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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Gumpy old man? Take a deep breath and move on.
  2. I don't know and i wish you luck but consider if you might be happier to just accept it as it is and not worry about how, why, who etc. You will not win an agrument trying to tell a thai person how to run his biz...that is some useful advice for you.
  3. So he shows an AUD exchange rate and likely the vast majority of his biz is changing USD GBP and AUD to thai baht which is after all by far the most common transaction....take a chill pill if that bothers you so much in very laid back chiang rai....did you expect an apology because he did not run his business to suit you? Exactly how many AUD should he sit on and for how long hoping somebody would ask to change baht to AUD? Might be waiting a long long time as i suspect most people would do that at the airport exchange places where it is no doubt much more common.
  4. Chiang Rai is not in Chiang Mai and actually is a very different place in many ways.
  5. It was not an accusation. It was a judgement after a trial. If trump would have shut his big flapping lying lips there would have not been a huge verdict...but he would not stop defaming over and over as he thinks his shxt is not brown and he is above the law. How would you propose he is held accountable or is it ok to just keep on and on defaming someone with impunity. Donnie has been treated VERY kindly in his various trials. Delay delay delay with many frivioulous motions hoping to postpone judgement day.......no ordinary citizen would be allowed to make a mockery of the system as he has done and continues to do. In fact he would likely already be in jail and his cracker jack lawyers sanctioned. Most all of trumps legal problems are of his own doing. Don't inflate and deflate property values to suit your loan requests one day then pay no taxes the next day. DUH there is a massive paper trail. Don't lie about having classified docs in your home and then try and hide them and attempt to destroy survelliance tapes of illicit activity than delay delay rather than just return the darn papers. Don't have sex with porn stars while your wife is pregnant then pay off porn stars days before an election leaving a paper trail. Don't lie about rigged elections when it has been proven over and over to be false. Don't piss off almost every person who served under you and then have them be done with you and tell the truth as to what they saw and heard under oath. Don't call state election officials and get recorded telling them to find you votes you don't have. Don't stiff workers and regular people for decades by forcing them to sue you to collect what they are owed and then wear them down with your lawyers to force them to settle for pennies on the dollar. Don't surround yourself with incompetent yes men and women who have the iq of turnips. Most importantly do not run for POTUS and base your entire candidacy on lies, smears and praise of dictators. He got lucky to get elected one time but is not smart enough to recognize in 2016 that the party was over and all he needed to do was not attempt to overthrow the election and he could have retired to florida and played golf and be a star on fox "news" by going on at will to bitch and whine for a decade or so. As Forest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does" The gig is almost up donnie. Even many of your cult members are finally starting to realize they were conned and move on. ALL done by little donnie boy. Not a witch in sight for anyone who actually is not a cult member worshipping a man that according to himself is perfect and has never ever done anything wrong in his life.
  6. Just like all the total BS of election fraud which has been investigated to death with no signficant fraud found over three years later and yet brain dead people still apparently are beating that same old rigged election drum...so now they have a new drum to beat about biden bribery and again with no evidence. Either delusional or lying. If republicans have evidence then by all means lay it on the table so it can be reviewed and verified or debunked. Otherwise it is like a bunch of little kids spreading rumours at recess. Pathetic bunch of cult member losers.
  7. there is apparently no end to the number of people who will fall for liars and conmen and their scams....it is truly amazing how gullible some people seem to be and the conmen will continue to take their money til the end of time....most amazing of all is how many people fall for the same lies and cons over and over and over.
  8. right...got it..you are not a trumper...sure...
  9. sure hook your train to a guy convicted of sex abuse, fraud, defamation along with 91 more indictments to include attempting to overthrow the legit election.....a guy who is now whining like a baby about how unfair it all is that he violated a variety of laws and now is having to face judges and juries who don't operate on his BS lies but on actual documeted FACTS.....a guy that got elected in large part by his lie he told his maga minions over and over and over about how very rich he is who now can't come up with a measly 500 million to write a check for ONE of his frauds...Keep in mind if you are worth 10 billion a mere 500 mil is the same as a guy with a piddly one million coming up with 50 k.....a guy that promised all in 2015 when running for potus that he was so rich he would never ever ask or have to ask for anyone to donate money to him only to later end up selling superhero trading cards along with gold sneakers....a guy who is one of the greatest conmen ever to appear but whose cons are finally starting to catch up with him as more and more "supporters" are starting to relalize and recognize that they have been lied to and conned and even a few have the courage to admit that they did get conned and are done with him. Maybe musk is smart but I don't think supporting this loser is a very smart move as trump will soon either be in jail or bankrupt or both.
  10. Maybe even the maga morons will finally figure out that the conman is conman. I am somewhat surprised he has not sent out a massive email grift to try to get the maga morons to donate $$ for him to begin to pay a few of the judgements already levied with more to come....maybe he is afraid that the grift well is running dry or his cult has finally grown a brain.
  11. que the maga mob to come on here and defend him and talk about the witch hunts and how everyone who is not maga is out to get him....
  12. poor poor little donnie...gee a few days ago his attorney said he is worth 14 billion bucks...and i seem to remember since about 2015 trump ran/lied on the campaign that he was so very very rich that he would not need or ever ask for anyone's money which is part of why he got elected of course he then sells trading cards and golden sneakers and likely soon pics of melania boobs or anything else he can think of to squeeze more $$ out of his brain dead followers who wouldn't recognize that they have been conned all along by one of the biggest lying conman on earth if he called them and told them personally he was just kidding... que the maga mob to come on here and defend him and talk about the witch hunts and how everyone who is not maga is out to get him.... cohen is correct that next up may be some $$ coming to him from his saudi, ruskie, chinese, n korean buddies who he would then owe BIGLY should the country be stupid enough to re elect him.
  13. No cheese, No beef. Skip both in Thailand unless you like spending a lot of $$. Up to you but I try and stick with local and not imported foods. Never had a problem finding lots of great food in Thailand so save my cheese and beef splurges to west as personally i think it is absurdly overpriced in Thailand. Sort of like wine which I enjoy in the west and don't drink at all in Thailand. I understand that not everyone is willing to forego cheese beef wine while in Thailand...to me just not worth the cost when so much local good food to choose from. But first thing i do when back in west is buy nice block of cheese and nice wine.
  14. Such sweet little doggies....if only the owners would raise them correctly they wouldn't rip kids faces off or the arms of adults...until they have a bad day and then they will and do attack with little to no provacation.. why in the world would anyone with a functioning brain keep such a dangerous unpredictable animal as a "pet"? Why not also leave a loaded cocked gun lying in your living room for the kids or neighbors to play with? Maybe it won't go off...but more likely it will.
  15. Looking at condos in CR and thinking that is how most people live would totally miss the way most people in chiang rai live....Until a few years ago there was ONE condo in all of Chiang Rai that I was aware of...now there are several new ones but part of CR living that makes it special is having a house on a piece of land with a yard and usually out in the rice paddies and small villages around CR city center.
  16. So are "woke" people the same ones who seem to be offended by certain books in libraries and want them banned? Or are "woke" people the ones who do not want them banned. Are "woke " people offended by someone using a derogatory term or are the "woke" people the ones who defend their right to say things that may offend someone? Very confusing and i suspect the vast majority of people either don't know or don't care.
  17. I wish they would just charge a flat fee of say $1 per day for all visas with max of 1 year at $365. As long as you do not get arrested or into any trouble of any kind (checked online against police/immigration data base) allow extensions up to one year online and without all the drama and BS of having to go to immigration and fill out a zillion forms and stand around all day or be semi forced to pay an agent to take care of what could and should be a simple five minute online form and payment. For those who have a history of overstaying or working without permits or police records etc then let them go to immigration and deal with it in a different way but for the vast majority who cause no problems, follow the rules, and have a history of coming to thailand with zero problems then cut us some slack? What a concept.
  18. Sure the unvaxxed just stay home like good little boys and girls...hell most people don't stay home from work when they have a bad cold and want to go to work to prove some idiotic "warrior" mentality and end up getting everyone in the workplace sick. Personally i used to despise those people hacking and coughing and spreading germs all over the workplace. I was vaxed and like many others still got covid though it was a mild case. But i tested myself as I knew full well I had something that was giving me a cough and bit of temperature and since covid was raging I had enough common sense to test myself and stay home when tested positive. Not sure how many unvaxed people who got covid had such mild symptoms that they did not think they had anything at all but i suspect most all had some kind of symptons that something wasn't quite right. Likely means there is a very good chance it will happen so not sure what you want...SURELY is a bit strong. Likely is a good word to describe the situation but if you have a better word lets take a look.
  19. Well i never saw the bodies of the holocaust or hiroshima in person but i am pretty sure that they happened. Ventilators is what i meant to say....you know those machines that were in short supply and big demand for a long time to try and save some of the antivax idiots who ended up in really bad shape and often died. Covid was a nasty disease that killed millions worldwide and would have been even worse had the vaccines not been developed so quickly. The fact that many refused the shots often because it became "political" resulted in a lot of unnecessary deaths and misery...for that I blame the politicians who pushed their conspiracy theories and nonsense and the people who were so dumb as to believe them...and yes i do realize that maybe a small small percent of the vaxed had some kind of reaction but overall i do not think any serious study has shown that everyone would have been better off if the vax had not been produced so quickly.
  20. Why would it surprise anyone that a group of people who have been brainwashed for centuries to believe all the nonsense written by a bunch of uneducted arabs living in mud huts and passing on wild rumours and writing their version of a fairy tale story of walking on water, turning water to wine, virgin births, coming back to life from the dead and all the batxht crazy crap they claimed also fall hook line and sinker for the BS spouted by one of the very biggest con men ever Trump? David Blane would have been a big hit in biblical times and would no doubt have been deemed to be some sort of "god". Trump knows suckers when he sees them and figured out early that the "christians" were some of the easiest marks ever.
  21. Because older not so healthy people who work with and interact with these unvaxxed "young healthy " people would be more likely to be infected and spread the virus to others who could very likely have a very bad hospitalization and maybe even DIE.
  22. If you didn't see bodies piled up around the world as well as people begging for shots and hosptial beds and incubators or anything to stop the carnage then I can't help you as it was everywhere with live reports on the web and tv daily. I suppose u would prefer that they moved very slowly to try and come up with a new vaccine...maybe run clinical trials for a few years til a billion or so people were dead? It was a horrible disease worldwide so you can either sit on the sidelines and do nothing for fear of not getting a vax 100% safe (never happen) or claim it was all some big hoax and everybody would have been better off to just let it run its course.
  23. so in your expert opinion how many more people would be dead from covid if no vaccines had been given? i have no doubt that there will always be a few people who have an adverse reaction to most any shot or medicine...but does that mean that "big pharma" should not continue to try and come up with vaccines that have saved untold millions of lives and mitigated or prevented the severtity of a variety of diseases because nobody can claim 100% effective or 100% no side effects? Truly amazing how many people who as kids got polio and measles and a wide variety of shots and avoided lots of diseases now as adults say no shots for me and it is all some big made up BS as they watch millions of people worldwide begging for shots and being piled up like firewood in piles of dead people. Yes it was a new type of shot that was developed quickly because people were dropping dead like flies and worldwide economies were crashing. One of the few good things Trump ever did in his presidency/life was to push hard for an effective vax to be developed quickly and then rather than take credit for it and encourage people to get vaxxed he does the opposite. Of course Trump himself was vaxxed and there is a very good chance it saved his life.
  24. The covid virus is not interested if you are antivax or that you have common sense and want to "reevaluate". The virus is interested in getting inside you and replicating itself as quickly as possible. Overwhelming evidence thus far is that the vax at minimum mitigates the damage the virus can cause in most cases. Common sense says get the shot.
  25. i have no problem with experts questioning experts...i do have a problem with people who have zero training or long term study or first hand experience on an issue pretending to be experts like we see so often on this forum...as RR said back when republicans actually made some sense...trust but verify....still good advice today that unfortunately has turned into say whatever the hell you want and make up all kinds of BS conspiracy theories and spread it like wildfire to brain dead followers who buy it hook line and sinker and even when proven wrong over and over with massive evidence and facts still claim it is all true because they want it to be true.
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