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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. I have never ever bought a bus ticket in advance..i am not in thailand yet and will buy the ticket after i get there a week or so before i leave thailand...not sure how many people would buy a ticket 4 months or so before they plan to take the bus...i don't even know what city i will depart from yet...
  2. i have windows 11 so thanks for the tip....i did send them a screenshot that i think i did as print to screen and though clear as could be they said no screen shots?i have already printed it out and taken a pic and sent it back to them in jpeg so hope to hear today that it is ok.......and of course already told them that my departure flight is from vietnam as i go there overland from thailand so why they would need to know my flight out of viet nam is part of the absurd way it is all structured...they just don;t seem to grasp that a tourist might actually leave thailand overland and not by air....anyway...thanks for your advice as it will not surprise me if they don't like the jpeg i sent them...
  3. Yep that old joe is a first class incompetent idiot for sure along with all the incompetent democrats.... Why he is so incompetent that he and the dems somehow managed to rig the election in 7 or more states and not leave behind a shred of evidence for republicans to find after 60 court cases, recount after recount, investigation after investigation mostly all done by republicans....Yep that ole senile Joe sure is an idiot to pull that off.
  4. I think the reality is that there is no real defense that will work in court....his best bet is to somehow bribe or intimidate a juror to get them to refuse to vote guilty in spite of a mountain of evidence...u know sorta like a mob boss or cartel...we will kill your entire family type thing...and no i would not put that kind of thing beyond trump or some of his deranged supporters. How sad that we have come to even thinking that is possible.
  5. So happy for her. Now if i could only get an online tourist visa without jumping through hoop after hoop of nonsense....but i am just a regular person that has been to thailand dozens of times over past 25 years with never a hint of border jumps or overstays (good customer?) and not the kid of some rich folks....so naturally i am treated like some kind of criminal trying to get a simple tourist visa.
  6. What a frigging pain in the butt the online tourist visa is....want you to download all kinds of nonsense but will not accept a screenshot...only jpeg and pdf file? So how do i convert online flight confirmation to jpeg or pdf...it will not convert it. So go somewhere to print it out , take a pic of the printout with phone, download the photo? Sign declaration but can't sign online...have to print it out then take a pic of it...except of course don't have printer or want to mess with sign online download software... It is like the people who review all the submitted docs go out of their way to hassle you. Give us your departure flight...ok but i am leaving thailand overland then come back later for a flight out of thailand so here is my departing flight from Thailand.......it's like they cannot imagine anyone leaving thailand overland then coming back later for their flight home. Guess I am the first ever to do that. Give us confirmation copy of all the hotels you plan to stay? Gee i am a tourist so plan to visit many places but don't want to book every single night hotel yet as not sure exactly where i want to visit and how many nights i may want to stay...DUH. I have entered and left thailand dozens of times over past 25 years all of which is in their computer system. NOT once have i have overstayed or done a bunch of border bounces or got into any kind of trouble but obviously that means NOTHING. How about they look appllicants up in their computer system and if never ever a hint of a problem not hassle the crap out of you to get a 60 day tourist visa?
  7. yah right and ALL of the witnesses named in the indictment are republicans most hired or appointed by trump himself but go ahead and claim it is some dem plot.. amazing how trumpers can claim that biden is incompetent but somehow old joe rigged the presidential election in 7 or more states and left not one shred of evidence...wow what a brilliant incompetent guy.... typical trumper cult beliefs.....
  8. It is my understanding that if trump is charged and convicted in Georgia and sentenced to prison that no president has the power to pardon him of a state conviction but the gov of the state or a board of pardons could pardon state convicted criminals. I guess that would then depend on if Gov is a dem or a repub and how he felt about it all.....talk about pressure?? Does anyone know for sure? As for feds if he were to win he would not officially be president til jan 20 ( and presumably would be sitting in jail) at which time he would try and pardon himself it would no doubt go to supreme court...and if that drags out I assume he would have to sit in jail until when and if the supremes said yes he can pardon himself he would then be freed from jail........so theoretically the POTUS would sit in a jail cell till sorted out.....or if supremes said no he cannot pardon himself you would have a president serving from a jail cell......what a mess. if anyone can verify above please do as I am not totally sure how all that would work? Or maybe nobody knows for sure as we have never had anything close.
  9. Because i am tired of even attempting to have any kind of rational discussions with trumpers who will not accept reality regardless of pile after pile of evidence even when provided by republicans.
  10. So you play by the rules and deposit 800 k in a Thai Bank. Then you listen to others brag about how they paid an agent $1300 who somehow magically got them a bank book that showed they had the required 800 k in the bank though they did not have anywhere near that amount...then the agent takes that bank book to immigration along with some nice fat envelopes and bingo a retirement visa is yours and poof the 800 k that was supposed to be in their bank never existed. I have long thought that there will come a day when immigration will crack down on this and fine or even deport people who do this...and of course the agent who took their $1300 usd or so are not gonna be handing out refunds. Of course that would require a lot of mr bigs in immigration to give up who knows how many zillion baht a year paid to them by agents. I find it a bit strange that I have heard a lot of ex pats brag about how they bribed their way to a retirement visa and then later whine about all the corruption in Thailand. I do think if I ever did it this way I would not go around bragging about it to people who did it per the rules.
  11. It's called common sense. For anyone who actually bothered to read the indictment the thing that will jump out at you is almost every single fact alleged in the 45 page indictment was provided by REPUBLICAN's most of whom voted for Trump and were very much hoping he would win. But when push came to shove they saw clearly that he did not win and that he was pushing the big lie to try and retain power. He suggested very strongly that they all go along with him but time after time on state and federal level they said NO. There is no evidence of election fraud , we have reviewed it all over and over and we will not participate in lying to say that we found any of the alleged fraud. Trumpers who still try and claim it is all some big democrat conspiracy need to READ the indictment and please by all means share with everyone every witness statement supporting the allegations is by anyone OTHER than a republican trumper. Common sense. Do the crime and leave a long trail of your own supporters aas witnesses, documents, video, audio and you will get indicted. And of course I know already that hard core trumpers will come up with some what about biden, what about hillary, all these republicans who are witnessses are all lying or involved in some massive democrat conspiracy to pick on poor little donnie who is as pure as fallen snow. Spare me please.
  12. sorry i did not mean to respond to your post...a different one
  13. Right. Got it. You did not read the indictment in full.
  14. It is obvious that a lot of the posters here have NOT read the indictment. Anyone with even a shred of understanding of the charges filed and the outline of evidence supporting those charges would grasp that donnie is in deep doo doo. Trump is free to lie all he wants and spin all he wants to his cult and to the media. Courts do not operate that way. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/politics/read-trump-january-6-indictment/index.html
  15. you know a 30 second google would provide you with the indictment in full...you might want to take the time to read it ALL. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/politics/read-trump-january-6-indictment/index.html
  16. If you actually read the indictment and you think it was only about expressing his opinion then I hope you have no legal ambitions as you missed the entire points laid out. The primary reason that donnie is in deep doo doo is not that he expressed his opinion but that he conspired with others in a variety of crimes as are laid out in excruciating details backed by a mountain of evidence. The indictment spells out fact after fact that is no doubt further corraberated by documents, emails, texts, first hand testimony, audio and video tapes. Jack Smith is too smart to throw out a bunch of charges that can be shot down by claiming first amendment free speech. The crimes charged have nothing to do with free speech which anyone who has read it would recognize. In fact the very first page points out that trump has to right to run his big fat mouth and tell all the lies he wants to his supporters and the media. The fact that the election was not overturned has ZERO to do with the conspiracy charges....a conspiracy does not have to suceed to prove that there was a conspiracy to commit a crime which is against the law. First year law school stuff.
  17. I blame wandering around at 3 am...probably poor diet, poor health, and it caught up to him as most probable cause...if he had stayed home smoking a doobie and listening to pink floyd he would probably have lived to see another day.
  18. Yes he is "truth challenged" but then again the generals are not exactly models of integrity.
  19. How many people would NOT want to run away after being removed by a military coup and their courts? He would have been an idiot not to hit the road as the deck was stacked against him.
  20. You might want to do just a tiny bit of research before posting such nonsense.
  21. It is obvious that many many people just can not admit that they have been conned by possibly the biggest conman ever. They no longer believe their own eyes and ears. They can watch hour after hour of HD tape of trumpers storming the capital with bear spray, trump flags, MAGA hats chanting hang mike pence and beating the crap out of the cops who dared to try and stop them....and they believe that it was just tourists that got a bit out of hand. They applaud wildly when trump calls the rioters heros and promises them pardons if he gets reelected. They can see and hear tape after tape of trump telling lie after lie after lie for over 6 years now and refuse to acknowledge a single one. They can read page after page backed by hard core evidence of audios and videos and first hand testimony by republicans who were in on calls or in the room when trump broke a variety of laws and then tried to cover it up. They can see the results of 60 court cases as well as investigation and recount after recount done by mostly republicans that found no evidence of significant voter fraud in 2020 and yet still cling to the big lie that the election was rigged. I could go on and on but it is a waste of time. It seems impossible for most of them or their egos to just admit that they got conned by the grifter. It is really not a total shame as he is perhaps the greatest grifter ever. Many still send him $$ of course forgetting that he bragged over and over and over that he was/is very very rich and did not need anyone's money. It does seem that there are a few cult members who are now starting to stand up look into the mirror and admit that they were lied to by trump and his minions like Rudy. Maybe just maybe someday more of the cult members will have the courage to just admit they made a mistake and move on. One can only hope.
  22. There is only one real reason trump is being indicted on such a wide variety of crimes. It is because trump has committed a wide variety of crimes and has left behind enough hard evidence to be found guilty. Failure to prosecute such blatant criminal acts like obstruction of justice (to name one that is easily provable) would violate the integrity of the entire judicial system. Whine all you want about biden but the bottom line is if you can't do the time then don't do the crime...and if you absolutely must do a variety of crimes by all means grow a brain and don't provide evidence over and over by running your big mouth....and really donnie, you tell a couple of low level guys to wipe security cameras (a few days before you know the feds are coming to look again for docs you lied about and have not turned over) who then tell others who will no doubt testify to that? Do innocent people wipe security cameras if they have nothing to hide? Oh did donnie just happen to wake up one morning (right before the feds were coming) and decide to call a low level employee and talk for 24 minutes about the weather and then that employee contacts the IT person and says the boss wants the camera wiped....and by BOSS i doubt he was referring to Bruce Springstein....really donnie...you thought you would get away with such colossal stupidity? WOW.
  23. Probably not a good idea to post while under the influence of kool aide or alcohol?
  24. From what i saw in public high school the women teachers do most all the work....I hope the women teachers tell the men to serve their own damn drinks.
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