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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Thailand was left behind by its own people and leadership, not since yesterday but for generations. The face prevents making mistakes and dialogues with opposing cores, the inferiority complex is overtones with racism and hatred against anything non-Thai. But you have to let them sort it out themselves; doomsday is around the corner and Thailand will see a rather bumpy ride into the challenges of the 21st century. The bottle neck is always on top of the bottle - go figure. Looking at how the leadership elects itself and keeps on taking its electorate on a never-ending merry-go-round, there is only hope, that the underlings and the no-haves ........ had it and instigate a repetition of the 14 July 1789, this time not France but Thailand. Bernard-René Jourdan, Marquis de Launay could (or rather would not want to) decipher the writing in big capital letters all over the wall - the rest is history. But lets see what they have up their sleeves this time. Dr Thaksins daughter, completely unknown and zero experience of the CEO-job of the Kingdom, sweetheart of every dirty farang - Anutin - or then another top ticket in form of another academic (graduated at a laundromat university somewhere in California and is on record for miracles. Lourdes and Fatima are known for miracles, here it is a loose cannon who boarded a plane to Sydney with baking flour which turned into some kilogrammes of illicit material. He subsequently enjoyed four years with the compliments of the Australian taxpayers free of charge on full board basis for something he would have been handed down the death sentence in his home country Thailand. So, no, Thailand is in any aspect not ready for the next ten years, lets forget about the next generation - but will have to sneak through, albeit not with the show-off fanfare of the last 30 years. The Thai electorate will have to go though the drought and there is, for a change, nobody outside Thailand to blame!
  2. Only diplomatic entities (i.e. Embassies, Consulates) are exempted from any legality of and in Thailand. So, if your NGO has a diplomatic status, then the Labour Protection Act, paragraph 118 does NOT apply. Should however your employment agreement refer to arbitration in Thailand with an eventual reference to applicable Thai law, then 118 applies. If the NGO has no diplomatic status, then 118 applies anyway. Good luck; if you need some legal advice, I can give you a contact who fished out everything possible back in the day. Apart from severance pay as per 118 you can, if you are NOT at fault whatsoever, go for "unfair dismissal" which will - if luck prevails - pour in another month's salary per year of employment. PM me for more if you need ????
  3. And that's the actual purpose of such cars; enjoying a bowl of noodles at 50 Baht with a view at a 50 million Baht car .....
  4. Seriously? I - for one - can only see long gone charm with waste- and plastic bag covered beaches, temples and cultural sites with dual pricing on the ratio upto 1:20 and formerly mouthwatering food which now is loaded with unnecessary sugar and MSG; latter being used by the grammes in Europe and here sold in, i.e. Makro, in 25kgs bags. So, honestly, what the hell are those daydreamers talking about; Thailand has lost its plot long time before Covid-19, has been continuously run by pr1cks, thieves and clowns. Welcome to any other country but Thailand; latter a failed state by 75% crooks, cheaters and liars ????
  5. Give 'em whatever pleases them. It is of course absolute nonsense to copy copies, sign all that unnecessary destruction of wood with blue ink in duplicate, triplicate and Thailicate ....... They never ever look at the details but you've pleased their inferiority complex for your own peace of mind. Hence today I give 'em a complete set of whatever (and I always carry spare copy sets) of i.e. passport including blank unused pages and don't ever copy by using both sides of the paper. While it is not written in any law book and the publication in the Royal Gazette has not happened, the DLT insists on copies of everything but the back of the photocopies has to be empty. You're welcome - it's written in the bible "Lord, forgive them as they do not know what they are doing"!
  6. As said "one had booked 6,000 flying hours" - your correction is 6'709, "the other fellow more than 20,000 hours" - your correction is 31'769 hours. Excellent, makes all the difference. And the two 737-MAX crashed by nose-diving (arguably not 90 degrees) due to software and an overruling little switch which got - apparently - omitted in training flight deck crew. A big sales argument of Muilenburg was, that airlines would not have to spend a lot of money in getting their crew to fly the new plane - but you can look all that up in the respective episodes of "air crash desaster" or "may day" programmes. I am pretty sure they must have produced something on these two crashes. As I - for one - have no clue what went terribly wrong (and it went terribly wrong) I'll stay away from both aircraft until the source is identified, addressed and solved. Everything else is speculative and unprofessional - including the "urge to conduct" - and that's the headline of this thread .....
  7. Do not quote me on the exact amount but: +/- 4 Baht unit (kw/H?) from 6am to 10pm on work days (Mondays to Fridays) +/- 1 Baht unit from 10pm to 6am on weekends and public holidays See the PEA office in Na Kleua for details; maybe meanwhile they have something on their (formerly terrible) website. At my restaurant we ran the industrial dishwasher after 10pm and any dishes requiring simmering in the ovens for hours were done during weekends daytime. 30,000 Baht savings stood against hundreds of pizze or pasta dishes as this amount affects the net profit - or the reduction of it! Not knowing the consumption curve of a hotel/guesthouse I would assume that the peak is certainly covering 10pm to 6am when all the air conditioning is running. If you do the laundry and ironing of a bigger hotel at night, you're talking again massive savings in an arguably very competitive environment.
  8. Well, a family member served as clown-in-chief in Pattaya for years (remember the underpass saga or the flooded beach road next to the sea a few meters below the road level......). This gifted child of politics now is in the ranks of running the ministerial throne of the cultural ministry - what do I know about careers in the land .......
  9. Point taken but the 800 series was a quick-and-dirty fix against the competition. If, with capital letters IF, the media is telling us something faintly close to the truth then this particular flight had a more than senior cockpit crew of three seasoned pilots. One had booked 6,000 flying hours as captain and the other fellow with more than 20,000 hours; no details were available about the third captain (unclear also, why there were three pilots on this aircraft). Suicide seems, to me, out of the question and something very, very serious went wrong and it has all the patterns of what brought down the 737-MAX. Reason enough for me to not board such a plane until it is clear, what happened to those 132 souls ..
  10. Of course, the 7,000, then 6,000 and now proposed 5,000 Baht are too costly for an all domestic flight without paying overflight rights etc. - compared to other tariffing; for less than 20,000 Baht you're in for a Bangkok-Europe on a pristine carrier. A flight to Penang/Malaysia (120kms East of Betong) sees higher costs but can be reached below 5,000 Baht - return. A flight to Singapore on Scoot is also cheaper than the Nok Air offering. a) is there enough meat on the bone to justify a dedicated flight or could Betong be covered out of Narathiwat or Penang? What is the passenger potential at what price level; any market study done? b) Betong has now two airports, a defunct old runway and the new "international" airport - albeit not a single flight c) why on Earth should the Tourism Authority of Thailand burn taxpayers money in promoting a dead horse and subsidize flights with 20%? Rather put Betong on the tourism map with what the place has to offer - if anything .......
  11. 2013 saw an election promise of salary adjustment from 200 Baht to 300 Baht; likewise every university graduate would start with 15,000 Baht. 2022, nine years later they talk about 492 Baht; a staggering increase of 292 Baht or 146% over 2013. All those "adjustments" are done exclusively by people who do not have to pay. Is today's output of a Thai worker 2 ½ times compared to ten years ago? Has the performance seen steep increases, is the work force today on the way up, compared to 2013? In addition to all this, the same governmental jokers add one holiday to another one and now has peaked in more than double the public holidays compared to 20 years ago. This, combined with a serious attitude problem by most workers and zero improvement on education on basic schooling and vocational training ....... go figure! In closing, it is yet to be seen, how the industry and agricultural business will react. In the past (il)legal workers from neighbouring countries were seriously exploited with minimum of anything and that will not change. Non-Thai employers will either adjust to yet another new rule ...... or take their business elsewhere. Bottomline is, that 31 x 492 clocks 15,000 Baht, too much to die and not enough to live on. Thais in that category do not live, they exist. Yet another pristine example of what happens, if totally unqualified government clowns stir in the private industry soup but yes, this country belongs to Thais so let them sort out their yet another nice mess they got themselves into!
  12. Questioning the role of the Senate committee on human rights, freedom and consumer protection in the case and whether it could be interpreted as interfering in the police probe? Well, I wonder, how many more puzzle pieces they need as, according to the police, investigators have questioned a total of 118 people, suspects, accusers, eyewitnesses, 18 experts and 92 circumstantial witnesses. They have also examined 200 recordings from 70 CCTV cameras, three smartphones, 14 other video clips and 40 pieces of material evidence. If you ask me, this is a case of collateral damage of the high society pulling the strings of this beautiful country. Not politically but there are so many other puppet masters around and she was, in or the other way, at the wrong place at the wrong time. Leave such investigations in the able hands of the local boys in brown = see Koh Tao, see this case, see hundreds of other cases. Sometimes you lose and sometimes the others win!
  13. Is there any Khunpluem family member left for the vacancy in Pattaya? Asking for a friend of course ..
  14. How interesting. While I've heard of Nok Air, Thai Lion Air, Thai Airways International and Thai Smile, two new fellows on the block, namely K-Mile Air and Thai Summer Airways seem to operate. Now the news hits the public with "airlines are urged to conduct" - what exactly does that mean? Until this is clear as well safety is back to where it was before, I - for one - refuse to use any 737-8xx. Lion Air's crash in Indonesia as well as the Ethiopian desaster with almost brand new planes and very experienced crew had to be proven first just to show, that Boeing took shortcuts all the way to remain "competitive". Its CEO Dennis Muilenburg got fired as the shareholder value of Boeing subsequently nosedived finally and as the identified scapegoat. US Senator Elisabeth Warren said regarding the payment by Boeing to Muilenberg in very clear language: "346 people died. Muilenburg put profits ahead of the safety of passengers, pilots, and flight attendants and then walked away with $62.2 million. This is corruption, plain and simple." Of course nothing happened ever after and Muilenburg showed up on other boards after a "well-deserved break from his crooked past". Good on Muilenburg; I meanwhile chose not to use any airline with a chance to be seated on a 737-8XX, simple as that! And to the Thai regulators I suggest to do a little more than just "urge" ????
  15. Well, the restaurant's bill dropped from 45'000 to 12'000, my residential bill (three bedrooms, kitchen, washer, pool etc.) from 7'500 to 2'200. The upgrade of the meter was (official) 20'000 - go figure ....
  16. The correct title actually reads "Cigareets, Whuskey, and Wild, Wild Women", by Red Ingle. Of poor sound quality but yeah, dating back to 1948, here we go with the original:
  17. Did he inform his mom already, that the hospital funds were burnt elsewhere .......
  18. No, this is almost four years ago and I went without solar energy and used the money in electricity-efficient white goods instead. Same with TOU (Time of Use) electricity meters. These digital meters allow billing according to the time of usage, i.e. cheaper nighttime and weekend tariffs over higher daytime weekday tariffing. Had it in my restaurant in Pattaya more than ten years ago; in Nong Khai it was unheard of and there was no way to move those dinosaurs to read the brochure I had brought along from PEA in Pattaya. A TOU would make it attractive to all those with regular high(er) electricity consumption to cap the peaks; a swimming pool pump or filling a water tower could be done during night time ....... if there is an incentive ????
  19. Smuggling, did you say smuggling? I saw the convoys in open daylight driving South from Surin across the airtight border into the Khmer territory back in the 80s .......
  20. Well, the Songkran business is toast already and summer vacations are mostly planned and booked as well. Drop all that carppy ideas, Thailand passes etc. will not make a difference except feeding the endless Thai bureaucracy. I suggested to all those who asked me in faraway lands NOT to come for the time being. You leave healthy and triple vaccinated without any tests on departure. If there is ONE single positive case (no symptoms nothing, just positive) upon arrival = off to the quarantine slammer at thousand of Baht a night for cold, stale food served in plastic containers by staff dressed in transparent garbage bags. Two weeks later its straight off to the airport to travel to their home country again. ¿Lo entiendes? Nobody in his right mind burns his well- and hard earned vacation with such funny weed dreams by the congregation of clowns in Bangkok!
  21. When you need bread, see the baker, when you need veggies, see the farmer growing it. Do not compromise on anything around your eyes, www.rutnin.com is a dedicated, highly professional eye hospital on Asoke/Bangkok and they do, over seven, eight floors, nothing but eye-related care. Call 02-639'3399 or 02-639'3300 for an appointment; I can highly recommend Dr Roy Chumdermpadetsuk, bilingual in Thai/English with decades of experience in the US. I ended up there after two completely wrong diagnosis by the leading hospital in Pattaya and, likewise a second opinion by the leading hospital in Sriracha - I am not naming them for legal reasons. Both suggested multi-focal lenses against cataract whereas a third opinion at the Rutnin hospital found a macula degeneration which got successfully diagnosed and treated by Dr. Roy. And, ten years after, I still don't have a cataract problem and my macula degeneration retracted as well. The LASIK can be done anywhere I assume but get a proper diagnosis first; it is not always what you see ........ Pricewise Rutnin is even less than those top VIP-shops in Bangkok or along the Eastern seaboard .
  22. I usually lock myself up during "the silly days" but Songkran without all that childish water splashing is like Christmas without Santa Claus or Easter without coloured eggs and bunnies. But, as everything else here, this suggestion will go unheard and unfollowed, so happy Songkran to everybody and I'll be around in the second half of April again .......
  23. March 24th, the outgoing Pattaya mayor Mr. Sonthaya Khunpluem went to pay I understand the latest representative of the Khunpluem gang running Cholburi as a province as well as the mayor cities. One of them (also a former Pattaya mayor) is even "Culture Minister"; the father was the Kamnan Poh - or mafia gangster boss. If Sonthaya survived that long as mayor with such a shirt, I understand that he had to prostrate in front of each and every spirit, be it the Joss house, Mother Earth, Ganesha (the elephant-headed god) or King Taksin the Great. I always thought that the shirt coding was split into yellow and red - but what do I know ...........
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