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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Well here's a prediction for you....hope these folks are spot on but won't hold my breath https://longforecast.com/usd-to-bht-today-forecast
  2. So let's see what are a few of donnie boy's options might be: 1. Try to stir up his MAGA minions to start a civil war where tens of thousands of them will be shot dead by the military or end up in jail with trump hoping that the maga bunch will actually win a civil war and he will be installed as a great leader. 2. Threaten every juror or potential juror with a promise of sugar or lead. Vote to acquit me and u will get millions of $$ depoisted to your account ...vote to convict and "we" will kill you and your entire family. 3. Get locked up by one or more judges and held for contempt then claim he is being unfairly persecuted and incarcirated and whine as usual like a 4 y.o. kid. 4. Flee to Russia or Dubai or somewhere with no extradiction treaty where his no doubt hidden millions grifted from the maga minions will let him live like a king in luxury and continue to send out messages of hate til he croaks. 5. Continue to try and delay delay delay the trial and hope that he or some republican will win POTUS with a promise to pardon him....but that still leaves that pesky GA case where they cannot pardon him and the min sentence is 5 years. 6. Announce that he has decided for the good of the country (lol) he has decided to do a plea deal and will shut up and go sit in his room eating cheetohs til he croaks. 7. Threaten to make public american's nuclear secrets and war plans if the US and Ga do not drop all charges. 8. Call his buddies Vlade and Kim and ask them if he can come stay with them if he promises to write them love letters every day. 9. Announce that all of his MAGA minions are a bunch of brain dead people who he has been conning and grifting on for decades in an attempt to have them hang him as he would never have the guts to end it all himself. 10. Be a man, go to trial and if convicted go sit in a jail cell for the rest of your days and shut the <deleted> up.
  3. I fear that is the plan. He is a cornered rat and he knows it...desperate people do desperate things and sadly a lot of trumpers seem hell bent to follow the marching orders and many of them will ultimately kill or get killed and likely end up in prison...all for the glory of a guy that does not give two shxts about any of them and never has except to use them like rubes. On a brighter note a few polls seem to suggest that just maybe more republicans are realizing that trump is a loser and most likely will be found guilty on several of the charges so just maybe they need to pull their head out of trumps rear end and admit they got conned by the biggest conman ever to sit in the white house.
  4. And in other cases it is republican judge and likely repub jury...and in case you have not noticed almost every single witness that has testified under oath so far is a republican who voted for trump and many were selected or appointed by trump....and yet for some weird reason republican after republican has testified under oath knowing full well that they and their family will get all sorts of death threats for simply telling the truth as to what they saw and heard....sounds like a giant dem witch hunt to me...those crafty dems convince all these life long republicans to lie under oath and threat...wow that is impressive....
  5. and what if u give some nasty disease to a young thai girl that has many years left to live? do you not care about that at all?
  6. Hell a majority of republicans apparently are still claiming trump won the election and here we are almost 3 years later and still waiting for any valid proof as every claim has been investigated over and over by republican investigators....and as gov kemp of GA just said...there is NO evidence of voter fraud in GA....you are being lied to by trump....Joe Biden won, trump lost....period. So does it really surprise anyone that they make all sorts of claims agains biden with no proof? It's what they do. So now have special counsel that they wanted but now suddenly don't want him....how about let the repub special counsel do his investigation and IF IF IF he comes up with probable cause that a crime or crimes was committed then present it to the grand jury and if they agree by all means indict any and all that committed the crimes....and then let it go to the courts...without death threats etc and let the jury look at the evidence and charges and render a verdict.
  7. As i said...after 45 years here i have had little to no problems getting along just fine with the locals. I also have had little to no problems getting along with the thai people. I am aware that some people seem to have more problems and maybe it is just the luck of the draw or maybe some just rub each other the wrong way. Actually i find hawaiian kine local people similar to a lot of Thai people that from my experience go out of their way to help you if you simply ask...
  8. I do think that for many the "swamp fever" may be breaking as you would have to be completely delirious to think that trumps problems are some big dem witch hunt....since almost every single witch in the room ready to testify is a republican. Of course there are the hard core MAGA's who will continue to try and defend the idea that trump did nothing wrong in spite of pile upon pile of evidence to the contrary. And i would also bet trump will stir up a lot of MAGA to violence and the foot soldiers will march forth and end up in jail for the glory of the cult. When the curtain falls and if trump gets convicted on multiple charges he can take a good look in the mirror and see who was the cause for all his legal problems.... I will celebrate the day when this little spoiled rich boy who has never had to answer for all his dispicable behavior is once and finally out of our lives and gets a bit of payback. All the violence he has encouraged, all the people/workers he has stiffed, all the financical crimes, tax crimes, grift, sexual crimes and not to mention stealing classified docs, obstructing justice and oh...that little thing of trying his best to foment a coup to illegally seize power. His day is coming.
  9. I would say after 45 years here that it is certainly possible to run into locals who don't like tourists at all....on the other hand i have seen a lot of tourist behavior that is truly disgusting that does play a part in the overall scheme of things...BUT i can count on one hand the times that i have had anykind of problem with a local.... but then again i am sort of a "hang loose" type guy that goes out of my way to try and be nice to people especially when i am still aware that i am a visitor in their home. A lot of locals have gotten screwed by a lot of haoles over the centuries...start out with the illegal USA overthrow of the entire Hawaiian kingdom and go from there....but again overall i personally find the hawaiian people to be some of the kindest most wonderful people on the planet.
  10. OH BS,,,,haole is a very very different then the N word...i have lived here 45 years and was called haole every single day with no malice....can haole be used deragatory? sure but in my expererience that is rare... .i have worked with a huge variety of locals over the years and was treated very nicely by the overwhelming majority....i suspect a lot of how u are treated depends on how you treat them...just like most other places in the world.
  11. My next door neighbor was once the governor or whatever they call it of the county...he had 3 dogs that stood in the driveway and took turns barking pretty much 24/7....asked over and over to please do something....never even pretended to try and do anything...how he put up with that i do not know but it drove me crazy ...thought of poison etc but prob not a good idea for farang to mess with a mr big....so i moved as that appeared to be only solution as dogs looked fairly young and probably still barking 10+ years later. i guess the high pitched thing might be worth a try....not sure they were even invented/avail back when i had my problem
  12. The report is being written down near the mexico wall....u know that big beautiful wall that mexico paid for...then it has to be translated from spanish to english which will require hiring a few of the illegals that are likely working at mar a largo....should have it in a few years along with healthcare, budgets, etc...it will no doubt be the best and hugest report ever fabricated (full of misspelled words like "indicated"...come on donnie at least learn to spell indicted as you sure have enough of them)
  13. well i am getting old and have seen way too many of my friends who seem fine one day and then wham get hit with something out of the blue...it is dirt cheap to have at least a basic physical in thailand with a lot of blood work etc and is worth it to me for what little peace of mind it can provide...but i am aware that no physical can necessarily predict what may be brewing as u get older and older... I always remember bill clinton who as POTUS for 8 years had detailed exams every year and i would think some of the best tests/docs ever....but even with all that a year or two later he had quadruple heart surgery...i am no doc but do wonder if they did not see at least a few signs of that coming (and maybe they did ?) anyway up to you re exams etc
  14. You know nothing about what is happening in Maui or the response from Biden. Nothing.
  15. The hawaii gov (or any state) has to first submit a request for feds to get involved...it is the law. The hawaii gov contacted the feds at shortly after midnight/. Wed morning after the Tues night fires. That is 6 am EST Biden responded and approved the request within 6 hours, by noon EST. I guess to some that is not fast enough? The Hawaii governor has had a daily press conference every day since the fire. He says Biden has called him multiple times to check as to what Maui needs and has never said no to any request. The gov says Biden says he very much wants to come to Hawaii but they are still recovering bodies and trying to house thousands of locals as well as get 40 K++ tourists off the island as well as there are still some fires burning in the mountains....He he does not want to come if it in anyway interferes with all the work going on...it has been one whole week. The governor says he has told Biden that he appreciates his help but agrees that a presidential entourage would do more harm than good right now as it would be a distraction. So while some would be all up for a photo op or perhaps stand in the midst of people who have lost friends, relatives, pets, businessess, homes et and throw them paper towels that is not what anybody with an IQ in triple digits wants or needs. I live in Hawaii and am in Hawaii right now and watch all kinds of stories and see the videos every day. It is absolutely horrible beyond belief and dragging a bunch of trump and fox news BS trying to turn it into some kind of political circus is disgusting. People who want to claim that Biden and the feds have not responded in a major way do not know what they are tallking about and have no clue as to the reality on the ground.
  16. then quit wasting your time on internet forums and get out and live a little....there will be lots and lots of time later to read forum drivel and watch TV.
  17. The entire indictment...some interesting reading ...wow once again that damn dem witch hunt uses testimony and facts almost all from republicans. Read it and weep donnie boy....no pardons in Ga and Minimum sentence is 5 years. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/georgia-indictment-trump/daed97d37562a76f/full.pdf
  18. When trump was stalking her on the debate stage like a creepy old man she should have turned around and kicked him in the nuts....and said something like how do you like those apples you sick <deleted>?
  19. Not sure if this might be an option for you....i am 76 yo american...covered in usa by medicare a and b as well as good supplemental so pretty much covered for everything. Since getting medicare at age 65 i canceleld the BUPA in patient that i once had knowing that as i get older they would jack the rates or even refuse to insure me....so what i have done is to go in usa for complete phyiscal about a month before my annual six months in Thailand...i am very much aware that it is not fool proof but at least i try to identify if i have any lurking problems before i go to Thailand and if so deal with it in usa....if no obvious problems i go to Thailand and after 3 months get another physical in Thailand to once again see if any obvious lurking problems...again i do know there are no guarantees that i might not still have a major event in thailand but i do feel this somewhat reduces the chances of a big Thai hospital bill.... just a thought as may well not apply to others
  20. Now lets take a look at all the coup plotters from years past and see how their assets and net worth of they and their family and "security guards, maids, etc) compare with what they were before they illegally seized power...then lets take a look at the 250 "fake" senators who were not elected but appointed by the coup plotters to enable them to maintain control.. Flush the entire toilet....oh sorry i must have drifted off and been dreaming to even consider that happening.
  21. I just did it week or so ago..my experiece with Los Angeles embassy staff.. 1. I booked a room for 91 days to cover any questions on agoda on a no pay til arrive type rate...got the confimation and sent to them and no question no problem. Then cancelled res as no idea where i will stay every night. 2. They asked for departing flight confirmation: Told them i am departing thailand via land to vietnam so do not have a flight out of thailand....accepted no more questions. and yes it is a pain in the butt but you will eventually likely get the visa...it is like they go out of their way to ask for stupid stuff like where u stay every night....uh duh i am getting a tourist visa to be a tourist and travel around and decide as i go where i want to stay??
  22. For anyone who has ever owned a small biz where u work your butt off to pay the employees and bills and then get stiffed by some wealthy person or corporation like trump who either flat out refuses to pay or offers you a fraction of the price of the goods/services you provided along with if you don't like it sue me...knowing full well that you do not have the money to fight them in court....maybe just maybe a small amount of payback is coming.
  23. I am having trouble keeping up...so what about michigan, arizona, nevada, etc ...can donnie set a new all time world record for most indictments supported by exclusively republicans testimony against him? You know that giant Dem witch hunt? Come on donnie....you know u love to brag so get out there and send out emails asking for money to celebrate for your setting HUGE records...u know your MAGA's will open their piggybanks up and forget how many times you have bragged about how you are really really rich and would never need or ask for anybody's money...stash away that extra cash so you can have big macs delivered directly to your cell.
  24. Having done a lot of booze and a lot of pot for decades....if you ask me which would i most like to be done beacuse i think it causes my body and mind more harm and is the hardest to give up? the answer is pretty simple for me: no more booze. will i do it? probably not but i have been trying to cut back on booze at least some...and for me that is way more difficult to do then cut back on pot...i have certainly see the best and worst of both that is my personal experience...yours may vary...
  25. I know the blue ridge well especially the parkway...friend and i walked all 252.2 miles of it in north carollina from nc/va border to milepost 469 in cherokee...did 10 miles a day five days a week for 5 weeks...maybe one of best things i have ever done...did it at age 72 and both of us glad we did it when we did as those mountains aren't getting any flatter that we can tell but we are sure getting older......but i don't think i would want to live there especially year round..gets cold way up in those mountains...
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