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Posts posted by prk888

  1. thanks for contributions and a coffee always helps but I wonder how this or a stroll will actually help improve that woman's efficiency, processing time or overall client happiness. I too tried the staring game for a minute or so and eventually got some success. maybe next time I'll get a coffee and then do the staring while drinking & relaxing (or are drinks verboten?)

    • Like 1
  2. I have often praised the recent efficiency of the Immigration Office but here's the annual dampener

    Arrived at 12-30 a few days ago and waited until 1.00pm as requested. First in line. Re-entry staff dribbled in up to 1-10pm. All took their time and munched on the boxes of fruit left for them. Chats and mobile calls followed as of course visits to the loos.

    First process commenced after 1-10pm and my papers were then passed back into subsequent re-entry-processing- phases which appeared to click away methodically

    The final phase is a lady who sits on r/h side on the desks (maybe position 2) whose job it seems is to look at all papers (again) after making her many phone calls and then make a small chop on a passport page. Passport then moved to make a pile behind and slightly to her left.

    So mine is completed and on the top waiting to go home with me

    There it sits until over 30 passports have mounted up behind her and slightly to her left and then and only then does she call a 'gofer' to distribute them to long-suffering, waiting clients. The wait ? ....................... over 1.5 hours after first stage

    I now recall exactly the same occurred a year ago for a re-entry.

    When I mentioned this to our helpful man Freddy he shrugged and uttered "i know, I know"

    Not all sweetness and light at Soi 5 unfortunately

  3. to add to the insanity we were held up in Pattaya Klang yesterday about 6.00pm and watched a coach doing what must have been a 12-point (or maybe 15-point!) turn. Clearly a change of mind (if he had one). Driver seemed totally oblivious to reversing danger & chaos caused

  4. why on earth would anyone visit DECCO other than out of curiosity? Most Pattaya large stores know their identity, what they are, where they fit and their objective. In my view this one has no idea.

    Do you?

  5. for what it's worth .............. sitting in roadside café at Ban Amphur traffic lights on Sukhumvit from 4.15pm to 5.25 pm tonight and counted 135+/- coaches driving past going north. Most of them occupied. An amazing number in my opinion in just over 1 hour and certainly indicative of more infrastructure troubles ahead. Watch this space.

    • Like 2
  6. photos of beach road so far get 6000 views and 60 replies yet comments about the 1000's (and growing) of polluting coaches drowning/suffocating our city are just ignored. Go figure!

  7. I try not to enter central Pattaya too often so cant comment – thankfully we live just outside on the southeastern darkside

    I experience that southern suburban Pattaya is now being inundated/deluged/suffocated/smothered with coaches – empty, half empty, or full …………… coaches everywhere, roaming, cruising, pushing. forcing, and parking …………. and now at night parking wherever they can find a space on side sois if the burgeoning coach parks are full.

    What to do? Should anything be done to better control? What can be done? What will be done? What will be the outcome? Or will we just suffocate or drown under their weight of numbers?

    • Like 2
  8. I was surprised to be told that any condo rental agreement under 3 years is not actually valid under Thai law. I also read that a 3 year agreement should be lodged at the Land Office.

    It seems therefore that say a 12 month or 2 year rental agreement has no validity and is therefore actually meaningless and unenforceable. This may well be Thai law but ..................

    What say you?

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  9. Chickenlegs - my original post specifically referred to Mimosa but I assume mods or Admin. changed the topic title for some reason

    Craigt - we always eat at the German restaurant which does good fayre for sensible prices. The Chef used to be at a darkside outdoor restaurant called PK's. He has supplied us with family passes or when called gets us in personally at no charge.

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