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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. MANNERS is a part of culture. Obviously you have decided that you will not wear a mask on BTS and it does not bother you to be on a crowded train and one of few who refuse to wear a mask. As said before, it is about respect. Even if you choose to ignore advice to wear the mask on BTS most Thais obviously disagree with your opinion. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art.May 3, 2559 BE
  2. good for you that you can read thai's minds and looks...you should open a business...maybe they don't look at you cause they don't like what they see?
  3. You assume they don't care. Big assumption as many of them may well be looking at you thinking what a damn jerk.
  4. ..so if you are one of the 90% of farangs riding BTS with no mask while 98% of the thai people do wear masks you stick out like a sore thumb....how about have a tiny bit of respect for the Thai people. When you are in another country does it not occur to many that it can be good idea to show respect for the cultural norms of your host country? Would you go into a home in Japan and not remove your shoes? Would you wear a speedo into a Thai wat? While the thai people are too polite to call out all the farangs on the BTS you can be pretty sure that most are likely thinking what a jerk. It's not going to kill you to wear the damn mask for a few minutes regardless of what your opinion may be regarding mask. It's about respect. Have a little class and show some respect to the Thai people.
  5. yes but those nurses in boston probably making a bit more than a few bucks a day like thai nurses...plus rents, law suit liability insurance and everything else astronomically higher than thailand in boston.. you are a trusting polite man not to go back and ask to see supervisor and complain or at least ask for an explanation of why so much for simple procedure....
  6. wow those were some expensive stitches...$100 usd + per stitch....absurd unless something else involved
  7. ok guess i missed it..and this was a compliment? strange compliment ..but glad YOU Know it would not be good for Thai people....try "you think" And when she becomes PM, her daddy will have another puppet in power, just as he did when Yingluck was PM. And they will be laughing all the way to the bank
  8. so you know best what the thai people should do and that of course is not to elect a person that you don't like so you support those that you like and denigrate those you don't like and have a great insight into what will be good for the people of Thailand...got it. Repeat: .it is so very simple...let the thai people vote and then let their pick serve a term
  9. another farang that knows what is best for the Thai people....it is so very simple...let the thai people vote and then let their pick serve a term without the generals plotting to overthrow them....amazing how many people seem to support coups over voting.
  10. yeah if you can't win at the ballot box just call out the tanks and take over.....just like dear leader would approve of....screw the voters....we know what is best for you
  11. I would wager that the number of overstays among Russians will balloon over the coming months....lots of them arriving and as I understand most get 30 days upon arrival like many other countries...but when it's time to go back to Putin Land i think a lot of them will miss that return flight...who the f would want to go back to the mess that Russia has become with sanctions etc not to mention you may well be given a gun and sent to the front lines. So will Thai immigration round them up and deport them or look the other way?
  12. I would like to see a major thai tv news station have one of those countdown clocks on their daily news broadcast showing how many days/weeks/months/years police have been "unable" to locate red bull and return him to stand trail for killing a cop while hyped up on coke.....then a second clock counting down when statute of limitations expires and he can return to thailand like nothing ever happened, BUT somehow I don't think the powers that be would be much in favor of a daily reminder of the corruption and incompetence of the Thai legal and judicial system. Maybe if the current dear generals get voted out and a taksin heir takes over ms taksin may tell the cops to go get him.....that would be fun to watch as i would bet the current judges that have hounded taksin for so many years are many of the same that see no reason to arrest a guy for killing a cop and fleeing.
  13. What is a headbutt in slang? to deliberately strike (someone) with the head.
  14. How about we let the Thai people decide via votes instead of illegal midnight coups. Prison sentence handed down by the junta judges? How about the coup crew face the music for overthrowing the duly elected government years ago.
  15. Very very hard to believe you can live in central Pattaya and not go to walking street for 15 years at night. Sort of like living in New Orleans and not going to Bourbon street for 15 years. I rarely ever go to walking street as not my cup of tea but I at least am curious to visit for a few minutes every few months just to see what may or may not have changed. To each his own is a good motto to live by in Pattaya.
  16. i would bet that it was a 60 baht beer which is not all that rare in off the beaten path bars in pattaya and i highly doubt that you will find a 60 baht lady drink in any pattaya bar. Odds are he bought a beer and then didn't want to pay...in spite of all the theories about how the poor russian got picked on, cheated ,beaten up by the Thais (that were about 1/3 his size) the far more likely scenario is russian was a mean drunk that bought a beer and thought he would also charm the ladies and when that didn't happen he was a complete total idiot jerkoff.
  17. ...being asked to pay your bill is not being molested...slapping a thai gal over it is about as dumb as it gets. Not getting the absolute <deleted> kicked out of him over it was his lucky day
  18. How about a new visa policy 1. Visa is $1 per day PLUS $10 admin fee. 30 days $30, 365 days...$365 Payable in advance online or for additional $25 fee in person at special desk on arrival. 2. Renewals or extensions at immigration office for admin and additional days fee 3. Upon renewal passport will be checked against police data base. Any legal violations other than very minor no more $1 a day visas period. End of the line and deal with immigration like before. 4. Max visa is one year. Then must be renewed and admin and police check done to add additional year. 5. People caught with expired or no visa big fine and future visa requests strictly in person at immigration with appropriate penalties. Keep it simple. How many tourists would likely stay a week a month or ? a bit longer if it were simple. Of course many current immigration staff would need to be reassigned or eliminated but such is life and there seem to be no shortage of jobs for thai govt staff.
  19. The obsession with money. I have a lot of wealthy friends who are still working in mid 70's who seem to want to tell me how very lucky i was/am to have retired at 52 and been roaming the world for past 23+ years. I have a fraction of the net worth of many of these but would not trade my memories and freedom with hardly any of them. Of course I understand that many love their jobs just as i loved mine but if that job is preventing you from "living your dreams" then just maybe it is time to give it up or at least cut back and get on with living the dreams. Personally it seems kind of sad to me that some just cannot give up on the idea that they need to make more more more and keep working til they drop dead but never got around to their bucket list because of their greed. There is more to life than how much $$ you have......would you rather lie on your death bed and say wow i have xx millions of dollars in the bank still...or would you rather say i did just about every item on my bucket list and would not trade those memories for a miilion more bucks left behind. Fortunately i long ago learned to live within my means and to spend my $$ on things that bring satisfaction to me rather than living my life trying to impress anyone with my house, cars, clothes, etc. Over the years i have been called cheap, tight, frugal, you name it for simply living within my means. Of course i can think of many similar slurs to use on some of my money obsessed friends like greedy, stupid, pretentious etc. Millions of people seem unable to distinguish between what they need and what they want and end up broke or working way too long as a result. I have enough to live the rest of my life not extravagantly but quite comfortably. My motto for 23 years of retirement re trips adventures etc is "If not now, when?" It has worked well for me as you get older you do start to realize that health is number one and there are a lot of things that maybe you've been wanting to do for a long time but now you are simply too old or have health problems that say no way. My two baht worth.
  20. Repeat: It is a waste of time to try and explain to trumpers the legal difference between one who purposely lies both verbally and in writing and obstructs justice for months on end and someone who made a mistake and immediately took steps to correct the mistakes by returning the docs the next day.... and then doing even more searches to make sure they had found and returned them all and cooperates fully with the investigation rather than attacking the investigators. Both have been and will be investigated and the difference will be spelled out in detail. And of course trumpers will then claim the investigation was a witch hunt if they are not pleased with the results.
  21. so did anyone do a blood test for booze or drugs? It would seem that would be done immediately by the police for an event like this where someone died. Bad enough that she killed the guy....even worse if drugged up...but without test done quickly guess nobody will know for sure.
  22. The ruskie got off light...if indeed he slapped a thai gal did he expect everyone to wai and thank him for stopping by, creating a big scene and then trying to skip on his bill? He doesn't look very sober in the video and i would be much more likely to believe the thai version of what happened. As for just call the police? So by the time the cops get there he is long gone and the description is big fat drunk russian....good luck sorting that out. No sympathy from me for the russian especially if he did indeed HIT the thai gal. I have no sympathy for ANY man who hits ANY woman. Lucky someone didn't pull out a baseball bat and beat him half to death. How would russians react if a thai guy slapped a russian gal in a russian bar?
  23. yeah right...ask him how adolph worked out for him
  24. It is a waste of time to try and explain to trumpers the legal difference between one who purposely lies both verbally and in writing and obstructs justice for months on end and someone who made a mistake and immediately took steps to correct the mistakes by returning the docs the next day.... and then doing even more searches to make sure they had found and returned them all and cooperates fully with the investigation rather than attacking the investigators. Both have been and will be investigated and the difference will be spelled out in detail. And of course trumpers will then claim the investigation was a witch hunt if they are not pleased with the results.
  25. Sums it all up very well. I think many of us on this forum are wasting our time trying to explain that simple difference that a 5 year old kid could likely grasp to a bunch of kool aide gulping trumpers who will never face reality....and will support dear leader who as he told us all..." i could shoot someone on 5th avenue and my supporters don't care...sadly he was right about that.
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