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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Good luck; the tourists meanwhile chose mostly to go elsewhere with more common sense, less idiocy and "readiness" for whatever-funny-dreams the chief in clown and his minions can come up with!
  2. Keep up the good work although they will never listen as it comes from a non-Thai ..... how sad! But yeah, when arrogance meets ignorance the result is ...... Thailand, regretfully!
  3. Keep on whipping the dead horse; it will take MUCH MUCH more than just do away with erratic laws, rules and regulations. The loyal Thailand visitor had two years of being forced to visit other destinations ....... and did so. By the feedback within my circle of acquaintances and friends all of them, without exception, said that they found alternatives. Some cheaper, some nicer, all of the friendlier, all of them easier to enter (visa and funny reportings) etc. The semi-divine clowns at the helm of this country have to teach their people to treat tourists with welcoming and friendly respect; they are not free roaming game to be caught with lies, two-tier policies and cheatings starting at the airport already. But, as the saying goes, Thailand belongs to the Thais and it is upto them to clean up the self-invoked mess; for once they cannot stick that on the back of the dirty farang, alien, jeck, khaek and whatever derogative names they have for literally all non-Thai groups!
  4. Remember the governor of Chiang Rai Narongsak Osottanakorn? During his watch the footballing kids got caged in a cave and it was him who facilitated matters wherever he could, did daily updates on progress and was certainly a governor his province could be proud of. He moved on to Pathum Thani and was in discussion as Governor of Bangkok. Smart, as he seems to be, he rejected the honour as it would have tainted his reputation without improving anything during his potential term. One of the few and far between government officials!
  5. Thai citizen can return to Thailand even with an expired passport. It may take a moment or two to verify the issues hence make sure that she arrives weekdays during working hours. Alternatively get her a new Thai passport in the US; if the Embassy in Washington DC and consulates are poking noses, then call the Thai representation at the UN in New York; they will answer the phone and possibly get you through. Not knowing how many Thais are living in the US with Thai passports I am sure that the expiration of passports is not a new subject. Good luck!
  6. Now at least we know the going price for an old granny. Regretfully the death penalty will not be applied for this horrible crime again. Rest in peace, old lady, you have my heartfelt feelings
  7. What‘s the smoke screen for this time? Nobody in his right mind believes, that this is all about change for the sake of changing ........ I would assume that a billion - if not more - people know about Bangkok; less than 200 million though will identify this with Krung Thep. Latter is the Thai name; Bangkok was derived from a part (Bangkok Noi) of Krung Thep when the latter became the capital back in 1782. But, as said, this failed state is in dire need of fixing completely different and definitely more important issues; Bangkok vs. Krung Thep is smoke screen and stirs the non-Thai hatred even more among the uneducated semi-divine Khon Thai!
  8. Remember the avian flu during Dr Thaksin‘s reign as primus-inter-pares? The Thai government had a deal running, apparently, to buy Airbus aircraft against chicken. So X containers of frozen chicken sailed towards Europe when a spot-check somewhere revealed, that the frozen poultry was avian flu infested. Apparently the then sitting minister of agriculture, the uncrowned king of Buriram, had swept that knowledge under the biggest carpet east of Suez called Thailand. The chicken was returned to sender and the local customers could buy poultry as cheap as 14 Baht a kilogramme. Now the equally gifted leaders of the land have banned all imports of pork-related matters which includes 24-month aged parma ham or 12+ months aged salami from Italy. Pata Negra (the Iberian ham Rolls Royce though is not an issue - yet)!
  9. Keep up the good work and carry on smoking that excellent weed you‘re enjoying apparently. If I would have half that money, I would sit snugly and do absolutely nothing which has the taste of „work“. Take monthly expenses of, say, 100,000 Baht = one year is 1.2 million. Now, take 32 million and divide this by 1.2 million = 26.6 years. Given the fact that I make some moderate interest on the unused portion of the estate, the 32 million starting capital would easily last for 30 to 30+ years. But yes, some fools will fall for it possibly; all the others declare Thailand insane again and go elsewhere, where no idiots run the country, work permits are related to company needs and investments, English is spoken and not everything non-National is considered evel, dirty and alien. Well done, keep up the good work, as I said!
  10. BKK is here to stay; same happened with Bombay to Mumbai (BOM), Calcutta to Kolkata (CCU), Rangoon to Yangon (RGN) or Saigon to Ho Chi Minh City (SGN). Changes for the sake of changes - normally rooted in having a new government leaving a stamp of their „achievements“ in aviation history but IATA‘s only known adjustment - to my limited and incomplete knowledge - was moving BKK from Don Muang (lateron changed to Don Meuang) to Souvannaphourmi whereas Don Meuang got a new code being DMK. Lets see what the wise leaders come up with next in the „back to the roots“ department!
  11. Tell all these brainless brabbling talkers of nonsense to look at Brazil, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Senegal - just to name a few. No such idiocy like 1st/5th day checks, paperwork to no end, non-working apps across the board and the continued stirring of anti-farang hatred. It is precisely such clowns who are directly responsible for the present situation and, instead of constructive approach, they destroy the little they have. I - for one - I am telling all my friends NOT to visit Thailand until normality and common sense is on its way back - unfortunately.
  12. Wondering how TAT is turning this into yet another tourism spinner generation trillions of extra Baht, filling tens of thousands of empty hotels and restaurants. I fear that Thailand is a loose cannon and will suffer dear consequences due to all those idiots at the helm - quite right so! A failed state .....
  13. Thailand’s Office of the Insurance Commission (OIC) issued rules limiting compensation claims by people infected with COVID-19. So, we're now at the "wannabe Covid" level; I assume that the same office then refunds the respective portion of the insurance premium. For how stupid does this government and its idiotic bureaucracy clowns take the taxpayer and voter?
  14. One thing is fact; it never works with a bar girl or a girl of limited education. In as much as the groom is expected to absorb/intake quite a share of Thai culture (and it starts with Sinsod or dowry) as well as the fact, that he jumps into a caretaker post of financial support for people he does not know or never even has met. She needs to know, that Westerners eat out of plates and drink out of glasses, sit on a table, sleep on a bed and don't roam 500 miles on the back of a pick-up. Not every party or family gathering has to result in a total alcoholic black-out with local firewater at 500 decibel. Instead of the daily intake of Somtam and sticky rice, the Western cuisine, being not bland but considerably milder, usually features variations and yes, they use cutlery and not their hands. You can take a girl out of a bar but you will never get the bar out of a girl. I would assume that less than 10% of cross-cultural marriages work between Thais and Caucasians, simply because their background, social values and priorities and the monetary focus differ greatly - apart from the spirituality and social structure (Phooyai and Phee/Nong) which sets many things in rigid stone which are not to be queried.
  15. More efficient in what; extortion, highway robbery or impersonating?
  16. Well, as a Thai citizen he might have made it all the way to an MP status ........ Just hope he learnt a lesson!
  17. Sure, just go ahead into normality. Wondering, where the cockpit crews kept their minimum flying hours up and running over the last two years. So, for those who are still waiting for eventual refunds - take the jump, all the others have the choice!
  18. Running through a zebra crossing or a red light imposes in other countries very, very stiff fines and your vehicle gets impounded (at your costs) for a painful timeframe of a few days. Air Vice Marshal Ittaporn Kanacharoen might be better advised to marshal around in the air rather than giving advice of something the entire world has understood as "common sense". Charge the culprits B 25'000 on the spot and impound the vehicle at another B 3'000 a day for a week - trust me, that for sure will drive the message home without advice by an Air Chief Marshal or the First Sealord! And, should it happen for a second time, auction off the vehicle and keep the driver in an educational slammer with 20 mandatory video screenings of this rubbish being forced down on license renewal seekers each and every time!
  19. Maybe your smartphone is not that smart after all? If you want to preload all "delicate" numbers, your phone would weigh a ton. A call from an unidentified country code or from a country you certainly dont expect a call is usually a non-expected call; take North Korea, Bhutan or Liechtenstein as an example!
  20. The following two sentences ring bells; the first one on the remuneration of the gracious offer and the second one reading the name of the bigwig of the mentioned working committee. "token charge as a gesture of friendship." "working committee of Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan" Amazing, what you can do when elected into the Thai government, isn't it?
  21. "January 20 to February 4, 2022, 24.48 million kg", that is 15 days or 12 working days. Given eight hours working it reads 255'000kgs per hour. My goodness gracious you, that's a lot of work for the laboratory ........ every hour 255 tons, all over Thailand?
  22. Did I not read earlier on by an official, that there is nothing to worry as the spill would not reach the shores and hence tourism is not affected - at all? Just asking ......
  23. Other carriers have moved out the seats or seat rows temporarily - for obvious reasons .......
  24. "Saudi Arabia is seeking eight million skilled workers in the hotel, healthcare, and construction industries, and the Thai government suggested it has the human resources to contribute towards filling Saudi Arabia’s labour needs." What a load of bo1logz! I wish those Thai workers the best of luck now already; get them ready for abuse, rape and slavery conditions. Let them enjoy the Middle East's worst airline - possibly except Yemenia - and prepare them for getting short changed starting with the agency arranging their employ in the dunes of the House of Saud! Having said that, the Prayuths and Pravits will be long gone when the Thai hospitality is facing an even worse uphill battle. Once it becomes unavoidable to open the country without any funny little Thai-ideas of entry conditions, who will be providing the hospitality services to the 40 million tourists they expect? Tourism per se is restricted to Khon Thai on the "Alien Business Law" listing (among others its ice carving and basket weaving) and margins are that tight that you can no longer attract aliens to do the job. I've never seen a more shortsighted action list than what the present selection of democratically elected professionals in the local government house has compiled for 2022/23. Good luck to all!
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