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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Gotta love the "experts" on here that somehow know more than thousands of doctors and scientists who have and continue to study a variety of diseases, viruses, vaccinations, for decades.....let me think...would i prefer to believe some half wit on a forum with no or minimal medical training or some highly educated experts many of whom actually worked in covid era hospitals and who publish their findings with detailed data that is peer reviewed and examined in detail by even more experts?
  2. Estimated preventable COVID-19-associated deaths due to non-vaccination in the United States https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10123459/
  3. Estimated preventable COVID-19-associated deaths due to non-vaccination in the United States https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10123459/ u mean like the estimated 230 k extra deaths in usa in 15 months? did anybody say all?
  4. troll or maga moron...take your pick.
  5. Don't let the immigrants poison the blood of fine white americans....like the 3 immigrants that trump married so i guess his kids are full of poison blood and should be deported immediately...give them a shovel and send them to mexico to help build a big beautiful wall. Amazing how many americans all of whom except the indians were themselves immigrants ....too bad the indians didn't build a wall to protect THEIR country.
  6. you mean the maga morons who drank bleach and stuck a light up their butts or the excess deaths caused by people refusing the vaccines?
  7. Like when you see a live video of a crowd that trump says is ten thousand people and anyone with an iq in double digits can see it is less that 1/3 of that? or when trump tells a whopper ...for example every day..that can be proven BS with a two minute google search? Some things you question and verify...trumpers buy his BS hook line and sinker and all the proof they need is to scream MAGA and worship a man who says it is good to be uneductated...he loves the uneducated...much easier to fleece the fools.
  8. alternative facts...commonly known as bat shxt crazy conspiracy theories backed by zero evidence...fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me...fool me over and over and over MAGA
  9. still waiting for that big check from mexico? maybe he can sell enough $20 gold sneakers for $399 to his brain dead maga groupies to build him a bigly wall around his soon to be prison cell...and keep all those immigrants who poison the blood out...like his THREE ex wives ...all immigrants
  10. Hey let's all get some wolf pups or even a grizzly cub and raise them "properly" and see how that works out? Not all animals have the dna to be pets but many brain dead owners think their little "puppy" is different. I have zero problem with the owner being held totally liable for all damages caused to include if they kill someone the owner is charged with homicide. Of course the problem is often the brain dead owner is trailer trash and has no assets to pay for the damages. I see stories at least once a week from all around the world about a dog or dogs mauling some kid or some old people or some other dogs....it is very rare that if the dog is identified it will not be a pit bull. Usually part of the story is some brain dead owner talking about what a sweet little thing it is/was...until it rips some kids face off. But sure go ahead and try and defend the dog breed and claim ignorance to the fact that they can will and do very often maul or even kill people. Imagine waking up every day for the rest of your life after a pit bull that you bought and brought home and tried to keep as a pet and then the dog went off and killed your kid or your neighbor etc....tell the image in the mirror that it was a good idea to bring a known killer into your home. Must be similar to leaving a loaded gun lying around and then your kid finds it and shoots his little sister.
  11. Champion travel soi 13/2....3300 thb...good van, good driver, no hassles
  12. I was on a cruise around greenland and iceland about 15-20 years ago....they had a speaker onboard who showed nasa satelitte photos of the ice sheet over past xx years and he showed them year after year you can see for yourself the ice sheets shrinking and more and more rock exposed....then the ship would cruise around and you can see massive amounts of melt water absolutely pouring into the ocean all but the totally brain dead could see for themselves that something significant was/is going on and that amount of water pouring into the oceans over time would likely raise sea levels... so argue all you want over cause and what is to blame or take a look at rising sea levels around the planet and bury your head in ignorance and mock those who at least attempt to just maybe mitigate and postpone the horrible impact that increasing sea levels can bring to the planet.
  13. no i am apparently a brainwashed lib and live under a rock....i don't have to look it up as i already did...you appear to be in desperate need of looking at the facts not that facts ever matter to trumpers....just make up a bunch of garbage repeat it over and over and hope that people are stupid enough to believe it...MAGA
  14. Why don't you enlighten us with some links that prove the points claimed.
  15. Total and complete BS...does your computer not have google or do you just bury your head in the sand and refuse to look at FACTS? Biggest deficit creator? Trump ..... Inflation down more than most any other country under biden, Real wage growth at record levels means more $$ in pockets under biden. Get a grip and send orange jesus $$...i hear he may need your help....his first election promise years ago? "I have so much money that i will never ask for or need anyones money"....two weeks later the grift frundraisers went out and continue to this day..fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me fool me over and over and over...MAGA
  16. Been around thousands of ganja smokers over the decades. Not one time have i seen anyone get violent from smoking ganja. Have seen lots of people binge on potato chips and cookies though....you want violence? Try the # 1 violence drug ever...it's called BOOZE.
  17. Yeah right from a "poster" who has posted 1380 times in less than a month....there are facts and there is spew...spew is what trump and his brain dead maga do everyday cause they have no facts....
  18. Commit an insurrection, get convicted of sexual assault, attack judges and lie about almost everything while being unable to string together 2 sentences, add in alleged 91 felonies , suck $$ out of brain dead magas while bragging about how very very rich you are over and over, and you will get a lot of media coverage. But but but...what about hunters laptop...and kushners billions from the Saudis? Those damn cheating dems....right.
  19. imagine living anywhere and trying to defend trump
  20. except for when repubs whine and moan for border bill over and over and then when their own hand picked guy gets the best deal in decades and the senate is all ready to vote for it and talking about what a great deal it is ...not perfect...but lots for both sides... then donnie boy says oh no we don't want to fix border as it will look good for biden and repubs fold up their little tents and take a knee for their cult leader...so dems meet repubs more than halfway to be FOR something and still repubs wet their pants when orange jesus speaks.
  21. I have not and will not forget the dozens upon dozens of people that have enabled him to roam the world more or less at will with little to no problems. You want corruption....that is corruption 101. I can maybe understand a handful of people but the sheer number of high ranking folks that would have to be involved over a period of years boggles the mind.
  22. Now lets go lock up all the good generals that overthrew him with an illegal coup while he was out of the country...oh that's right they are different and never made a baht .... next.
  23. You can sit and bitch and whine all day about how awful it is that you can't park in a public parking spot...sit and blow your horn at a bunch of thai men over a parking spot and the odds are very good it will not end well for you... OR you can put aside your "i'll show you macho ideas" and move along to another parking space realize that is the way it is and you will not change it and get over it. Or as my grandmother used to tell me..."use your head for something other than a hat rack"....
  24. Electric scooters, e bikes, electric skateboards . electric segways etc are a growing problem in many cities in USA. Try walking on a sidewalk and have these idiots come from behind you going way to fast and silent but deadly...all it takes is for you to take one step right or left and whack you get hit by some idiot who is gong 20 mph and weights close to 200 lbs....not to mention that rarely do they wear a helmet for their own protection. Sure would be nice everywhere if sidewalks were actually limited to walking. But lot of them ride on sidewalk as they know that riding on the streets can get them whacked by a car. More and more of them are appearing on Pattaya Beach road, almost exclusively farangs, zipping around people and going way to fast. I guess they are too lazy to walk or think they look cool ....just go away.
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