and when help, advice and/or assistance is needed.
  15. Many years ago I attended a wild party and, well, had it with a parrot. Seeing the picture of Thammanat I was wondering, if he is the result of that wild party ............ One billion Baht - nice going for a doctorate from a laundry shop in California who spent four years in an Aussie slammer for a miracle of leaving Thailand with flour just to arrive down under with illegal powdery stuff ........ As long as you have such creatures around (I also saw that Chalerm was popping up again) ....... good luck Thailand!
  16. Another little land mine in the military-drafted constitution. Maybe have a look at countries withOUT a constitution but a proper set of laws which is also enforced without exception, bribes or endings ..........
  17. Wanted to buy a Mac Mini M2 in Nong Khai. Authorized dealers told me everything from fairy tale to pure nonsense, down payment of X, waiting between two weeks and two months and, the best is yet to come. In one shop they told me to go online and that is exactly what I did. But I ordered it from the manufacturer directly and got the machine in 48 hours, accompanied by a few phone calls of thank you for your order, shipment getting ready, shipped, delivery under way and arrival tomorrow between 2 - 3 pm. Question now is, how often do I ever go and visit any of those dealers again in the future. Same is with basics like shaving cream. Lotus carried Barbasol and then, all of a sudden, out of stock. Called in every few days - same answer. Googled the product, found the importer, ordered (37% cheaper) directly from them. How often will I go back to buy many, many things which I got at shops prior to the pandemic?
  18. It could not be more Thai than this. If they have to take a position or decide on something else but food or fun, then they love to be ........ absent. Unless in an ICU on life support, all those absentees should be fired immediately without any possibility of ever taking a political position ever again. How can you be absent during such an important meeting, really!
  19. I was always treated very nicely and correct with the officers at Chong Mek; same can be said about their Laotian colleagues in Vang Tao ????
  20. Maybe that is the price the Thais have to pay as an installment to move their country into the 21st century. They went through Covid with zero compensation so, one more season down the Chao Phraya might be a one-time pain compared to what the dinosaur congregation of the oligarch elite will do to this country and its people for the foreseeable time ........ time will tell!
  21. Well, well, what do you know! Peaceful election, clear results, chairs being moved around and the police has to prepare for protests? Do not tell me, that something went wrong to the extent, that some voters are seriously cross now? Because that would be absolutely undemocratic ????
  22. What a ridiculous farçe - let's see, what those 14+ million voters have to say who got nicely shafted once more again. But yes, it is an US-pleasing democratic movement trail, according to Washington DC
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