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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Is it possible that the big wigs in funny clothes running the show since May 2014 simply forgot to rewrite the constitution to fit their ambitions which resulted in capping the PM's tenure to a combined eight years? Or did Prawatch forget to wind up the borrowed wrist watches or set the alarms on the latter? One never knows in this country ........... you're welcome!
  2. And if you are at it, maybe you scrap the present government - or at least move them from the open window to make space for some fresh political air ...........
  3. Great thanks go to the Police in Lam Lukka for slapping the transgender person with four charges including obscene and annoying behavior in public and blocking the way. After having finished this milestone task the very same experts might want to carry on the good work by finalizing slapping on the open file on Vorayuth Yoovidhya. Wichian Klanprasert, a fellow Thai police officer, allegedly was killed by the afore-mentioned “Boss”; just in case the police would not know what to do next, that is ????
  4. Dont forget the special offer for young backpackers - specially theblonde British females - if they are lucky, they qualify for a free oneway trip to Koh Tao's Sairee beach!
  5. Just make sure that these "new toys for the uniformed boys" are being fitted WITH engines; the submarine deal seems to have forgotten this tiny little inclusion in the paperwork. I was not aware of the fact, that Thailand had such amounts of left money to be spent, I mean, 13.8 billion Baht is not to be sneezed at ....... But I am happy, that this surplus is there after having put free education for all up to university level and free healthcare for all into place. Well done!
  6. As I am a non-native English speaker; "being suicided" was supposed to refer to unfinished business not by the victim - to my apparent incomplete understanding.
  7. It is not only scrapping all that nonsense; Thailand is challenged to rebuild its entire tourism industry, be it local or international tourism. And the latter will be the most rewarding - financially speaking - but also the most difficult with a serious uphill battle problem. Lets wait and see; I - for one - do no longer believe in Santa Claus. Thailand had it all, a mono-destination, and excellent product at competitive pricing, lovely people - a guaranteed success. That was 30+ years ago. Today, Thailand has fierce competition in all categories, high pricing and more often than not rude, impolite, careless, selfish, exclusively money-driven people who, compared to their parents, are not even willing to work anymore. Bonne chance Thaïlande - would the French say!
  8. The technical term is called "being suicided" ........ and the final report came nicely wrapped in very thick envelopes ????
  9. Well, some 60+ years ago already the Americans lent a helpful hand to Indochinese "medicine". Remember the Air America services rendered to the poppy culture which later on turned out to be CIA's involvement in the non-existing Secret War? Are we seeing the beginning of an Encore now on a different level? It remains a fact, that the US has lost most of its grip here in this part of the world, partly due to their own behaviour, partly due to the "friendly assistance" rendered by the big red brethren in the North!
  10. Is it just me or are some higher-ups stirring the s"*ç%t? Anutin declared some time ago that he's ready to serve as PM, sugar loaf Thammanat also reconfirmed his political sacrifice for the Land while Somkit is being named as well. On the other hand there is some massive bashing on the Democrats going on. While Prinn certainly has a lot of explanation to render - provided this is at all possible and Jurin could be accused for not having done his homework properly when getting Prinn onto the boat ........ Politics is dirty business and not only since yesterday and certainly in Thailand. So, separate the dirt of politics from individual screenings of backgrounds. If Prinn is indeed a rapist, then lock him up for good and throw away the key; his raping has noting to do with (Democrats) politics nor his pristine exemplary father, who had served Thailand domestically as well as internationally sharing the WTO chair in Geneva back in the day!
  11. Well, mysterious are the ways of the East: - locally grown tobacco = very cheap - local cigarettes = cheap - imported cigarettes = tax higher than the sales price of local cigarettes - vaps = to be banned alltogether - marijuana = to be promoted If you're serious - and you're not - then you would do it like the Kingdom of Bhutan = no tobacco whatsoever, full stop!
  12. The dinosaurian musical chair in full operation already? Let me get the popcorn, this better be good ????
  13. While TG is sitting around complaining and have not been flying for two years, others managed a black zero = Thai Vietjet Air. A professional Low Cost Carrier (LCC) operation which works. The customer has the choice and they chose NOT to use TG for its arrogant, snobbish and elitarian market approach - not talking about the air fares. Good luck with their catering idea by being ever so gracious and "willingness" to accept bids from interested agencies.
  14. The minimum Covid-19 insurance coverage for all foreign arrivals will be US$10,000. Quite obviously, the deadly disease got cheaper by the week - lets wait and see until we see some money flowing the other way round. Almost all residents of Thailand meanwhile know of one, two or more "positive" cases. In my family, all double vaccinated and gone for boosters, three people tested "positive"; in one case he was negative the next day already. My question is; who is taking who for a ride on Thailand's - sofar - biggest ride on the governmental Merry-Go-Round? Just asking ...........
  15. "unable to form a government due to a restriction in the Constitution" - and what has changed since? The longer the pressure is building up, the bigger the explosive bang will be and the bigger the collateral damage will be felt by ...... also those sitting snugly in their pre-assigned seats. The writing is on the wall, in big capital letters, waiting to be read by one and all.
  16. Labour Minister Suchart Chomklin is quite apparently not aware of the fact, that Thailand lacks human resources. Now, instead of sending Khon Thai overseas (and while you can take a Thai out of Thailand you cannot take Thailand out of a Thai) the labour department would rather ensure, together with the education ministry, that Thais would find adequate jobs in their own country. All of those workers leaving for nasty places like North Africa or the Middle East, where they are usually treated like second or third class people, would rather work and earn a living at home. But home is where nobody wants them to be educated as only uneducated legislative can be fooled! Meanwhile many Thai employers are looking, with poor success, for employees and will - as previous habits prove - resort to illegal employment without protection, insurance and ....... income tax for the divine Thai government - Catch 22!
  17. Well, if Prawit is in charge - then there is "no plomplem"; those longer in the realm will recall Chatchai Choonhavan, also a general with "no plemplem" nor "no palimpalim" ????
  18. If the umpteenth constitution is still valid, then there will be a PM change within the next few months. They may not be overworking for more than eight years and he grabbed the PM sedan chair in spring 2014 and subsequently put into power and approval - see the Royal Gazette. So, lean back, enjoy the ride and let's see who is taking over the baton. Meanwhile lets all give the kid in California a standing ovation for her good work by eating mango sticky rice, which will help to promote the Thai dessert internationally. The export of sticky rice all over Southern Argentine, the North Pole and Angola will fix Thailand's export worries, keep shipping lines busy like hell while Thai Airways will avoid bankruptcy by flying all those mangoes in all the corners of this planet. Any other pending issue on the PM's plate?
  19. Another outing of a Thai minister having the 15 minutes of fame. Next please!
  20. I second that - being a PR since 1988 (at arguably much smaller fee) but would do it anytime again - even at 200K to 300K; in real money it is nothing compared to the peace of really everything.
  21. Official CCTV never works, layman's electricity job always works - there is a lesson somewhere! If they want it to work = it works! Sorry for the pachyderm, maybe you get the farmer to responsibility for seriously hotwiring his orchard which could have been done with a fraction of the voltage!
  22. In a normal, civilized country the cameras would work and the pictures recorded would be "distinct". The bike's owner could and would be questioned; if guilty - see bottom - if a third party did a runner then (s)he would have to be named and fined for the medical costs and a juicy fine of say 50K up and two weeks in jail. No money for the fine = then sit it off in the jail at the government's minimum salary of 300+ Baht/day! If the pictures are not distinct, then bill the municipality Beung Kork in Phitsanulok as they purchased the indistinct equipment and put responsibility eventually internally onto the purchasing office. In case of purchase irregularities = see above! It is high noon to take all those to responsibility doing an incomplete job, be it faulty equipment which is not serviced properly, be it due to poor quality of the purchased equipment (= see corruption/commissioning). Once you have the culprit, take away his bike and destroy it beyond repair in front of his eyes and put the whole show onto a TV programme prior to the nightly soap operas for educational purposes! Trust me, things would change over night - literally!
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