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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. The right will of course say it is all political. T himself has long assured them that he is above the law and could shoot someone in times square and get away with it. Trump and his companies have been sued over 3500 times most long before he was POTUS. That might be an indication that just maybe he is not clean as new snow. The jury will no doubt be charged to look at only the facts placed in front of them and ignore everyone's opinions as to why charges were brought....then they have to decide if he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or not. Agree the other cases are reflective of much more serious potential crimes and it will be interesting to see if the republicans are all willing to back trump on obstruction of justice, attempts to overthrow the election results not to mention inciting a riot/coup. Those are some very serious charges and trumps own words, videos and action seem very well documented and may be the torpedo that sinks donnie and the delusionals.
  2. I had it happen when they were off my a month on how long i was allowed to stay...checked it before leaving and they promptly fixed it and it appeared to me a supervisor was giving the guy who screwed up an earful as i walked away....better safe than sorry
  3. Well to be fair they need to make sure to give priority to all the agents there who almost surely provide some nice fat envelopes for "special" treatment. Review the bank accounts of some of the top immigration officers and see how rewarding a job can be...the more chaos, the more business for agents who can avoid the chaos for a fee.
  4. Rule 1: Always check to see what date/stamp etc is put or not put in your passport before you leave immigration no matter what country you are entering. Rule 2: See rule 1.
  5. This case is the least of t's problems....more and bigger shoes to drop soon.
  6. And a coup leader is not a criminal? There are courts to sort that out...not generals with tanks.
  7. When t again runs his mouth attacking the judge, the DA, the jury, the entire judicial system. and encouraging violence as he is almost surely going to do I expect the judge will issue a gag order as he would with any other loud mouth defendant....and if t continues to defy the court issued gag order he may well get to visit his convict friends for a few days in a jail cell......and if/when that happens cue right wing fox and t magas to scream like a bunch of kids and whine about how unfair it all is and little donnie has done nothing to deserve being treated like any other defendant would be treated.
  8. so says another farang...i am sure the Thai people sit anxiously awaiting advice from farangs on THEIR chosen leaders.
  9. While some may never vote for him again at least he was elected and not installed by a bunch of generals and tanks in the dark of night while he was away on business. It's called an election where the Thai people vote for their choice in spite of what some farangs may prefer. It would be nice if the generals would honor the results of elections and if they have a beef with those elected take their concerns to the courts to resolve rather than to the streets in coups.
  10. I suppose you were just fine with USA not sending military to europe in WW2? Especially if you were German. Or I guess Russian invading Crimea and Ukraine would also appreciate USA staying out of it all then maybe they can take over Finland and a few other countries?
  11. So don't extend it on first day of what many would consider to be start of low season? Even if an extension had resulted in a realtively small number of people staying an extra two weeks what is the harm during slow season when the govt is subsidizing locals to travel to try and fill empty hotel rooms? Would you rather have a few more rooms filled with farangs or let them sit empty? Ask the hotels and I suspect they prefer policies that fill more rooms. I can almost understand if they extended it to beginning of peak season around nov 1....but slow season? Anyone who has been in Thailand from around April/May til Nov knows that hotels are wide open and begging for longer stays.
  12. Maybe he did not want to catch a cold from sitting beside someone coughing and was not inclined to just believe that it was allergies? Don't blame him for moving away from the coughing farang. How about just show a tiny bit of common courtesy like many asians have done for decades and wear a mask if you are coughing in public especially if asked politely to do so in an enclosed space like an airplane?
  13. Yeah i don't know how we will be able to spend all the $$ that mexico provided to build a wall...maybe they did give it to trump and he spent it on himself. He sure as hell did not build any significant wall...yet another in his multiple episodes of The Biggest Liar.
  14. So i guess trying to "find" 11780 more votes than "we have", putting together a plot of fake electors, trying to pressure pence into not doing his duty along with unleashing a violent mob to try and stop the electoral vote count and continuing to this day to tell the big lie that he won as well as calling the capitol thugs patriots and heroes is not trying to overthrow an election and is just another day at the office and everyone is just picking on him for no reason at all. That is one of many reasons that there is a lot of vitriol directed at him...some of us don't much care for lying dictator wannabes who think they are above the law and want to toss the constitution when it suits him.
  15. He apparently tried to overthrow a legitimate election via a coup....that's a bit different than lying about a BJ or his fellow republicans lying about WMD. His day will come to face the coup charges and all it will take is for a few of his lapdogs like pence and meadows to make an immunity deal and tell the truth and it will not end well for the teflon don. But of course since 70% of republicans still believe two years later that trump won the election they will continue to scream witch hunt and be divorced from reality.
  16. And for all the trumpers who are ready to send the grifter more $$ that he is constantly begging for you might want to revisit him telling you how very very rich he is and how he does not need anybody's money https://www.facebook.com/KTVLNews10/videos/10155723483080323/
  17. pick a crime..lots of choices...i agree docs is slam dunk as is georgia....the biggest was the attempted coup that testimony/immunity from pence and meadows and a few others should they ever grow a spine could be the cherry on top of the coup crew.
  18. Once again you are wrong. He can run for potus from prison if he wants to. There is no such restriction under the constitution...you know that piece of paper that trump wants to wants to tear up.
  19. The idea that this will discourage t from running is laughable. The REASON he is running is that he thinks it may help keep him out being charged with a slate of crimes and possibly end up in jail. In fact most dems want him to run in 2024 as they know they will kick his butt again as there are a lot of people who are sick and tired of the entire trump train and will either not vote or vote for anybody but trump. A cult base of 25/30% may well get him the nomination but it is got going to get him the white house.
  20. The fact that top republicans have to be forced to simply testify and TELL THE TRUTH would cause many to say WHAT ARE YOU HIDING? Why do so many continue to defy or try an wiggle out of subpoenas. If you have done nothing wrong then there is nothing to fear. Man up, raise your hand and tell what you know under oath. Then let the grand jury sort it all out and decide if any laws were broken and if so which laws, by whom, and if there is probable cause to indict and charge crimes. Don't go on fox and whine about how unfair it all is or threaten violence or cry witch hunt or beg for $$ or talk about how you are all for law and order. Just tell the truth and let the chips fall where they will. Of course that would require courage and a spine which seems to be in short supply in the current version of the republican party.
  21. So why didn''t trump and his minions like barr indict her? Could it be because there was no evidence of a crime?.....Easy to cry wolf like right wingers love to do. Not so easy to convince a grand jury to review the evidence presented and decide that the evidence is strong enough to support charges...a little legal fact that trumpers don't seem to grasp.
  22. As should spineless mike pence and dumb as a rock mark meadows along with a dozen or so other close to trump....many of them know full well what happened and trumps role leading up to the jan 6 coup attempt....they better throw him under the bus as you can sure bet he will not hesitate to throw them under if given the chance...i don't think pence or meadows are much cut out to survive prison with some REAL tough guys. My guess is the investigators are explaining several immunity options to the entire gang right about now.
  23. Patience...the train is coming down the tracks and it is a great big powerful locomotive pulling a ton of evidence on the coup man. Obviously they have to be absolutely sure to have all the i's dotted and the t's crossed as the repubs of course will be whining their see no evil hear no evil heads off that it is all a witch hunt and little donnie is practically a saint or the second coming of Jesus.
  24. Why did they think there had been fraud? gee could it be because trump and the right wing media told lie after lie after lie to mislead the kool aide cult into fomenting a coup attempt? If they wanted to uphold the democratic process why do 70% of republicans to this day continue to support the BIG LIE when anyone with an IQ in triple digits knows it is all BS?
  25. But Mexico was gonna pay for his fantasy wall. Yet another lie and broken promise b y the great grifter.
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