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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. No, Sir, I would never even consider trying to gain "the trust" of a pitbull. Same missing confindence in "trust" I apply to i.e. crocodiles, any big cats (leopards, tigers or lions for that matter) or at sea of any sharks. These animals are, given a circumstance not known or recognizable to humans, dangerous. Their (re-)action is triggered off by their and not our instincts. So since they "can" be most loyal but not "guaranteed" most loyal I rather opt for less dangerous animals and, if it has to be a dog, there are many other dog species which are more predictable. Fact is, that most mauling by dogs go onto the account of "trusted" pitbulls - your call!
  2. Somchai was here ....... again! The Lord knows everything and the Thais know even a little more; unable to ask a native speaker to give 'em a helping hand in proof-reading a sign. Pattaya, Pat Thaya, Badtya, Battaye, Bad Thaeeya ...... Jomtien, Jomtien Beach, Chomtien, Chom Thian, Had Chom Thien ...... But at least they got the submarines sorted now .......... they come with Chinese engines and Thailand is launching customer (for the engines); maybe there is a Mandarin manual to it .......
  3. Certain dogs should be prohibited by law and Pitbull is one of them. There is no justifiable reason to have such a potential killing machine at home. The dog is not at fault but the dog is a dog is a dog and nobody can tell you with 100% certainty what it takes for the dog to go bananas.
  4. Thank you, do you - by chance - have the link to download the blank form to be filled in?
  5. Lack of self-confidence, inferiority complex or just an over-the-moon ego? We shall never know for sure .........
  6. The market price is, according to the above OP, some 217 Baht/kg. The smugglers manage to get this meat from outside Thailand, pay off customs officers at the point of entry, truck (including empty return), driver and the profit for the smugglers. I just wonder, at what price that pork has been sold originally as well as why this smuggling is financially still worthwile? Possibly the Thai pork is too expensive - to start with? Same with eggs, eggs in Nong Khai and eggs in Vientiane must come from different planets - by their pricing ????
  7. Active and passive = in Pattaya it happens, that people get suicided 8-)
  8. Well, well, in this land "people" are seeing so many things which are absolutely invisible anywhere else. If lighting struck the car then it might be possible, that some nearby are definitely deaf; whoever witnessed a lighting stroke nearby will confirm that. Furthermore - in most cases - hits the highest point first, i.e. a big tree on the country side or a lightning conductor rod on top of a building. but who am I to know; I was not in said parking lot of the bank when lightning stroke ???? and hence still hear and see everything clearly 8-)
  9. Anyone here to enlighten me on the following question? What is a 29 year old secretary doing in the mayor's BEDROOM in the first place? For years? Maybe the official's secretary, certainly paid to the pay scale of the government, might not be too happy with the payout at the end of the month?
  10. "not prioritizing the lives of the Thai people" Well, the minister is right, the priorities are defined with Somtam, Lao Khao, corruption, exploitation and other bigger fish to fry - me thinks!
  11. So what ???? I am absolutely sure the Embassy, the Foreign Office or the Royal Household had their own translation experts on hand ....... Only one English speaker in CNX fifty years ago - what a surprise ????
  12. Look at the overhead wiring and then try to imagine, how the underground wiring might look like. I seriously wonder, why the PEA is not checking "accomplished work" prior to pay sub-contractors? As they have to do the job anyway, it puzzles me, why everything has to be done two, three, four or many more times. But, this is Thailand, belongs to the Thais and it is yet another proof of their absolute ignorance or carelessness of what happens around them ...... as long as there is Lakorn, Somtam and Moo Ping ????
  13. Hold your horses and give 'em time to rewrite the constitution to the pleasing of the Wissanus, the Prayuths, the Prawits, the Anutins and the Thammanats ......... Rome was not built in a day and so it takes a moment to readjust the paperwork again ......... What a farçe. We're living in the 21st century and if you take Lord Buddha's calendar, then Thailand limps a few hundert years behind present-day politics - or am I getting this wrong as well?
  14. A juicy bill for six weeks - or am I getting this wrong again? 18.447 billion Baht = approx. 500 million USD - or 230 Baht per each and every living Thai national ..... the mind boggles ????
  15. Excellent idea, the puppet master's sister managed to crawl upto the PM throne by screwing the economy in increasing the wage from 200 to 300 Baht and a minimum pay of 15,000 Baht for anyone with an university degree. 1) did the efficiency increase by 50% (from bottom) or 33% (from top) 2) this populistic election promise was to be paid by the private industry Uncle Tu jacked up the salaries again to 350 Baht or 14%, so I assume that the efficiency of the Thai worker increased in line or 67% in ten years Thaksin's "proposal" is of course yet another electoral jump starter. Go for it and Thailand will see most industries departing elsewhere as the efficiency, in all fairness, dropped over the last ten years. But the Thai voters have always managed to achieve a suicidal outcome; just see the consecutive governments which have been doing everything possible to line their own pockets on the electorate's expense. Go figure!
  16. Woodoo dancing is next, just let me get the popcorn ..........
  17. An alternative to "not keeping up with installment payments"? Maybe the car was insured - we shall never know .......
  18. The immigration is, to the best of my knowledge, under the police and latter again under the Ministry of Interior. Maybe by facilitating immigration with one stamp for extension including multiple re-entry at 7'500 Baht, no funny 90-days reports, TM28, TM30 and TM-God-only-knows-what-number will free up at least 75% of the existing staff force. Move those people to Khon Kaen (postings in Thailand are not related to the actual place of chosen residence) and Bob's your uncle ????
  19. Interesting line-up of problems which existed forever and are simply not addressed: law enforcement, even in Thailand a zebra crossing means, that pedestrians are to use it to cross the road safely. In a normal country of the 21st century that means, that the minute a pedestrian sets foot onto the zebra crossing, the pedestrian may cross and any vehicle must slow down or stop completely. If the zebra crossing has traffic lights, even clearer it is not a matter of education, the biker is a preek in his own right and should be taken to the cleaners for voluntary manslaughter. Hand down a juicy jail sentence and publish is all over those soap opera channels. Would work wonders but if nothing is done (see the bikes on pavements, which are all back after uncle Too had his 15 minutes of fame on the issue) ..... That "gold card" of health insurance by the government should not be limited and curtailed with all sorts of ifs, whens and why-nots. If a country like Thailand insists on getting paid prior to treatment and eventually might even leave a passenger on a gurney in the hall to fade away, then the country has not managed to leave Neaterthal yet. Maybe the sweetheart at the Ministry of Public Health could concentrate on this rather relevant issue next Quite clearly, those at the bottom of the ladder are pushed down further and might be reprimanded even for going public on social media ...... what's next?
  20. Spot on, one does not exclude the other .........
  21. Lets wait and see. Somewhere somebody has to separate the Thais from non-Thais. If I put "Thailand" as nationality I'm off the hook? You can enter anything you want, the physical check of ticket/boarding pass against ID is done at the airport only. My details in airline databases contain a long-expired passport number and as a dual national I use whichever passport makes my trip more convenient. Irrespective of all this it shows the shortsighted vision of the people in charge of promoting tourism; it is not the 300 Baht, it is the thought behind this "tax". But, as said, lets wait and see; I am not affected by it but I do not really believe it will jumpstart tourism again to former glory ...... but I might be wrong here as well ????
  22. I has been all over the news, dailies, everywhere for decades. This country has been run in succession by crooks, thieves, looters and clowns. This is Thailand and it belongs to Thais, if they cant get a grip on this supermarket operation without cashiers at the exit, then so be it. After all, they cannot blame it on anyone else and they all feel the impact for generations already. But, as the saying goes, the bottle neck is always on top of the bottle ..... go figure. Having a convicted drug smuggler, whose overseas conviction and time served in an Aussie slammer does not count, as it did not happen in Thailand ...... I rest my case ????
  23. What a joke; it took 'em 23 years to find out, that the Adireksarn clan had its fingers in the honey pot too? No wonder why many Thai-related movies are filmed elsewhere, going back to 1957 "Bridge on the River Kwai" which was shot near Kandy/Ceylon (today Sri Lanka); many other movies followed being done in Cambodia, Malaysia and the Philippines. If it is not the work permits and the goons at the censoring bureau then it is something else. 20th Century Fox though will cough up the fine of less than USD 300,000 with pleasure as it will reactivate the interest in "The Beach" ...... oncemore again. I assume that this fine is being used for the uglification of beach strips like the "change" of trees along Pattaya beach etc.
  24. This just shows you, how off the scale this government is. With the listed salaries you cannot make ends meet as the poverty line was drawn at +/- 12,000 Baht/month (or 400 Baht/day). Even at that rate you fight quite a challenge which explains, that those lowest on the ladder keep their children at home as they cannot afford the overpriced school uniforms which have - in some cases - the characters of a circus full of clowns. Mowing my lawn takes half a day and I pay, with pleasure, 500 Baht as requested so by the gentleman doing the job. Changing tiles on my terrace clocked 1,000 Baht for a six hours job and I am very happy with it. Such salary levels (and I have no clue, who earns that little to be frank) explain a lot. Even at double the rate people are financially not motivated to do any work and that explains the shortage on un- and low skilled labour. As increasing the lowest levels to a below-the-poverty-level triggers off discussions with better paid staff as they want to see an adjustment as well. Just wondering what those illegal workers from Burma, Laos and Cambodia get these days ...... certainly not anywhere close to the government's latest blessings on the subject ????
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