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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. but who wants to BUY a fake ticket...ultimately i told them i am leaving overland and all of a sudden they said oh ok....i think it depends on which clerk handles your application as seems it is up to them and some are easy some are pain in the butt....best advice is to start the process early, take several deep breaths and a valium, and don't be surprised if u have to go back and forth on several pics or questions til u ultimately get it...
  2. and if you sort of like to leave door open and live with fan instead of a/c? i think the problem is not the party but the increasing loud bluetooth speakers not to mention lots of drunks yelling all night long....and yes i know TIT so good luck with any controls....now IF IF a mr big from bangkok in the Penthouse suite of a building was disturbed i suspect the beach would be cleared in a few days and it would be the sound of the surf only....
  3. Yep what a pain in the butt..i did one last year and if anything it has gotten worse..so absurd that they seemed surprised that i was leaving thailand by land like i was first ever to do that...i did figure out the hotel thing last year after big hassle and booked 90 days no $$ til check in, got the confirmation send them screenshot...they say no screenshots so take a pic with camera of screen and send them that and they say ok though not nearly as clear as screenshot...and the pic of me standing in front of white wall...my wall is white but lightly textured and they would not accept after five attempts...go stand in garage and take a pic not nearly as clear and it works...and of course there is the take a pic of your passport page showing last year or so....but of course it is not all on one page and requires two pics but they only allow download one pic... .whoever designed the whole thing is a sadistic SOB...but yet day after day people have to deal with it...i am reasonably ok with computers but some older guy not so inclined would NEVER be able to figure out all the downloads etc...now i have to cancel my agoda booking...can u even imagine if you are traveling all over thailand for 60 days (u know like a TOURIST applying for a tourist visa might do) that u would have a different booking for couple dozen hotels to give them and how many pics downloads of confirmations that would take....i wonder if the people in the thai embassy have ever been on a trip in their lives but u would think that after a few years of dealing with same questions over and over day after day they might actually say OH so that is how this tourist thing works...wrong.
  4. Fancy living in a nearby condo and having the audacity to want to go to sleep.
  5. Only a true kool aid drinking trumper could find a way to try and blame this on the biden/garland DOJ and a far left conspiracy and not even mention or recognize that trump is the one who has fanned the flames of violence over and over, created legal problems and indictments by his own actions, and this idiot as described in the story was a full fledged trumper out on a mission... .I cannot read this man's mind but it would certainly appear from the story that he was "inspired" by the MAGA anti biden anti garland movement that has been created and propogated by trump over and over and over.... and the "far left conspiracy" is that the one where republican after republican are the very witnesses that have testified under oath as to what they personally saw and heard trump do as relates to criminal activites by trump....so i gues those brilliant left wing dems somehow managed to get to all those republicans and convince them to tell lie after lie under oath naming the man that they worked with/for and had voted for providing more than enough probable cause that a grand jury indicted trump on criminal charges....wow that is some great work by the left wing and biden and garland to pull that off....
  6. I just went through similar....my flight departing is from viet nam....they wanted to see my flight departure and i told them i was going overland to viet nam so not flying out of thailand...they said ok and that was that...hassled me to death over lots of other stuff as would not accept screen shots etc and did not like the pics of myself that i attached etc ,,also wanted to see confirmation of every hotel for 60 days which of course is absurd as i want to travel around an stay here and there ....finallyt...went on agod and booked a hotel that did not require payment...sent them that confirmation and will now cancel it....all took two weeks and more BS than can imagine but finally got approved...good luck...
  7. Having just gone through t e wringer of trying to get a 60 day tourist visa online i wonder what kind of visa these kids are getting...I have been in / out of thailand dozens of times over 30 years...never once overstayed, never a hint of any trouble, no police record anywhere, and yet it took two weeks and about 5++ hours of taking this pic and that, air flights, bank statements, hotel confirmations, pics of all passport pages for last year, pic of me standing against a wall,...and then oh cant accept screen shots only jpeg and pdf and on and on with a ton of hassles and BS... .I keep foolishly thinking that why don't they check my history in their computers and see i have never caused any problem, have played by the rules and now am a harmless old man who would like to come spend a few months in thailand spending $$ and be in bed by 10 pm.....gee maybe we should not hassle the hell out of this old man and spend a bit more energy weeding out people with police records, bad behavior record in their home country or in Thailand. So again what kind of visa do these kids have and if the cops arrest them and put that in the computer then don't let them in again without requiring all kinds of conditions?? And maybe not just kids...don't let obvious troublemaker adults in either or if you do make the requirements a lot tougher on them than someone with a spotless record for decades....
  8. Thank you for that info....seems very cheap at 1000 thb for middle of night but i will of course give the driver a nice tip if all is ok...
  9. Surprised the anti weed gang is not somehow trying to say they were all hyped up on the devil weed...ironically if they had skipped the booze and smoked weed they would most likely had a few slices of pizza and listened to the music with a big smile on their faces and gone home with no problems. Alcohol on the other hand seems to bring out the absolute worst in many and convinces some that they are invincible. Hint: You are not.
  10. looks good to me....i see when u book they do ask for your flight number so i assume if u got delayed they would be aware of it....
  11. Any possiblity that you could hire a pro tutor to work with the kid couple hours after school without wife being involved and that might calm situation ...mabye wife is horrible at trying to help with homework and just confuses the kid? Good luck to you and the kid. I believe that all kids should get a chance to be a kid sometimes and not have the nose to the grindstone every waking minute.
  12. Any good recommendations? Can you book in advance and they monitor your flight if should be late? Arrive approx midnight at swampy after long flight so don't want any drama. Approximate price standard car two big suitcases one person to central pattaya? Thank you.
  13. And it appeared that a farang who probably weighs twice as much as the bouncer thought it would be a fair fight for a great big farang to slap a little bitty Thai. How did that work out?
  14. How sad that people will have a dog that is totally suited for cold weather climates and use them to strenghten their ego to have something different by having one in thailand...they care nothing for the dog other than as a converstation piece...there are plenty of dogs that are fine in hot weather but not cold weather and vice versa. Don't be a dick.
  15. Yet another story of farangs with few too many drinks thinking they are some kind of tough guys not realizing that they are not going to fight one guy but the guy and lots of his buddies. Fair or not the farang is usually going to be maybe twice the size of the thai and think oh i can whip this little guy....big mistake. Hint: When you are in a bar that has four or five thai guys there with T shirts that say "security" it is not a good place to get into any kind of confrontation. It will not generally work out very well for you.
  16. To each his own: I like having a fridge, some ability to cook, a TV and the basics. I do get the idea to unclutter your life as i have lots of clothes that i will never fit into again so finally loaded them all up along with a lot of other "junk" that i never used and took to salvation army..overall i find a pretty good rule of thumb is if you have not worn or used it in the last year or two get rid of it. I also have found that the bigger your house/condo the more junk piles up. It's like some kind of law of nature.
  17. Most airlines at least in USA that are overbooked ask for volunteers to give up their seat in return for often a very nice substantial payment in cash/credits as well as free flight if they go later. Some of the best trips ever are the ones where they were overbooked and i collected a very nice windfall for delaying til next flight...not for everyone but almost every time i have seen them ask for volunteers to take the compensation they have more people wanting to take it then they need...if not the offer keeps going up til they have what they need....so instead of having angry people on tight inflexible schedules they take care of them and the volunteers love it...please bump me more often.
  18. Rent a condo on a high floor with a low balcony rail...buy thai whiskey sit on balcony and comtemplate your life.
  19. pomchop

    Vape cartidges

    Do the weed stores sell basic screw on pot vape cartridges? What is approx cost? thanks
  20. Its called a cult, created by a very talented con man/grifter who has played to millions of disgrunteled people who are generally locked into some kind of pitiful life and want to blame anyone and everyone except themselves for their failures. It is all the fault of miniorities who have ruined their lives by taking all their jobs and working smarter and harder than they do. It is all the fault of democrats who consistently have provided them with benefits like health care, welfare, social security, etc that they gladly take themselves but do not want anyone else to get. It is all about being conned by an entertainer who spends every minute either bragging about how rich he is, how he can grab women, what a hot wife he has, and how awful everyone who is not named trump is and then whining about how horrible the usa is for "normal" white people. It is all about people who have gotten conned but whose ego will not allow them to admit it so they double down again and again and refuse to even consider that just maybe they have been conned. So they continue to ride the clown car, watch fox news, and send $$ to the grifter who constantly reminds them how very very rich he is and how he doesn't need anybody's money. Take a look at how hitler rose to power....everyone wants some group to look down on and blame for their own shortcomings. Who would have ever thought that Germans would have fallen for the entire speil that we will eliminate jews and take control of the entire world where everyone will look just like us. But fall for it they did until they were in so deep that there is no going back.
  21. Wow 10 posts and this is the best you got? Trump has done nothing wrong and is a fine example of patriotism?
  22. Congratulations: You have posted one of the most delusional cult posts possible. You must really be sure of your sources to say charges are all phony when all of the witnessess who have testified are republicans hired and appointed by trump himself....once again the incompetent democrats have managed to convince die hard republicans to lie as to what they saw and heard trump do firsthand....not to mention those same incompetent dems managed to rig an election in 7 states and leave not a shred of evidence behind for 60 court cases, investigation after investigation, recount after recount, mostly all done by republicans or people hired by trump to investigate. You are obviously privy to some very well kept secrets that you have found. Have a glass of kool aide.
  23. Could be they are awaiting the chinese to get the rules changed so they can buy/build entire buildings....go to shianoukville cambodaia to see what the chinese did to that once quiet simple area....bulldozed an entire community on the beach and replaced it with condos and casinos full of chinese having contests to see who can smoke the most cigs and lose the most money.... The companies buidling all those massive complexes in jomtiem area no doubt are well connected politically so it would not surprise me at all to see some movement of laws to entice more chinese investment and we all know that there are a LOT of chinese who might want to own a shoebox condo near a beach in Thailand...add in a few big casinos to further provide more fat brown envelopes and here we go.... Also i suspect that over time there could well be a lot more russians looking to own something on a thailand beach...before the war the russians were liking jomtiem more and more but the war seems to have cooled that a bit at least for now.
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