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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. Terrible bur also somewhat pathetic ordeal.

    Being in love with someone from Buriram and ending up trying to kill himself. Talk about desperation. I sort of feel for them but also am a bit curious of the circumstances that lead to all this.

    Sri Lanka has it' own problems but this is rather curious case. Never heard of father and son trying to kill themselves over son's love affair.

    Hope the best for them.

  2. I pay 10 baht a cubic meter so in your case it would be about 4000 baht plus the salt. Don't know where it's said that you are not allowed to use the water lines? I do fill my pond during the dry season and never had any problems with that.

    And since we Farangs are always right we need not check if the guy actually was right talking about the valve...it would be however sad to fill the pool and see the water leak away...

    These things happen. You can dream of him paying something, the lemmings will fly some day...

    • Like 1
  3. I had before safebox in my house Isaan.

    170 kg and when we where holidays in Kho Chang. Somebody robbered it and throw out from the second floor window .

    Lose all about 200.000 bath.

    Never buy safebox in your own house.

    Better open safebox in Bank and pay about 1800 Bath in a year.

    Best regards


    Three times robbered in Isaan.

    Hmm...I live in Isaan, have for years.

    Sorry to say but to me it sounds that you have someone in your own family robbing you or at least assisting the "burglar". I live in a small village and have two dogs and neighbors dogs and their observing eyes seem to notice everything going on. Never have had one thing taken from my yard which is quite amazing since I have no gate.

    When gone, have hired a guy who does my garden to stay at the house (one room in the front reserved for him, he works as a gardener in the local school and was recommended to me).

    I have a safe. It contains my personal papers, land papers (chanote), some rather cheap jewelry (no gold or such) and personal memorabilia that I just don't like to let anyone touch. Also family book and other documents stay in it so the Thai habit of saying they don't know where some papers are, doesn't happen in my household.

    I would estimate that the safe might have some money in it sometimes up to 20000 baht if I carry more cash at times but no way would I leave hundred of thousands of baht in it under any circumstances. I keep my cash in a bank and never had any trouble with them.

    To me, someone saying that he has been robbed 3 times, starts ringing all the alarm bells. Where was your family? Or just leaving your valuables in a house in the middle of jungle? Sounds very strange to me. I would be very concerned...

    • Like 2
  4. Why go for 30 year lease, if you can obtain usufruct?

    Usufruct applies only when the land in question is not been built before so one has to obtain it before starting building.

    That would give you control as long as you live. Not depending some lease holder. And the house would be yours...

    I have been building few houses with local builders who all have been working abroad as well and never any problems with them. The land office on the other hand has been a bit problematic depending who is sitting opposite to you. Last time I actually needed to make a formal complaint to the head office since tha guy was asking bribes and didn't budge signing the papers even they were all in order. Took me two extra months and didn't have to pay anything. The guy got the boot, seems that I was not the only one unhappy with him.

  5. And I also ask...what has SPAS got to do with surgical procedures?

    Maybe they provide same kind of quality that I have received in some pretty expensive hotels around this country when taking massage? The masseuse didn't know nothing about her practice but slapped me around and I had to actually pay for that few thousand baht. I get much better - no need to talk about it same day - in my local government clinic where is a nice professional lady massaging me for 100 baht an hour. I normally give her similar tip. AND she knows what to do, unlike those "professionals" normally hired to treat foreigners.

    Hub of scams and dubious quality, I say.

    • Like 1
  6. Am I missing something here? Plastic surgery is Bt100,000.00, which takes three to four days, but a two day skin treatment cost Bt500,000.00. I'll bet the planes with all the tourist will be backed up at the airport for the skin treatment deal!

    I hail from North Europe and that would be roughly 13000 euros worth of skin treatment...not to mention other costs as the article talks just a bout the treatment. I bet that if I ever come to a need of skin treatment, I rather have in my own country with people that can explain me the procedure and regarding aftercare...it is very humid and hot in Thailand so infections after this kind of treatment (if it really is a medical urgency of some sort) are very likely so rather stay in cool and bacteria free (compared to LOS) environment.

    BTW, I have mainly used dentists and lately the price increases and exchange rates being what they are, the actual price of many things is same or more here. I would rather use the services of my native country and get something back from social security but the price of flight ticket makes it more dear, not the actual treatment cost.

    The times for milking the foreign cow may be over sooner than later. And quality wise the Thailand has never provided any real value for money. I have personally helped five people after they broke their bones in this country and NOT ONE was treated in a way that they didn't need repair surgery after returning home. Bones were dislocated, there was infection, an open wound that didn't heal due to extensive cleaning etc. And all were treated what here would be considered top quality hospitals. Did not convince me what I saw.

    But let's sing...hubba-hubba-hubba-aaa...


  7. One Night in Bangkok

    Bangkok, Oriental setting
    And the city don't know that the city is getting
    The creme de la creme of the chess world in a
    Show with everything but Yul Brynner

    Time flies -- doesn't seem a minute
    Since the Tirolean spa had the chess boys in it
    All change -- don't you know that when you
    Play at this level there's no ordinary venue

    It's Iceland -- or the Philippines -- or Hastings -- or --
    or this place!

    One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
    The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
    You'll find a god in every golden cloister
    And if you're lucky then the god's a she
    I can feel an angel sliding up to me

    One town's very like another
    When your head's down over your pieces, brother

    It's a drag, it's a bore, it's really such a pity
    To be looking at the board, not looking at the city

    Whaddya mean? Ya seen one crowded, polluted, stinking town --

    Tea, girls, warm, sweet
    Some are set up in the Somerset Maugham suite

    Get Thai'd! You're talking to a tourist
    Whose every move's among the purest
    I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine

    One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
    Not much between despair and ecstasy
    One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
    Can't be too careful with your company
    I can feel the devil walking next to me

    Siam's gonna be the witness
    To the ultimate test of cerebral fitness
    This grips me more than would a
    Muddy old river or reclining Buddha

    And thank God I'm only watching the game -- controlling it --

    I don't see you guys rating
    The kind of mate I'm contemplating
    I'd let you watch, I would invite you
    But the queens we use would not excite you

    So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your massage
    parlours --

    One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
    The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
    You'll find a god in every golden cloister
    A little flesh, a little history
    I can feel an angel sliding up to me

    One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
    Not much between despair and ecstasy
    One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
    Can't be too careful with your company
    I can feel the devil walking next to me


  8. The Thai Government website is in Thai only so you either need to read Thai or ask someone help you. You can look either by area or postal code etc.


    Of course, sometimes the full amount is not advertised since some...er...try to make tax planning. But gives one pretty good idea of the closed sales prices.

    Someone asked this awhile back so wanted to share my finding.

    • Like 2
  9. A friend just forwarded me an email today that has a Youtube video of a very common thai-wife/foreign-husband typical situation.

    I don't really know what is typical or not. All i could come up with this video was that he run out of money building a house out of nowhere. Missus said that she can't eat love...sounds about true to me...

    I have built a house to my partner and we both work for the future. That's how it's been last 8 years or so. I suppose everyone needs security and in Thailand more than somewhere else. Without money here the future looks very bleak indeed.

    What comes to this thread. I see pouring money into some relationship like this as stupid as it comes. You may or not may agree with me but I am very skeptical about it as a start for relationship. If it's ALL about money, it's doomed from the beginning.

  10. Just thinking...if the alleged perpetrator is 33 yo. and the girlfriend/wife would be of same age than she would've had the daughters in the ripe age of 13 and 15...which leads me to think that she supports her Somchai.

    For this very reason I have kept my adopted daughter away from her various uncles and stepfather. When explaining the reasoning, my family agreed and no way thought I was out of line which makes me wonder that this kind of behavior must be rampant in LOS.

  11. Here many seem think rice as some set value produce. It has a lot of variation, the quality, moisture, type of rice etc. etc. all these affect the price.

    Anyway, the whole scheme is a rip off. There might be someone benefiting from government spending (read:splashing money all around) but not The Farmer.

    Here at the village level they offer about 12 B/kg. I am no expert but my Mother-In-Law is after worked on rice fields all her life. She generously paid 13B/kg to satisfy our needs of gorging on rice. So, it is common knowledge that the middleman rips off the farmers.

    I once asked since everyone seemed to complain, why they not simply open a store to sell it directly themselves? It doesn't cost much to buy a cheap mill and the rest. The answer was that villagers don't trust eachother to that extent...so the scam will go on and on...

    Now, I think more profitable and easy is to grow sugarcane. No much work, just plant it and later cut it down. And the factories pay per weight and don't much complain about the quality or whatever.

  12. Bangkok's flood risk this year will be from storms, not run-off from the upper part of the country, he added.

    Yap, here in Khon Kaen, pouring down every now and then. Judging by my pond, it would only need about 5 days and we would be closer to some kind of overflow. That said, it is dryer in these parts of land. Last year 2 roads out of 3 were unusable. This year, so far, no overwhelming problems. The waters are high but not flooding........YET!

  13. Well...I grow mango trees so here few advises.

    1. It is very likely that you have bought a tree that is without tap root. This since they just add to a root of another tree/plant a mango branch. Quicker fruit development but the tree will not be a big mango tree for 800 or so years...

    2. If you are looking a proper mango tree, grow one yourself. Eat a ripe (make sure it's ripe) mango and save the seed. It is a seedwallet that you have in your hand. Let it dry somewhere in the kitchen or wherever. Wait until the seedwallet is dry like a thin cardbord. Cut it from one end and take the actual seed out. Note: If you plant it with the seedwallet, it might not taste like you expect. This is because mango is like apple. It can be terrible taste if it seeds from whole fruit, uneatable also. So, the only way to get the same taste is to remove the dried seedwallet and plant the actual seed.

    3. Plant it in a pot with fertile soil. Put newspaper or something in first to prevent roots going out from the pot. Not too wet, mangoes rot if they get too much water. Wait until next year to plant it. When you plant it, BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO DAMAGE THE TAP ROOT. It will grow nonetheless but will not be a real prosperous tree.

    4. Mangoes don't like too much fertilizer, they like mock. Anything goes, leaves, smal branches. I myself use rice straw, it keeps the soil under the tree moist and fertile and and clean. They do sell fertilizer that suits but it is unnecessary. However, if you like to use such, wait around 2-4 weeks for the plant to get in proper roots before giving fertilizer. This because otherwise it might not get a good kickstart for the root growth.

    5. Good form for a mango tree is like a bowl turned upside down. The best time to prune...I don't know. I would suggest to avoid the wet/rainy season since then it is more likely to catch some disease. Mangoes are quite tough plants and you can cut them almost as you wish but don't hack them like some Thais do. Do use soem protecting gloves since the mango branches have some irritating stuff that might cause a rash or skin irritation. If you do not cut it, it might grow up to a tree of 80-100 feet, so your choice.

    That's my five cents. Good luck.

  14. It seems to me that sometimes you guys have learnt nothing about Thai guys in all your encounters. I easily can come up with many reasons why they don't want to have a motorbike ride.

    - It's hot! So all the possible face cream he uses to look attracting will be spilling allover and make him seem much less attractive

    - There is a lot of dust, insects etc. that you get to your face not to mention the sunshine!

    - I have my best clothes and hair done for this meeting, I can't go there on a motorbike! It would ruin my looks!

    - My body will be soaking with swet in all this nice clothing. What does he think?

    - Other Thais will look me riding on a pillion with him - doesn't look good! Does it?

    - Such a cheap guy! Why he can't rent a car. Just 800 baht and we can have air-con and relax while going somewhere. It is so hot and air-con makes me relax and can listen some music if he doesn't want talk too much.

    - And in car I can touch his pants just to know how big it is...just by accident of course...and smile to him as on a bike I would be staring his neck and not his eyes...and speak some sweet words to him and he could reply me instead of motorbike roaring under us...

    Come on guys! You can do better than this.

  15. Speaking for myself, I am just not that sharing. When it comes to love and partnerships I am just not interested in accepting that these things happen.

    Well, to be honest it took years to find my way out of so called ‘gay lifestyle’ with all bar hopping and discos etc. When I finally found someone interesting enough, a new period started in my life. I was not interested anymore having sex with all the guys, all the time :)

    Nevertheless, I did have some extracurricular activities normally when I was having a bar night or far away home or similar. It seems that my instincts – or whatever you call them (maybe just drink?) – came alive and I felt that I should do some naughty inspirational thing.

    This continued for a while and then after feeling every time that I had betrayed my partner, I just decided to stop acting like that. Those encounters actually were not something to remember or special. It just left me feeling hollow inside. Maybe for some they can separate their ‘activities’ from their ‘love’ but I do prefer them together and intact. They feel so much better that way.

    I think that many older gay guys (forgive me in advance, I know it does not apply to all of you), seem to be bitter and alone. That may well have been caused by that willingness to stray and never try to work out for real in one and only relationship.

    I have myself done very stupid things but I try to not repeat them. I nowadays put my energy, soul, and the rest of it to my one and only relationship. It’s worth it!

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