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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The bottom of the ladder; below the semi-divine Thai you have all the non-Thais legally in the country, then the non-Thais with paper illegally in the country and then the crowd of stateless neo-slaves who can be exploited and scared to death. Note to self: happens in the 21st century apparently in a non-third world country
  2. Once upon a time in a massage parlour in Chiang Mai ....... yet another lovely Thai story!
  3. The answer is partly in the tremendous complicated and incompetent bureaucracy. Identify yourself upon arrival at the hospital and get a barcoded wristband which creates/accesses medical history as well as what is needed this time round. At the end, see the cashier, get the (overpriced) medicine if applicable and on departure your wristband is cut off and destroyed. If you see all those endless photocopies (don't forget to use blue ink for verification signature) and tons of files being driven around from A to D, back to C and onto F just to end with B (where it actually should have ended two hours ago) .........
  4. Honestly, how can anyone legally earn that much money? But maybe it's like the saying goes "if someone earns money without work then someone else is working for less than his worth". No wonder the "status quo" on all fronts are of survival importance to the oligarch elite, the dinosaurs and all the crooks in various coloured crisp uniforms. Not my circus, not my monkey but - as a Thai citizen - I would start wondering ...........
  5. The sluggish revival of business tourism, coupled with Thailand’s failure to establish itself as a global connection hub, has resulted in Thai Airways’ brand value lagging behind its rivals. Not quite so, Thai Airways (TG) dropped from a top star airline in the 80s to a flying play- and fun ground to the pleasure of staff, friends of staff, assorted crooks (like suppliers) and politicians. The difference a 7/11 down the street is, that TG is a 7/11 without a cashier desk, staff or till on the way out. So everybody helped themselves while there was anything available. Corruption marred with incompetent arrogance - the results are here. Sadly, this pristine piece of aviation under the baton of aviation experts like Capt. Yothin, Chatichai Bunya-ananta etc. took a turn after the forced retirement of the latter in 1992, when the air force boys not having the slightest clue moved in while the goons at the Ministry of Finance started breathing down TG's neck. How sad, from riches to rags ....... welcome aboard ????
  6. Thai democracy explained, the script is given and no surprises expected by the old goats in the dirty farang stable ????
  7. In Rainbow, 19 were foreigners and 66 were employees, while in Spice Girl, 10 foreigners and 28 employees Together, 29 alien and 94 Thais. Could it be, that those zillions of tourists are no longer interested in the bar scenes of the Land or .... if those zillions have shrunk to a few millions only? Maybe the chicken are coming home to roost?
  8. The show is well under way ........ get the pop corn out for next week, it will be as interesting as May 1992 8-)
  9. Simple, force the van owner (that tour company) to reveal the full details of the driver, otherwise the license is revoked, together with the assigned van, until the matter is cleared. You would be surprised, how quickly Somchai is being torn on his hair into the police station by the tour company ........ But yeah, as the slogan goes "Amazing Thailand" or "Welcome to Thailand", the land of the semi-divine where absof"*=(=)?tely everything goes overboard in their racist thinking against alien, dirty farang, kaek (dark skinned) or check (Chinese).
  10. Wonders never seize: 300+ billion (not million) carried-forward losses 10 billion profit end of March while 20 billion losses were accrued by their 100% daughter enterprise Thai Smile; latter to be integrated 100% into Thai Airways Can anyone tell me, where my mistake in Thai mathematics is?
  11. C'est le ton qui fait la musique! The senator is absolutely right in saying "..... other names could ........ be put forward ..... and the Move Forward leader doesn’t have to be the sole candidate". The statement is correct so best we leave it to the MFP people who got elected to sort out that problem as they will have to chose the leader under whom they want to work. But, as said, the rhetoric has changed in the right direction!
  12. When hunting a rabbit; missing it by left and next shot missing it by right = by statistical value the rabbit is ready for your pan. On a more serious note I wonder, where the 49'500 Baht/Chinese come from. Even if this amount is correct, i.e. that is what Mr and Mrs China spend on an average Thailand trip, they do that with their agency in China. They fly on Chinese carriers, use Chinese travel agents for ground arrangements (buses etc.), stay in Chinese owned/run hotels and get hushed-hushed through Thailand by Chinese operators. The net value staying behind for Thailand and its people is a fraction of this. That is, why they call them the zero-dollar tourists. The customer base from the Middle East is less than welcome; Thais have a thing with "dark skinned" people and call them "Khaek" which also covers Southasians and our friends in Africa.
  13. Let's get the popcorn; it will be an interesting summer - me thinks!
  14. Most likely sick, vomitted over the balcony and followed "the content of his stomach". An actual description of a suicide quite a few years ago in the Pattaya Mail. "followed the content of his stomach" - you have to think of that first!
  15. 1.2 million of which are Thais and 860,000 are mostly Russian, Chinese, Taiwanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese. So the dirty farang are no longer a momentum and, despite all the endeavors of the goons at the tourism promotion board in the dunes of the Middle East and papadam parties in South Asia, those target groups did not make it onto the top of the list. It was a price game with quality tourists helping the local providers to upgrade their product which resulted in earning X with, for argument's sake, 100 guests. The volume game did not require any upgrade (possibly even downgrading the product/offering) and today it takes 1'000 guests to earn X. A matter of philosophy; I still believe it is easier on the price game - less staff, smaller infrastructure, less capital tied up but I am not in the local tourism industry.
  16. Of course you can satisfy a lady 28 years your junior. The secret key to happiness is called ATM. Thank me later ????
  17. Well, well, what do I know? When the house is on fire and I douse it with water I worry about the water damage? The death penalty serves to avoid the culprit of doing ever anything wrong again. And I would assume, that most rapists are more into raping than into worrying about the aftermath, otherwise the aftermath would be the hinderance of the rape in the first place. Needless to say that you cannot let loose cannons like rapists get away with lukewarm sentences of a few years in the slammer rather than getting rid of them once and for all - for the potential fear that the rapist might kill the victim. I cannot put myself into the position of a rapist .........
  18. Ok, the script is always the same: - inactive posting, and should the story not dwindle down on its on, then - everything a big misunderstanding End of script; get ready for the next little fairy tale chapter of BIBs
  19. What has this to do with Chuan Leepai, except that he happens to be the father of the fellow. Too many fathers are regretfully aware of the misbehaving of their offsprings; how many "clean" kids had less than clean parents? The link to the father is politically motivated - nothing else!
  20. Look at the pricing and all questions are answered. For a hop from one to the next beach you pay anything between 600 - 1'000 Baht to the cabbie. 400 Baht take you from downtown Bangkok to the airport and there are taxi operators getting you from Bangkok to Pattaya (130kms) for 1'200 Baht. And that is only taxi, the same applies to many restaurant, bars and some hotels. Your call ????
  21. Look at the childish and ridiculous conditions of the venue operator and you want to stay back home; all the while the same conditions must be excellent material for Cleese for a future "evening" for the public. Most likely though nobody would believe him back in Europe ????
  22. Well, in a land which has been milking zillions off tourism it is scary to see, that the local mafia is still full steam at work. If you cannot get the taxi service sorted to be a "service" rather than a rip-off then something went wrong. Since 1987 (Amazing Thailand - remember) it is the next generation of crooks, thieves and gangsters at work; previously more in Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya but now apparently spreading their wings into the sticks of the hinterland of Isan. Keep up the good work and, yes, withhold names as it would result in a possible loss of the ever-so-important-face or getting thrown into the slammer for "defamation"!
  23. Gone unnoticed for years ...... really? There is a reason, why I personally still advocate for the death penalty for all those paedophiles, rapists and drug dealers. It will not make unhappen all those damages which they created but you protect the society from future "incidents" by the culprit and save the taxpayer a fortune. A X years stay in a penitentiary very, very rarely corrects a culprit and certainly does not undo the damages to the victims - me thinks! In this case, rid planet Earth from the culprit - unsure though what to do with the parents of the 8-years old but, for good measure, it is simply not possible that such issues go "unnoticed"!
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