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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Fire them or lock 'em up in one of your Bangkok Hilton suites and throw away the keys. Such pr1cks do not deserve better and might serve as an example to all the other crooks in uniform!
  2. If you fiddle too much on the diesel price, then all hell will break lose here in the Land of Semi-Divines. There is no subsidy by the government, what happens is that their taxing of diesel is less than all those years before. So do not get blended with "government subsidies" - all bo11ocks! If diesel is getting too costly, then the clowns in uniforms will be seeing the heat coming from all those 75% of Thais who are hovering over poverty line with their unpaid pick-ups and agricultural machinery. Everything else went up considerably more than just 5% - 10%, locally grown bell peppers were 89 Baht, now the same stuff is 139 Baht, eggs saw a skyrocketing development of more than 20% too. So, in all honesty, what are you talking about?
  3. Trust me, these are readings from a province or two; the daily average without booze, silly days etc. is in the 60s so 28 ........ But like anything else, it is up to you to trust the information ........... or not! Does it matter? No. Provided the figure is accurate, still 28 people are not getting up this morning, hundreds of family members and friends grief and thousands are in one or the other way affected (work, insurances etc.).
  4. Until the big wigs of the land are reasoning to acceptable levels, there is only one thing to note! Stay away from Thailand; you cannot prove a negative and hence you're taking a 50%/50% chance of getting locked up at random in a seriously overpriced hotel serving cold carp in plastic containers served by "staff" dressed up in transparent garbage bags. Go elsewhere, be it within Europe, Senegal, Central or South America but by all means stay away from these loose cannons here for the time being.
  5. Everybody is equal in front of the law - here in Thailand (and not only in Thailand) some are more equal than others - simple as that ????
  6. I suggest 500 years of jail for the dirty farang who dared to visit the planet's biggest house of ill repute! That is what it is; little can be added to the "undamaged" reputation of the seaside resort ????
  7. Absolutely amazing, they can invent, invoke, cancel or annul laws and fines at their liking. Once you're finished with this most important assignment, then get the """alleged""" murderer of Wichian Klanprasert - one of their fellow Thai police officer on duty - Vorayuth Yoovidhya. Ah, and do not forget to sip a Red Bull before this difficult overdue assignment. But finish first by arresting dirty farang and semi-divine Thais alike for water splashing for nothing less than two years! What a bunch of pr1cks!
  8. Please do not try to tell me, that you've expected anything else. Thailand is the planet's biggest kindergarten and once the cat is gone, the mice will play. Simple as that, has always been like that and will most likely not change. I - for one - don't have a problem with it. I dug in for the silly days and will resurface next week again, the infection link between Songkran and the coronaphobia lacks proof - as most other statements. In closing, is it not interesting that the same PM refers to the law who broke the law by putsching himself onto the government throne some eight years ago?
  9. Well, I arrived in the early 80s and the Mitraphab Highway was a far, very far cry from what it is today. The US poured hundreds of millions of dollars into infrastructure to accommodate their secret war; the bill for the Thai infrastructure went, together with the trillions of the second Indochina war, onto the tax payers account. The Thais keep up the good work, even spend some of the highway budget on actual road construction and up keeping and, having driven all over Indochina, I can attest that the Thai road network is the best of 'em all. After the US left, ADB came in and once the Thai government came to money, they maintained, improved and expanded the existing grid. Latter less for up keeping but for the commissioning; most politicians have somewhere on their family tree some construction companies - see the sitting health minister and his little deals. I was actually more referring to the fact that the carnage over the next seven days is related to law enforcement - ahem the absence of implementing existing rules and regulations - rather than the road grid though.
  10. It's not about public health or any other concern - except power; absolute power corrupts absolutely! Same with no booze on Buddhist days - Thailand is the only country with such a law; apparently the Burmese, Laotian or Cambodian for that matter have a different Lord.
  11. Either stuff all those jabs up yours ........ or do, what most Europeans, Caribbean, African, Central and South American countries are doing = nothing. No test, no nothing. Either above listing of continents will prove that 50% of the population will be extinct in a few weeks or ...... the clowns of clowns will have to come up with some better jokes. Yet another reason not to travel into/from Thailand anytime soon .........
  12. As long as this country is run by such an unqualified bunch of clowns ........ The key would be law enFORCEment, not bribe-taking. Excellent example is the tremendous traffic jam upon entering Nong Khai on friendship highway number 2. Some just hand over some cash and drive on while others seem to argue and hence are held up - until softened enough?
  13. The race is on already; the body snatchers are roaming the city already looking for prey. Thailand's biggest problem is its own people - next please!
  14. No wonder that the longer the more Thai women decide to stay single. This chauvinism of male superiority has to be brought to a screeching halt. I hope this case finds a judge handing down the death sentence as there is no way to cure such sick minds and society has to be freed from such pr1cks - once and for good!
  15. In closing, the LCC "Thai Vietjet Air" operated upto four flights between BKK Bangkok-Suvannaphoum and UTH Udon Thani; most of them with a load factor of more than 90% while Thai Airways and its associates were all parked solidly on the ground during the height of Covid. Their year-end closing 2021 comments were, as per Thai Vietjet Air, a black Zero which I find a remarkable result and proof of professional management and staff trying all to get through. All the while Thai's decision of self-grounding by their board seem to have gone pretty unnoticed - while the only savings was the kerosene they did not use ???? But it seems that selling retired airline seats can flush in 55 billion Baht (if my memory serves me right) during the last year. Not flying pays!
  16. Another interesting graphic interpretation of how Thai Airways is run ..........
  17. Given Thai Airways "understanding" of network is shown on its official route map (Paris, Rom and Madrid spring to mind) and the inflight service, well, ........ must be "Weight Watchers Delight". Their customer service is not reachable by phone and visiting the counter reveals "out of order". Does the addition of three B777 with first class configuration bring back all those millions of passengers, who - like I - just had it and will fly anything but Thai Airways? Seriously doubt it.
  18. By all accounts, Thai Airways is bankrupt with something like 10+ billion USD (ten billion American Dollars) in the red. Before breaking the news, they "privatized" the airline. Over the last 30 years, ever since the forced retirement of previous chairman Chatichai Bunya-ananta and the rest of real aviation professionals like Captain Yothin, Nils Lumholdt etc. the airline flew only downwards. An interesting comparison, I overheard was, that Thai Airways is like a 7/11 without cashier on the way out = everybody can help themselves. Well, something has to feed no less than 43 Vice Presidents ........ You find defunct aircraft littered all over Thailand, be it stored in U-tapao or other provincial airports or a decorative element at the Terminal 21 in Pattaya (B737) or Chic Chic Nong Khai (B747), along Sukhaphiban Road (B747) etc. etc. The rest of most of the fleet is in Mojave - parked indefinitely and not gone but definitely forgotten! How does a lessor ensure, that the leased B777, state-of-the-air, less than one week in Thailand with its paint still wet, will see the agreed leasing fees? It is proven beyond any doubt that the successive boards of this airline over the last decades had everything in mind except running a professional and profitable airline
  19. Indeed, so any non-Vientiane-bound traffic will be facilitated as further down the Mekong there are existing (mostly empty) border crossings in Nakhon Phanom/Thakhek, Mukdahan/Savannakhet and Chongmek/Vang Tau linking Ubol Ratchathanee with Pakse (albeit the bridge is 40kms east of the border). From Udon Thani to Northeastern Laos (and ultimately Northwestern Vietnam) will just have become more accessible with this additional bridge.
  20. So, if my calculation is correct, then entire Thailand will have been infected in two months. Given the already administered 100+ million vaccinations, 2nd vaccinations and boosters agogo there is no reason whatsoever to do anything after 1 June ......... Just saying ..........
  21. 30 million - benefitting who? Songkran fun fund?
  22. Well, good luck to everybody living next to a doggie loving neighbour who has his canine not under control. I had a neighbor whose dogs barked 24/7. Moved away to the disappointment of the landlord .....
  23. There is indeed an Australian funded bridge, opened 28 years ago as Vientiane's lifeline to capitalism. Trucks, private vehicles and four daily train services are keeping the bridge busy but not overloaded. . What kills it is the sheer endless (Thai) paperwork, running for photocopies, carbon paper et al ... This - endless - paper avalanche required to cross the border which results in totally unnecessary queues. The enclosed photograph shows the papers I need to LEAVE Thailand, there is no Lao document shown here. The Thais require: - original blue car registration in your name - or power of attorney by car owner with: - copy of car owner's ID card, both sides - copy of car owner's blue house registration - international transport permit (called car passport) - information of conveyance (entire car details*), issued in duplicate - crew list (entire car details* plus driver details) - passenger list (entire car details* plus passenger details) - TM6 (arrival/departure card) - your passport and in case you are a permanent resident of Thailand like me: - certificate of residence booklet - blue house registration - brown/red police book * entire car details are registration plate, chassis number and engine number Upon clearing immigration you need to get a temporary export permit by the customs (duplicate as well) and then only you can leave Thailand. Upon arrival at the other end (Lao side) it requires only a Lao arrival/departure card, your passport; they will issue a temporary import permit for the vehicle (laissez passer issued by them) and you're clear to go - five minutes and you're through. The Thai paperwork issuance, checking and rechecking is what kills the time and is a total nuisance to border crossers. In closing; as a very frequent border crosser I have all forms completed - I only need to add the date and the signature - and provide photocopied full sets of documents. I know which booth and where, what fees are to be paid (having correct change handy). Despite all this, it takes me at least still half an hour to get through the curtain of governmental inefficiency on the Thai side! There are always a few newbies who get drowned in all those forms, papers, copies and what-have-yous! So, for me, travelling to Northeastern Laos, the new bridge will be a definite advantage as there will be simply fewer vehicles by more (documents) experienced driver ????
  24. " the previous 36 kms will be extended to 64 kms to ease traffic in the holidays." In other words, the country's biggest parking lot, i.e. the highways of Thailand over Songkran, just has been made bigger - good on you folks!
  25. Looking forward to this bridge; living in Nong Khai it will make a trip to the cooler highland of the Plain of Jars much easier ????
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