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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Once fish sauce and jasmine rice are covered we might see extensions into toothpaste and toothpicks. Ring me once it reaches toilet paper, will you please?
  2. "Some 50% of the entire police force will be directly employed in Songkran related activities." So, what are those 50% doing during the rest of the year, i.e. from Songkran to Songkran? They do not have to fight prostitution, as latter is forbidden by law anyhow and hence does not exist. In the unlikely case it would exist, where would some of the gifted boys in brown get "serviced", if services are halted during Songkran? Questions over questions - very confusing indeed!
  3. Upon planting, do please not forget to add some common sense into the fertilizer and use less arrogance and semi-divineness ???? Whenever I asked a doctor for some details on what (s)he said, more than once I was asked back if I would query their competence. A few of the elder guard are seriously arrogant pr1cks; how can I understand if I do not ask.
  4. I stand corrected as I omitted to state that "France vaccinated all those French citizen who wanted here in Thailand". Usually the French are not know for their organizing talent but French citizen all over Thailand had countless points-of-call (like Bangkok-Udon Hospital). Their Embassy did more than a sterling job. To the contrary, the ever-so-over-important Swiss Ambassadoress offered "quite a bit later on" vaccinations in ONE downtown Bangkok hospital from 8am to noon - which was impossible to reach from North/Northeastern Thailand due to the prevailing curfew at the time. Needless to say that the Helvetic diplomats got vaccinated by a flown-in team of vaccinators who brought along the stuff. But the shoulder rubbing with sweetie pie Anutin was steamrollered all over the social media. Tip to the hat for the French ????
  5. Let me get the popcorn, it is private lesson show again. "The school director was worried about face saving and keeping the matter hushed up while the teacher has denied everything." The girl of course expected Father Christmas or Easterbunny to show up for some "rian piset" (extra studies) and wonder over wonder is surprised. The girl will pass, the school will not be named, the teacher has to fork over brown manila envelopes and in less than a week nobody remembers anything. I've been reading such news for almost 40 years working and living in Thailand; meanwhile the next generation of horny teachers with saucy ideas are roaming the halls of the divine educational institutes of Khon Thai. Explains possibly, why after 15 years of education, the kiddies still no absolutely nothing!
  6. "The area .........has roadworks and is not for the unwary, they said." Is there a Thai word for "unwary" - me wonders? The translation gizmos refer to "inattentive, reckless, careless, incautious, lightweight or raunchy". There you go!
  7. An interesting fact might be, that France vaccinated all those who wanted here in Thailand with free-of-charge "Johnson" vaccinations, which - as they claimed back last year - would not require a booster and hence one vaccination would suffice. Just saying ..........
  8. Get a test prior to departure as then at least you can prove, that you were negative on departure. This can result in a second testing in Bangkok and chances are, that you are not positive. At the moment it takes one positive passenger to put, technically, the entire passenger load at risk. And, as proven in the past, the first test was positive, the second test negative - so much to tests! I suggested to my friends to stay away from Thailand until Anutin and the boys are either out or more reasonable. Entire continents are without masks, alcohol jelly and the works and here they still run around in transparent garbage bag uniforms treating you like a descendant from out space - maybe that explains, why they call us "dirty farang" or "alien".
  9. 21st century - unbelievable. I wonder, why the death sentence is not reintroduced for such culprits. You cannot heal or treat such sick brains and the society's interest have to be preserved. If anyone would have touched my children or now my grand children, I can promise you, that they would never survive. There is no justification for this and all those tree huggers and do-gooders will have to understand, that the society comes first - me thinks!
  10. Speed boat owner Tanupat Lerttaweewit and boat’s helmsman Paibul Trikanchananan; are they from Myanmar? Just asking for a friend on Koh Tao island ????
  11. Well, always a matter of how you look at things. The government claims "subsidy from the Oil Fund which had kept the retail price below its cost." I personally would assume that the government collected less taxes on gas so there is no subsidy but the whole thing - as many other things - go onto the account of the taxpayer. You're welcome!
  12. Don't worry, Rahu is there to fight the nasty, nasty virus on behalf of Anutin and his team of experts. So, flock all to those events with Rahus, Ganeshas and God-only-know-what-else. Either the follower of all these spiritual faiths will disappear on a self-destruction programme or the spirits fought successfully. Either way is OK with me, as long as you leave me in peace with this stuff ????
  13. He is a joke, end of story. 24'000 deaths, thats the yearly toll on Thailand's roads, of which 75% (if not more) involve booze. The laws are here, you're not allowed to roam around intoxicated, so what is the problem? Well, for one it is the enforcement. While the dirty farang, a.k.a. alien, khaek, jeck or nigloh, pay through their noses - quite rightly so, the semi-divine Khon Thai gets away with a verbal comment and a few red ones - it in 99.5%. Enforce existing laws and put seriously painful fines for those who break them. First time 20'000 Baht, second time 30'000 Baht, third time vehicle gets impounded and sold off to the benefit of alcohol-prevention programmes or health care projects. Until the fine is paid, daily storage with the police clock 500 Baht/bike and 1'000 Baht/car - per day, that is. This will educate those who know everything already in such a way, that they will get more aware of the terrible damage excessive alcohol can have on drinkers and their direct surrounding. Apart from less funerals, Anutin might have to change his pampers less often - provided he is really concerned about alcohol and his coronaphobia fear. But, cheap booze always helped to keep those at the bottom of the ladder happy and mellow, irrespective of what kind of vat of manure they would be living in .........
  14. So the bootlegging grannies are out of business, officially that is ????
  15. Well, does it not call for a bootlegger party in the next upcoming elections?
  16. Two bullets with which you shoot once: - left from the rabbit and once - right form the rabbit Statistically, the rabbit is shot now. You're welcome and stay tuned for the next infoline on governmental announcements, statistics, predictions and plans .........
  17. Just hope it is not that H5N1 shipment which Thaksin had sent in payment for some aircraft in Toulouse and, upon arrival inspection, the poultry was returned to sender.
  18. How to overcomplicate democratic elections; an easy-to-understand handbook in Thai language, for Thai voters by Thai politicians. Handed out to the Thai electorate with a 500 Baht banknote attached to it; latter is to buy a pair of reading glasses and anyone who thought of buying something else - is despicable ???? as it cannot happen in Thailand ........ An addition to confusion could also be to use letters (44 consonants and 32 vowels, if I am not mistaken) instead of numbers (0 - 9) as there are still hundreds of thousands of Thais who cannot read and write. What a circus in the making - I'm getting popcorn as it will be showtime anytime soon again ????
  19. A failed state, the country's worst enemy is their own people ...........
  20. I dare to disagree. No water splashing is one thing. Another thing is, that it is forbidden to drive around drunk. So, without water splashing and alcohol-fogged drivers, the accident ratio will be possibly 5%, not less but from previous years figures. Or am I getting this wrong again?
  21. If your employer has cars (and most NGOs have cars), they would have a white plate with (all) black numbers - no letters whatsoever if recognized as the diplomatic representation of a country/souvereign state. If the plates are blue with white (all) numerals, then it is an NGO or organization with diplomatic immunity (United Nations, Red Cross or the Taiwanese Trade Commission). If they drive around with normal Thai plates, then there is no ex officio protection.
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