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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. I suspect it is ok for a tour guide who travels with the group from their home country to Thailand to be a tour leader as long as he/she returns with the group to the home country. Very different than a farang who lives in Thailand to try and provide tour guide services which I suspect but am not sure is what is happening.
  2. Pattaya baht buses are one of the biggest bargains ever unless you attempt to talk to the driver in which case he may well think you want him to take you straight away to your destination like a taxi. Just shut up, get in and you will rarely be expected to pay more than 10 baht for the standard routes. In spite of all the nitpicking it is the perfect transport system for Pattaya. Just imagine if all baht buses were gone and there were big 50 pax buses roaring around trying to get through narrow streets or a few hundred more taxis carrying one or two passengers at a time.
  3. I believe they have had all sorts of investigations and recounts in Fulton county done by republicans and came up with NO evidence of anything that did not say the election results were and are accurate...try and keep up.....or maybe you want the Ninjas to go to Georgia like they did in AZ and waste every ones time and resources to come up with NOTHING in their "forensic audit"...when will trumpers ever get it through their kool aide induced comas to realize that trump LOST the election. 60 court cases recount after recount over and over and over and yet they still cling to same old tired lie that somehow the election was rigged. Pitiful. If you in your infinite conspiracy theory wisdom have any hard real evidence that the election was rigged you should lay it on the table for all to see ...you will be a hero to the kool aide crew and probably get your very own show on Fox where you can promote lies on air and then text to your fellow Foxers about what a total pile of BS the "rigged election" truly was/is.
  4. poor little donnie everybody's always picking on him and he is a fine law abiding christian who has never ever done one thing wrong or illegal in his life.....and thanks to all that fake news that told and continues to tell their brain dead viewers how wonderful he is while they text each other behind the scenes that he is a total nutcase and only a fool would believe any of his multitude of lies.....
  5. How many people who use shady agents to get around the law on things like having 800 k in the bank are the same people who complain about corruption/bribes in Thailand?
  6. How about if repubs wake up and worry about important issues in America and get their noses out of everyone's choice of vocabulary, out of women's vaginas, out of school curriculum, out of banning books and all the other stuff they spend time and energy to divide America.
  7. u worry too mutt.... ONLY way you are likely to have a problem is if you <deleted> off a Thai (or even some nut job farang)and then they are out to get you but don't tell thai friends/girls what u are doing and highly unlikely anyone would know or care
  8. again you "think" that what you think would be best for the Thai people...again they don't care what you or me "think"...and millions of Thais did not support the coups even if you don't like it. Leave Thai government to the Thai people as you are but "one more farang".
  9. But the Thai voters don't care what you think. It is their country and their elections and if any Thai people want to challenge the leader then they have a judiciary to try and remove them....it is not done by rolling tanks into the streets...unless of course you prefer military dictators who want to line their pockets and overthrow election results that they don't like.
  10. you mean honor the laws that makes overthrowing a duly elected government illegal and then clinging to power through corruption and having the judiciary do their bidding? Got it.
  11. Or another solution would be to honor the voters choice instead of a bunch of cowardly thugs seizing control with tanks in the middle of the night like a banana republic and deciding that they alone know best for all thai voters.
  12. Here we go again....the same bunch that still clings to the tired lie that the election was stolen in spite of recount after recount investigation after investigation and conclusions publicly stated by multiple republicans that it is all a BIG LIE to say there was any significant election fraud. Now the same bunch wants to try and claim that the attempted coup was a nice peaceful visit to the capitol in spite of massive and overwhelming videos showing very clearly a massive amount of violence that anyone with an IQ in triple digits would recognize was not just a tour group. Pathetic and pitiful and dangerous that anyone is still pushing these same old lies. We get it that a lot of people liked Trump and think of him as some kind of savior. That does not make lies true. Move on. Admit you bought into the big lie and take off the tin foil hats.
  13. sure another great idea.......u do know that there is 40,000 HOURS of video? It would take u 4.5 YEARS to watch it all...the average american has an attention span of about 1 minute if that.....anyone with a clue has seen enough of the live videos to know it wasn't a tourist group just visiting the capitol that day .
  14. I think he is a troll as nobody who watched hour after hour of live time footage could post such total nonsense.. .." Lying is bad. Lying for 2 years and holding farcical show trials they knew were nonsense is a new low in the left's dishonesty - although totally unsurprising after they refused to release footage(nothing to hide, nothing to fear?) Sad so many were taken in by the insurrection narrative."
  15. But they just love to blame a Thai without reading the details..it's what they do...if a Thai was involved then it must be the Thai that started it all....in this case it certainly appears that according to the oz guy HE started it and the Thai guy finished it.
  16. Actually the thai teachers loved it when i would teach their classes as they sat there and played on their phone most of the time...saved them having to do much of anything.
  17. So you want to teach hi so rich kids....nothing wrong with that but perhaps you should not be so dismissive of the rest who didn't grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth....they are not all floozies or hawkers but perhaps in your hi so environment they are not worthy of your high standards of education.
  18. Never said reading and writing are not important...of course they are. But if you can't speak or understand spoken English good luck with med school or overseas scholarships. Further the vast majority of public school kids in Thailand are no more going to med school or overseas than they are going in a spaceship to Mars. I am all for reading writing speaking and understanding English for any who want to give it a shot. Not one in a thousand of the kids I taught in the "sticks" will likely ever leave Thailand as they are dirt poor and not going to some elite school. But at least I feel like a few of them did improve their speaking / understanding skills/confidence by practicing with the old farang and the old farang also learned a lot about Thai kids and how to learn together and have a lot of fun doing it.
  19. Well I did it at age 68-75 and yes that is old but the kids give you energy and it can be a heck of a lot of fun if you take an hour or so to prepare before you show up....you have to make a fun game out of it and it takes a while to get the super shy kids to try to speak english as their peers will laugh and hoot at them BUT eventually most of the kids do at least give speaking and trying to understand spoken english a try and the ones i dealt with sure seemed to increase their confidence enough to give it a shot....if you do it will likely learn that you are actually more of an entertainer than a teacher so it does take a bit of work to come up with new fun ideas of getting the kids to respond....any expat that hasn't grasped the idea that sanuk is very important part of Thai learning culture should stay home.
  20. Expand to retired ex pats who volunteer in return for no bs one year visa...basic screening and monitoring to weed out perverts and worthless and let them do part time few days a week..screw up or no show and an email from school principal to immigration and special visa cancelled.. the Thai kids desperately need some teachers that will help them to learn to use the words they know in speaking and listening ...right now they are taught grammar and diagramming sentences which is fine but rarely do they actually practice speaking and listening which native English farangs could and would allow them to practice...i did it and can tell you it works and is also great fun for the teacher and students......
  21. In my long experience with Thai people I have had few if any even semi serious problems. I have found over and over if you are a jai dee farang and don't try and start a bunch of stupid conflicts the Thais that i have encountered will treat you well.....however.... If you get drunk out of your head and turn belligerent yelling and threatening and get your butt kicked don't blame the Thais.
  22. Oh i expect that immigration will get a LOT of tips/bribes from the Ruskies to let them stay....sorta like the cartel sugar or lead offers....bribe u stay, no bribe you go.
  23. Insurance companies are experts in wiggling out of claims as there are always lots of loopholes in the fine print that a gaggle of lawyers wrote and most people never read and don't have their own gaggle of lawyers to go through it all. It's what they do and one reason they make massive profits a lot of which is spent on lobbying politicians to keep them from being more closely regulated and transparent with fine print loopholes.
  24. champion tours soi 13/2... 9 hours total 3500 thb all in....they run a good operation to cambodia...fluent english german thai....go talk to them..operates every day...5 am or so til about 2 or 3 pm
  25. Who knows maybe a jury will somehow avoid all the pressure that will surely follow them along with death threats.bribe attempts, etc and follow the evidence which seems to be bountifully in supply...much of which is in trumps own words, videos and actions.
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