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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. The arrogance of organized religions is truly amazing. Mine is right, yours is wrong. My take: I do not know what power (god?) exists in the universe as it is beyond human comprehension....anyone who claims otherwise is either delusional or a liar . Why not just leave it at that rather than try to invent all kinds of cults, rules, books, and explanations for the unknown and unknowable . There is nothing wrong with just saying I DO NOT KNOW.
  2. when you blast the word atheist around over and over i would say the topic is certainly including religion....
  3. then why oh why did the trump doj and barr not indict hunter...they had two years and did nothing....and with all those bank records, emails, photos etc it should have been a slam dunk.... and yes i saw two IRS agents who "felt" that the investigation was obstructed but the trump appointed man weiss who was actually in charge of it said that was not true.... If you can account for why china and saudi arabia paid kusher and ivanka BILLIONS but somehow hunters 17 million is the crime of the century that superceeds multiple criminal charges against trump where the EVIDENCE is being laid out for any and all to see..... as for your "intelligence".....that is another story
  4. How about being just a tiny bit more user friendly??? Just finished applying for e visa tourist visa online: Took me approximately 5 ++ hours to do it...take and then try and download this pic and that pic and it won't work...then it says oh that pic of you may not be acceptable...took and downloaded 6 different pics of me standing against solid white wall and it says no good....then not sure how you are suppose to download pages of your passports with all the stamps from past year which cover different pages in passport but u can only down load one pic of one page? and of course flights, bank statements, pics of me holding my passport, drivers license, and then of course is a declaration form that must be signed but you can't sign online and since no printer have to go somewhere and get it printed, sign and then take a pic to download (unless you want to find a site that lets you convert and sign online which is also a pain in the butt.....and on and on and on...and nearly everytime you have to leave the site to get another pic out of a file it kicks you off then you get to go through all the sign on, password, captiva etc to get back then click next next next to get back to where you were.. Good think i really want to return to thailand or i would have said forget it....absurdly non user friendly site...whoever created this site is a sadist. I did same gyrations last year and far as i can remember they have not fixed one single glitch or made any attempt to make it more user friendly....
  5. EVIDENCE....got any re Biden? Then lay it out so we can all see it. Allegations and maybes and stuff you find on the deep web are not EVIDENCE and any grown adult should surely know there is often a huge difference between allegations and EVIDENCE....have you ever been accused of something you did not do? Gee wouldn't you demand that your accuser either put up or shut up?? Our entire legal system is based upon the idea that when you accuse someone of something that you must have EVIDENCE to convince a jury/and or judge and prove the accusations beyond a reasonable doubt.
  6. Here we go again....break out the tin foil hats and have a party. If you want to believe in angels floating around on clouds or 72 virgins awaiting you if you blow yourself up go for it....millions upon millions apparently will believe most anything.
  7. So most republicans screaming for hunter biden's head over some hazy allegations that apparently lacked enough proof for the trump DOJ and AG to bring charges during their reign...where is your outrage of criminal acts when your boy trump has been and is being charged over and over for a variety of criminal acts that have gone beyond allegations to hard core evidence? If you are outraged over Biden's drug addicted son allegedly taking a few million bucks where is your outrage against Ivanka and Kushner allegedly taking a few BILLION bucks from the Chinese and Saudis? Should an investigation into that also be pursued? I am all for Biden being charged IF and WHEN there is some real hard core evidence presented to justify a grand jury indicting him. The trump camp had two years to make a move but did not. Why is that? Meantime where is the same outrage of criminal acts by trump that have been charged after a grand jury reviewed volumes of hard core evidence of trumps variety of crimes? The evidence so far revealed includes a multitude of video and audio tapes, often in trumps own words, along with testimony from dozens of republicans who were in the room or on the phone and testified under oath as to what they personally saw or heard....and a grand jury looked and listened and then voted that yes there was ample evidence to support bringing criminal charges.
  8. One man's version of entertainment is another man's version of hell...simple solution is to change the channel when anyone starts to get on your nerves....which is often these days. Piers to me is yet another washed up guy that tries to remain relevant when IMO he should have retired long ago. But obviously some people like him or he would not still be on the air.
  9. the area where i was the blacks were few and far between....why would a black guy want to live around a bunch of confederate flag waving bubbas with pit bulls?
  10. Did someone name you the arbitrator of discussion? The overall discussion revolves around the return of a man that was ousted by a coup so to discuss the coup is not a deflection.
  11. A bit of history....notice how the coup crews cxld and changed constitution, dissolved parliaments, change the constitutal courts, banned parties from future elections, arrested cabinet members, etc etc....then when the voters elected ying luck just repeat it all....and it seems all of that has worked out well for them as they are still in control and seemed to have effectively blocked any/all attempts to give up their power. Fat pigs are hard to remove from the trough in spite of what voters may want. The 2006 Thai coup d'état took place on 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The coup d'état, which was Thailand's first non-constitutional change of government in fifteen years since the 1991 Thai coup d'état, followed a year-long political crisis involving Thaksin, his allies, and political opponents and occurred less than a month before nationwide House elections were scheduled to be held. It has been widely reported in Thailand and elsewhere that General Prem Tinsulanonda, key person in military-monarchy nexus, Chairman of the Privy Council, was the mastermind of the coup. The military cancelled the scheduled 15 October elections, abrogated the 1997 constitution, dissolved parliament and constitutional court, banned protests and all political activities, suppressed and censored the media, declared martial law nationwide, and arrested cabinet members. The new rulers, led by General Sonthi Boonyaratglin and organised as the Council for Democratic Reform (CDR), issued a declaration on 21 September setting out their reasons for taking power and giving a commitment to restore democratic government within one year.[1] However, the CDR also announced that after elections and the establishment of a democratic government, the council would be transformed into a Council of National Security (CNS) whose future role in Thai politics was not explained.[2] The CNS later drafted an interim charter and appointed retired General Surayud Chulanont as Premier. Martial law was lifted in 41 of Thailand's 76 provinces on 26 January 2007 but remained in place in another 35 provinces.[3] Elections were held on 23 December 2007, after a military-appointed tribunal outlawed the Thai Rak Thai (TRT) party of Thaksin Shinawatra and banned TRT executives from contesting in elections for five years. The 2006 coup was named the unfinished coup after another army general Prayut Chan-o-cha staged the 2014 Thai coup d'état eight years later against the government of Yingluck Shinawatra, Thaksin Shinawatra's sister, removing her government. The 2014 coup had taken over the country for five years, much longer than the 2006 coup, and drafted the junta senates to be involved in the prime minister election.[4]
  12. Well if i remember right when he left town the generals waited til he was gone and then like a true third world country the generals took control via a coup....guess they were afraid to try it when he was actually in the country or he may well have assembled his own group of thugs to resist the takeover..
  13. sort of like the coup crew then...no morals or ethics....but at least the taksins were elected and not installed by tanks....whether farangs like that or not is irrelevant as the thai people are the ones who vote for THEIR choices...sad that the generals seem to continually override those choices to install their flunkies and fatten their wallets.
  14. so put all the coup crew in jail ...or do you think that all the generals have done very well financially by taking over the government and robbed thai people of a basic human right called voting?
  15. Few thoughts that I think should come into every discussion on religion: 1. Define "God"....you want to claim to believe or not believe what? If by God you mean that there is some power that is beyond human comprehension then ok. If you want to tell me that you "know" your beliefs are absolutely correct I will call BS. If by God you mean some organized religions fairy tale version that parents worldwide brainwash their young children in believing no thanks. 2. Nearly all religions seem to think that THEIR religious beliefs are the true and correct ones....when actually the vast majority of religious people worldwide simply adopt whatever religion is the dominant strain in wherever they happened to be born/grow up. If you were born in Irag you are muslim, Rome, catholic, Alabama southern Baptist, Thailand Buddhist, India , Hindu and so on. I find it laughable that so many people want to defend their religion when the fact is if they had been born somewhere else they would likely believe a totally different one. 3. Why are so many religious people such blatant hypocrites? I dare say a good chunk of so called Christians would not let their man Jesus into their house if he showed up at their door....or they might shoot or deport him because he looks like a dirty hippie arab. 4. Believe what you want but when you start to try to indoctrinate others into your beliefs or eliminate those who don't share your belief, or use your religion as an excuse to lie cheat and steal or further political goals etc that is where you cross the line.
  16. and then there is mr red bull ....seems no shortage of crimes that enough brown envelopes can not make go poof...
  17. So if Taksin is expected to go to jail for his crimes then what about the illegal coup plotters who took over the country with tanks, then rewrote the constitution and placed 250 unelected cronies into the senate making it near impossible for the will of the voters to be followed. I guess overthrowing the government is not a crime?
  18. I lived in a southern rural area full of rental mobile homes, confederate flags, and lots of pitbulls tied up in the yards(to protect their valuable assets? or meth lab?)....it was not unusual to have several break free every year and maul someone that had the bad luck to be walking down the street...so of course you can sue the owner and most likely can win a judgement but if the owner is dirt poor with no assets and no job good luck ever collecting anything.
  19. How many of the trump supports on this forum are willing to post a response of yes or no to two simple questions? Is there any evidence of significant voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election? Did Joe Biden win the 2020 Presidential election?
  20. Yes two or more sides to every story...makes no difference what I or others "think".....that is why the courts require real EVIDENCE of laws being broken....not a bunch of BS or political conspiracy theories spouted on TV or the internet....so once again...why did trumps doj not convene a grand jury to bring charges against biden....they controlled doj, fbi, and attorney general for 4 years and the investigation took place under their watch...could it be that they had no real evidence? good advice to stop having tunnel vision...follow the EVIDENCE.
  21. same except if u mean the ones at bus station that meet ekamai bus that is 50 baht and doesn't leave til full...bolt car quicker and easier for few baht more..
  22. Well all you have to do is hope donnie gets reelected and then can pardon himself to stay out of jail then he can assemble his goons to try and get the Bidens....even though he did control the DOJ and FBI and AG office for 4 years and in spite of all their investigations they could not apparently come up with enough real evidence to convene and convince a grand jury to indict anyone....i agree why bother.
  23. "allegations" are not the same thing as hard EVIDENCE...you know like jack smith is laying on the table to attain indictments?? .....You got any evidence or just more allegations which mean about as much in a court as a conspiracy theory or a bunch of kids spreading rumors in high school.
  24. if you don't like it don't read it...the entire topic is the WHAT ABOUT theme....as in what about that horrible joe biden but don't dare look at the orange buffon who has been charged with REAL crimes not a bunch of oh what a bad granddad he is...
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