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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. ‘No curb on inequality’: Experts say huge rich-poor divide will remain under new govt" - really? If you ask me, the curb is widening while we speak ........ at least on the countryside
  2. OK, get in the queue for "to be ripped off as not Finnish" and subsequently queue at "to be ripped off more as not EU citizen". Then fill in landing/departure card FM6, swear to God that you will do your 45-days notification or you will be fined THB 10'000, don't forget the FM30 notification should you travel around and be prepared to pay at least double at restaurants and the 20-fold price of a local in National Parks, Museums et al. No, all rubbish - I mixed it up. Get off the plane and go through immigration, no forms, no fees, no agents, no nothing. Your travel document is OK otherwise the airline will not even let you board the plane. Change money at the airport; possibly some already here in Thailand depending on your arrival weekday/-time if banks are closed and Thai Baht, not being the world's leading currency in other places, might not be known in each and every smaller place outside i.e. Helsinki. And yes, it will be a tat cooler than Krungthep ???? Bon voyage!
  3. Well, it did for the last 35 years and I never heard of any PR being revoked, if you follow the rules - which I do. The re-entry is generating some money into the state's coffers; absent for more than one year = PR considered invalid. The police station's visit (a 30 seconds affair) every five years has nothing to do with "trust" but is rooted in the aftermath of the Vietnam war with tens of thousands of refugees. Then they wanted to know, where they are and the never revoked that requirement. On "normal visa" you have the 90-days reporting = same reasoning after 1975 ????
  4. Well, they've used third party satellites for this; Thaksin sent another satellite into space during his tenure. Result is floods everywhere as the "mishaps" due to total incompetence happens on the ground. It is not a rich man's toy but I am pretty sure it made a few people "un-poor" to stay in line with political correctness. And, as said, there are possibly more urgent issues for for millions of Thais hovering over poverty and very bleak existence - my irrelevant thoughts to the subject.
  5. Are these people for real? Just gave me yet another reason not going there for shopping. Maybe it explains the "s" when they renamed the stores to Lotus's ????
  6. I just love how they swing the psychological warfare sword over all those non-Thais in a country, where 50% of the population is not living at the registered address; half Isan is working along the seashore or in Bangkok's suburban manufacturing and all their house registrations are somewhere all over the 17 provinces in Northeastern Thailand or another dozen or so in the North. Everybody is same in Thailand, irrespective of race, religion or nationality - yet some are just samer than others ????
  7. Well, the local alternative might be a touch of mishandling the kids by slapping, whipping, dashing, lashing or flogging. Those semi-divine teachers, Khun Kroo, are - by all accounts - not native speakers of the language. Explains the present disastrous level of foreign languages spoken by the 20 - 30 years old and much worse among the younger ones ???? The following entertaining clip wraps it up quite nicely on what might go on in Thai classrooms when English is being taught ???? https://youtu.be/Ep-l8B8nNb8?t=60
  8. Is it just me or does Benny Hill spring to mind when looking at the photo of the original poster? Pattaya, the mother of all launching pads, in a path blazing mission again ???? Well done, keep up the good work ????
  9. How sporty of him - does it means that, without income, he would have to walk to and from work now?
  10. Got mine in 1988; never regretted it. A tedious uphill walk the bureaucracy mountain of your home country as well as Thailand but once you have it, forget all the stamps, permits, TM1-100; the only thing they want afterwards is a re-entry permit (should you wish to leave the country) and a quick visit at the police station every five years. During Covid I did not leave Thailand and hence did not see a single immigration or any other government agency during the whole time.
  11. After working 20 years in Bangkok and 15 years in Pattaya I retired to Nong Khai some five years ago - what a fantastic ride; lovely people, compact city with competent and customer-friendly governmental and private business people. Fancy shopping is off the cards but 30 minutes away is Vientiane (visa free for me) and 50 minutes away is Udon with whatever you fancy. In the sticks of Isan; well I am not too sure about that but a small provincial functioning city, anytime.
  12. Ah, that will be most delightful news for all the grannies, uncles and aunties without running tap water and inconsistent power supply in the sticks of Northeastern Thailand. They were equally delighted, when the news on the three engineless submarines broke - well done, keep up the good work! The families trying to make ends meet so the kids can purchase the overpriced shoes and funny uniforms at the only authorized outlet in/near the school will also be happy about the fact, that Thailand is approaching the interstellar stage with huge steps ????
  13. It seems to help in political careers in Thailand, if you're a crook and, as other esteemed members of the sitting government prove, once you're out of the slammer you can end up as agricultural minister. How that all works though puzzles me daily ???? ????
  14. Just in case anyone wonders, where 560 billion Thai Baht will be coming from, it is apparently the GSB (government savings bank) and not the government directly. Worst case scenario is to send this bank down the drain (as so happened with 56 out of 57 finance companies owned by commercial banks back in 1997). The ultimate payee will be the tax payer and the digital cash (I heard as of 16 and not 18) will be have to spent near the residence of the lucky fellow. So vote buying gets a new interpretation and most likely the money can be used in an eliterian oligarch-owned sales outlet of fast moving consumer goods. 7/11 and similar spring to mind ...... This country is never short of surprises, really!
  15. Well, it also helps if you have friends at higher places and even more help, if this help comes from in-laws - I was told ????
  16. .... and here is the missing form TM8, an application form for a re-entry permit; print out both pages (or front-/backside) and complete/sign it with BLUE ink/ballpen ???? TM 8 Re-entry application.pdf
  17. Thank you, did not know that - every day is school day ????
  18. Pictoral input of quality tourism by the red brethren from the North ???? Happy days are here again ...... pictures from public domain of Chinese beaches - go figure how that will "beautify" Phuket and "invite" quality tourists from faraway lands ????
  19. Pictoral input of quality tourism by the red brethren from the North ???? Happy days are here again ...... pictures from public domain of Chinese beaches - go figure how that will "beautify" Phuket and "invite" quality tourists from faraway lands ????
  20. So less useless clowns having ongoing field days? How unfair of the big wig!
  21. Thailand's tax income must be enormously better than anticipated by one and all - well done!
  22. The latest linguistic challenges between East and West could include: Suvarnabhumi, which is pronounced "Souwannaphoom" for English speakers, "Suwannaphuhm" for German speakers and "Souvannaphoum" for our French friends. In general, the English phonetics should prevail. Another lovely example is Pattaya, Pattya, Bad Thaya etc. while the beach of Jomtien can read Chomthien, Chom Thian and, my favourite being "Haad Choum Tien" (Haad stands for "beach"). Unless you put an educated bilingual desk in charge of this, Thailand will always feature hilarious signs to the benefit of non-Thai entertainment, me thinks!
  23. During that time, no one less than the former prime minister, serving also as defense minister, was in charge. So it happened during his watch, and if it happened before him but after 2014, then Prawatch might be taken for questioning. While I certainly would not accuse either gentlemen of being directly involved, it is obvious, that apart from murky aircraft carrier and submarines deals it seems, that there are some other "leaks" (pun intended) within the armed forces ........
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