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Posts posted by prk888

  1. "get a new digital box for free"

    As a True internet user this is a wonderful free offer including daughter's favourite cartoons

    "But True never give anything for free, say I"

    "No charge and free"

    "OK get the box installed"

    Arranged, done and tested

    A few days pass

    "But where are the cartoons we saw initially on this new free box?"

    "Oh, they were on a promotion for a few weeks. If you want cartoons then you can buy a package"

    TIT - This is Thailand

    TIT - This is TRUE

  2. It gets worse and worse, sometimes on a daily basis. I wonder if the purchasers of all these new-build condos know what their evenings and nights will be like when they actually move in.

    Jomtien Beach gets worse. I complain regularly to City Hall, but nothing has changed. They claim to report each complaint to the police for investigation, and 3 complaints about the same noise is supposed to trigger some "action" against the noise-maker. I think we all know that nothing actually happens. I'm told by the phone-answerers on 1337 that something might be done if I go to City hall and make a written complaint.

    Perhaps someone with time and energy could think about starting a petition, and going door to door ( or restaurant to restaurant) to get signatures. Perhaps one or more of the Pattaya newspapers could start a campaign. Certainly, just complaining here will not achieve anything. If nothing is done, then I guess it will only get worse and worse as time goes on.

    Just curious but would you need a work permit to collect signatures for a petition and if so how would it be described?

  3. now this thread demonstrated by the lively comments to date accidentally could be exactly what has been missing recently and could keep me and many others interested & following on a regular basis. There's no right or wrong but subjective observations are all valid. Comments and observations from those who have succeeded and/or just missed here will be more than valid and I do hope we don't start getting typical crass comments from those who lean that way. Thanks

  4. In my view there's nothing meaty to latch onto on TV these days. Remember when Mobi had 50,000 views in 5 months (10K:1) before closing and now Raro is closing after 16,000 in 4 months (4K:1) - one of the busiest recent threads (and coincidentally an eating place I was just about to visit for the first time with some friends)

    What's missing in TV Pattaya forum? Much just seems insignificant.

    Why is there currently nothing of substance to keep we masses amused/informed/intrigued and regularly viewing/following?

    • Like 1
  5. a good roadside cobbler to be found on corner of Khao Talao on north eastern side of railway line - a very large boot sits outside his premises, Doesn't look anything fancy but he does good work (men and ladies shoes)

  6. I agree that part of Table A is really unclear. At first glance I am not sure I could provide any of those, save for stuff in my passport. It doesn't even mention a driving license which here in Thailand shows our address. I suspect your suggestion will suffice

    As a point of interest while rummaging & scurrying through earlier related internet stuff I noticed that Brits since early last year have been complaining of the difficulty they were having in simply renewing UK passports.

    Despite promises of ensuring govt. docs are in clear English I am now convinced that these revised UK websites were created by some jobsworth who rarely gets out into the real world and tries to use actually use such sites

  7. going round in circles - need to renew a 5 year old's red UK passport

    Advised to use VFS/UK Govt, services (although VFS seems to focus on visas)

    Via VFS website I seem to be unable to book appointment

    Website says use Gov.UK website to download forms.

    Cannot apply online from Thailand

    So has anyone just achieved what I ask in the topic subject and if so can I pm you? Thks

    Wondering if it's my computer that has problems!!

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