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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. i used to donate all my empties to a ma and pa store who said that they get a few baht and that a truck comes around every few weeks to pick them up....i would wait til i had several cases of empties and pull up to store and they would take them from car and wai me and smile and act like it was a big deal.
  2. I am sure the ten other people that got attacked as well as the mom that got savaged and then lost her son when his guts were ripped out by HIS dog might not think this is such a great idea...just imagine a person brutally attacked 12 people and savagely killed the last one ripping his guts out what would the penalty be? Let's hope we are not reading of more attacks if this sweet little pit kills his trainer or escapes to attack and kill more innocent people, pets, etc. So is the person who decided this going to try to rehabilitate the killer or more likely assign some poor underling to risk his life? Dumb doesn't begin to describe it.
  3. And the current govt cannot manage to apprehend a guy who killed a cop speeding hopped up on coke and then fled and has thumbed his nose at Thailand court/judicial , anti corruption etc for almost a decade now...and after investigation after investigation as to who allowed and continues to allow this to go on has not managed to find any payoffs or wrongdoing by the people who have been in charge since it all occurred. Doesn't say much for a fair and impartial juristic system now does it. And this same clown car of politicians and their hand picked judicial of course wants to punish Taksin after a coup controlled court naturally found him guilty of all sorts of crimes...but the courts don't seem to care or notice that the current bunch of government poobahs seized power in an ILLEGAL coup...no problem there, If you want Taksin to go to jail then how about red bull and the coup plotters and all the paid off who protect all of them share a cell?
  4. i opened a chas schwab checking account online in five minutes..no member requirement and have been using card in thailand for a year and never paid a penny in ATM fees....i have had no downsides and no hassles at all....maybe they changed something since i opened my account but a quick google search and visit to charles schwab checking account will give you the details with a few clicks
  5. yes it is...they reimburse all the fees any atm may charge you anywhere ....open account online but i think u have to have a usa (or maybe europe etc not sure) address for them to send you your card...fees are reimbursed in full regardless of amount u withdraw so you don't feel obligated to withdraw big amounts to cut down on cost to get your money out...easy
  6. but if you bother to read the stats highlighted in post above it is pretty obvious that over the past 50 years or so that republican regimes have consistently raised the deficit over and over and over..and gee if i recall obama was POTUS in this century....and your source of your claim is??.. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jul/29/tweets/republican-presidents-democrats-contribute-deficit/
  7. Biden has given the answer already as to how he will pay for it. He will change the cap on social security payments into the system which currently stops at 160 k per year in earnings. A guy that makes 20 million a year now pays exact same into soc sec as a guy that makes 160 k a year. He is going to force giant corps who make billions of dollars and figure out how to pay ZERO in federal taxes to pay a min fed tax rate of 15% and also close a lot of the loopholes that are available only to big corps and super rich. There is much more but the amount of $$ that the richest of the rich would pay into fed taxes is HUGE...and frankly it is not even a big deal to the 1% who already have more $$ than any sane person could spend it 20 lifetimes. The very idea that a person with asset and income of tens of millions per year who has an army of tax lawyers and accountants looking for off shore loopholes etc and end up paying no tax or less tax than a secretary is absurd. Why that seems hard for people to understand is a mystery...unless of course you happen to be among the richest of the rich in the usa which I kind of doubt includes anybody on this forum.
  8. you are the one who is talking about a biden deep state weaponized fbi etc...i believe u will find that is part and parcel of hidden information, conspiracy theories etc... if you would like to share all of your evidence of a weaponized DOJ who is out to "pester Trump" rather than realize that the DOJ investigates potential crimes and trump has so many to choose from i guess poor little guy feels pestered......but go right ahead and act surprised if that makes too much sense for you to grasp. Big difference with the GOP and the new brand phenomenon AKA MAGA. If MAGA was not so powerful, prolific, loved, FEARED why does Biden's deep state and weaponized FBI, DOJ pester Trump...24/7...non-stop. But, now it's slow Joe's turn, watch for updates from Comer and Congress.
  9. and the bite strength of a terrier or chuahauas is not even in same league as a pit bull...getting bitten by a litle lapdog sure can hurt but the chances are excellent that it will not be fatal.. .seems you missed the point is not so much that you might get bitten it is that with a pit they do not just nip and run...they want to rip your throat or guts out and often the only way to get them to let go is to shoot them...one good punch to a terrier and you win...not so with pit bull attacks...
  10. ooooooh the deep state...i bet i can find a zillion batshxxt crazy conspiracies online in a matter of minutes...everything from Qanon to bill gates putting chips in covid shots to the DEEP STATE why is that people think that just because they searched around on the internet for a few minutes and stumbled onto a bunch of GARBAGE with no evidence to support it that it automatically makes them appear to be "onto" something or smart because they have found some "hidden information" in the bowels of the internet placed there by who knows who with whatever agenda but somehow it has been hidden from most everyone else? Hint: Just because you read it on the internet does not make it true....
  11. and exactly when will the jail sentences begin for the ones who overthrew the elected government in a coup while Taksin was off on a trip ..do you just suppose that this same bunch had an incentive for a so called court to find him guilty of crimes while ignoring the fact that a coup is illegal and impacted far more people and the idea of a democracy much more than whatever crimes they charged against taksin?
  12. yeah have a big laugh after reading how a pit attacked 10 people then finally killed it's owner by ripping his guts out....hilarious..until it happens to you or your family
  13. ganja mixed with a few changs and/or lao khao or meth etc could be possible but ganja alone? i highly doubt that....ganja tends to make people want to sit around and listen to music or look at the stars. and eat potato chips.....not go attack people like booze/meth...
  14. cue the it's the owner not the dog and my little sweet pit is so cute he wouldn't hurt anyone crowd.... then wait a few days and read another story very similar to this one.....admittedly this is one of the worst of the worst but once again it's a pit bull whose bite strength makes it a natural killer once whatever it is that sets it off good luck stopping an attack....and the dog obviously does not care if its the owner or a stranger a man or woman another dog or a kids whose guts it is ripping out...i feel sorry for all involved that have been terrorized and attacked and even killed by this "sweet little doggie"
  15. agree but it would as biden pointed out also be good if the top corps pay at least 15% tax on their record profits and the top 1% paid something approaching a reasonable amount rather than getting even more tax cuts.. ....why people keep voting in repubs who provide so little to the average person but lots to the richest of the rich demonstrates that people do not pay attention or they are so blinded by fox and all their conspiracy theories that they don't realize that they are not part of the 1% ....If the top 1% paid the same rate as a secretary who does not have an army of accountants and lawyers and shell companies that would be a start...and would it really really change what the 1% has for breakfast tomorrow....they have more $$ than any sane normal person could spend in a dozen lifetimes...but the repubs still pushing that same old tired trickle down garbage that has been proven over and over and over to be a myth....
  16. obviously you are referring to the liar in chief who sent the deficit 25% higher.....and told lies and continues to lie to the "seals" who lap it all up even if it includes trying to overthrow an election.... see no evil hear no evil.....
  17. don't u know that it is many religious peoples goal to get as many people as possible to buy into whatever they got brainwashed into believing....it's what they do..... my favorite is be the biggest murderer rapist child molesters crook con man and worst for 75 years but confess to it all and accept the tooth fairy as your savior on your death bed and and all is forgiven so roll on through those pearly gates.......if not burn in hell for double eternity.....
  18. yeah give me a quart of "divine presence" with chocolate syrup and a cherry on top.. ..religious people are a real hoot trying to sell stories wilder than santa and the tooth fairy and Easter bunny....difference is that while kids believe that for a while most of them realize soon enough that it was all just a big lie to make them feel good and try to get them to behave (Santa knows who's naughty or nice)....unfortunately many of them when they become adults still can not distinguish the fairy tales from the truth and live their lives talking to imaginary things in the sky with their "santa list" of things they would like Mr Big to arrange to have happen. To which I say "grow up".
  19. about 4500 usd a pound? if it is worth that he would be a fool not to expand his grow pay u off and buy a new mercedes.... if it sounds to good to be true....blah blah blah
  20. And most things in the religious world are way too bizarre to have been made up but yet billions of people are brainwashed from childhood to believe all sorts of absurd ridiculous religious garbage. Some go out and try and kill other equally brainwashed people who by pure accident of where they were born believe another version of the nonsense....If u were born in India you were brainwashed Hindu, Italy Catholic, Bagdad, Muslim, England Protestant , Haiti voodoo, Thailand Buddhist and on and on....never seems to occur to all the religious fanatics that what they believe to their very core has more to do with where they happened to be born and brainwashed than any other single factor. Religious zealots however of course think that they alone have seen the "truth".
  21. Don't tell anyone....enough people packing into VT6 already
  22. Well I guess you know more than all the pros who had to decide the best action....you make it all sound so simple to just set a balloon down from 60.000 feet up in a precise area then send in a few machines to scoop up all the debris from the rocky uneven sea bed with no worries about rough seas high winds in the middle of the winter . Maybe a bit more complicated than than off the coast of SC in 50 ft water with a flat sandy seabed beneath in 50 degree weather within short distance of shore with all sorts of big military bases personnel and equipment nearby.....it is amazing the experts didn't think of that or call to get your expertise.
  23. Another illegal airbnb operation....i am hoping that someday the powers that be will once and for all put a stop to it....if you do not have a hotel license in vast vast majority of cases rentals of less than 30 days are illegal....and yet it goes on and on turning condos into hotels. Maybe some nice tax audits of these agents might also show zero tax paid. Part of the problem with the illegal air bnb or agoda or booking.com who show the listings online and claim oh they have no idea it is promoting illegal rentals type rentals is that owners see others doing it and say gee why should i rent long term for $400 a month when i can give to agent and make double or triple that so the price for longer term rentals goes up up up. So the poor suckers who bought or did a long term lease on a condo whose HOA rules as well as thai law say no rental less than 30 days find out that their idea of semi peace and quiet living in a residential condo is full of all sorts of short term renters clogging elevators swimming pools coming home drunk and loud is not only allowed byt promoted by agents in the lobby. The Thai hotel industry as well as juristic boards of big condos need to grow a set and at least attempt to get the Thai govt to enforce the law. Some big time fines would send a message.
  24. Here we go. Just what the usa needs is candidates for POTUS that act like 5th grade kids calling each other every name they can think of, making fun of their hair style, their clothes, their names....that is todays republican party. No solutions, ( example? don't worry the new repub replacement for obamacare will be announced by 2100...maybe) no platform....just spew childish taunts at your opponents , whine and moan about everything under the sun, how unfair it all is to you, and get a lot of clicks and TV time to raise $$ off of your grift.
  25. With all the hot air being blown around by "experts" as to where, how, when they would have handled it i guess next time biden should post on asean to ask for their expertise. Hint: You are not experts. I am not an expert. Leave the recommendations to the real experts that actually do know about Chinese balloons, probable intelligence capabilities, military capabilities. international repercussions, debris fields and possible salvage operations. Like Biden did.
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