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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. What's next? Trump if ever goes to trial will be offering big bucks and free cheeseburgers for life if just one juror refuses to convict him.....then he will crow like a rooster that it was all a big witch hunt and all of his actions were totally perfect....and his kool aide coup crew will cheer. Similar to OJ trial that regardless of massive amounts of evidence a couple of jurors had already decided that they would not convict their "hero" of the double murder no matter that there was nothing even approaching reasonable doubt for anyone with an IQ in triple digits or a shred of integrity.
  2. Now that's a hoot....trumpers making fun of biden for occasional gaffes.....Obviously they have never watched or heard any of trumps rambling incoherent rally speeches where he can't follow a train of thought for ten seconds and comes across as a blathering idiot....and i do believe the blathering idiot wants to be POTUS again in spite of being so delusional that he apparently still thinks he actually won the election....and gee tell us again which foot those bone spurs were in that saved you from vietnam? Oh that's right, can't remember....Alzheimer's or lies?
  3. They claimed in court it is just entertainment and no reasonable person would believe them....maybe they should run in a scroll across the screen saying what you are watching is entertainment and no person with an IQ in triple digit person would believe what you see or hear here. .....yet fox continually doesn't say fox entertainment...it says fox "news" with a lot of "fair and balanced" BS promos which implies journalism with at least some minimal standards of integrity....they know full well that their success come from slinging mud, innuendo, pumpimg conspiracy theories, telling outrageous lies, and appealing to their right wing viewer base that wants nothing but dirt and garbage and the more outrageously crazy the better. Fox has done more to promote trump and his gang of batshxxt crazy loons than anyone....of course they knew it was all BS but when it came to do we tell the truth or do we spread the BS they time and again chose to spread the lies, stoke hatred and violence all in the name of fame for themselves and the almighty dollar. Fine patriots that hide behind the flag and stand for nothing that any half way intelligent American would call patriotism. Then when the xxxx hits the fan they all run and hide under their desks.....with their stacks of ill gotten cash.
  4. So the party that elected Marjorie Greene along with Bobart, Gaetz, Santos and other assorted bat shxxt crazy MAGA morons is now concerned that an elected dem might not be up to the job? Laughable.
  5. Maybe mr big should take a look at all the agents who are there every day handing out bribes for special services...or perhaps mr big just wants to make sure that he gets a piece of every bribe. Jomtiem is a huge MESS...from long lines all day everyday, little if any seating to handle the crowds, lots of rude agents yelling at people , poorly written instructions, never ending copies of this and that over and over requiring you to go get yet another copy of whatever they decide is needed....and of course the entire staff shuts down everyday for a nice long lunch break
  6. so all the dodgy visa services that put 800 k in your account make a copy of bank book for immigration then take it out the next day...if u get a visa using these people what happens if your immigration/agent get busted....could your visa be cancelled as you knowingly broke the rules? from what i have observed at jomtiem immigration and listening to expats brag about how their agent did it all for little over $1000 usd "bribe" as well as a few recent crackdowns on immigration corruption it seems risky to me...how hard is it for immigration to ask to see bank book with $$ there as required and blame the applicant if skirted the rules?
  7. yes but i think the 45 day deal expires end of march
  8. i suspect that some envelopes get passed out to allow it to continue...only if and when some well connected thai condo owners get irritated at it and don't care to have their buildings turned into hotels will it stop....I know of one such building in bangkok where the local owners raised hell. put up sings in all the elevators warning it is illegal and encouraged owners to report any other owners who were still doing it...the juristic was also onboard and very quickly they stopped it....maybe one thing was they said on their signs that also anyone renting short term was subject to arrest and fines (not sure if true) but who wants to stay in a place fearing possible arrest....i wish more buildings would get aggressive like that as hoping the police will do it is likely not gonna work... and of course farang owners /jerks who think it is their road to riches as they could not care less the impact it has....above and beyond the non stop coming and going of people it also increases the cost of condos for buyers and long term renters....why rent your condo out for 15000 baht a month when you can rent it out for 1000 baht a day....sell your condo to an airbnb renter and it is worth a lot more if return is 4 times as much for a daily rental than as a long term home...over the long run it prices a lot of local and long term farangs out of the market...yet a lot of farangs continue to rent illegally and don't care one bit and others see it as a biz opportunity.....i would love to see it all shut down but won't hold my breath...
  9. In fact, the stipulated punishment under The Hotel Act, B.E. 2547 (2004), Section 15 “without a hotel license” is one-year imprisonment and a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht. Plus, a daily fine not to exceed 10,000 baht for as long as the violation continues.
  10. In a nutshell most all condo rentals of less than 30 days are illegal in Thailand unless the condo has a hotel license which very few do....most condo HOA rules also prohibit the short term rentals. Have a little respect for people who either own or rent long term who do not want to live in a hotel environment with people coming and going at all hours, clogging elevators in and out, swimming pool over use, coming home drunk and loud with their ladies of the evening. During covid a lot of condos illegally jumped into looking the other way with short term rentals....but....covid is basically over and many owners are sick of the abuse. It' not just airbnb that enable all these illegal rentals..dproperty managers in the push the illegal rentals and sometimes even the security serves as key dispensers all right in front of the juristic who are supposed to enforce the house rules not encourage illegal rentals.....agoda and booking.com also allow them to list and they know full well it is illegal but they do not care as they want the $$....look for class action lawsuits against some of these platforms at least in usa ....and over time a lot of the thai owners are getting fed up with all the short term rentals and can well start to complain and report violators....especially farangs. If you want to be in the hotel business then buy a hotel whose function is to provide short term accommodations, have a license, pay hotel property and revenue taxes, etc.
  11. yes meant to say extend 30 days..any idea how to book the required appointments? i would prefer viet nam which i assume means saigon...
  12. sorry my mistake...meant to say extend the 60 day tourist visa at immigration for 30 days...thanks
  13. If i get a 60 day tourist visa in 2023 online and then extend it at immigration for 60 days and then i want to do it all again later in 2023 ? To do that i think i would need to leave thailand after the first 90 days....does anyone know if i were to go to vietnam for a few days can i get a second 60 day visa online in saigon or would i go to the thai consulate and would they give me a new 60 day touirst visa? I will be in thailand right at 6 months so am hoping i can just leave for a few days or a week after first six months..probably prefer to go to vietnam but laos or cambodia etc would also be ok if easier. thanks for any advice
  14. I volunteered..(illegal i know) to teach English a few days a week in a rural poor high school for about 6 years....there was zero farang teachers and the Thai teachers mostly taught English grammar etc in Thai..the kids had basically zero experience in actually trying to speak or understand spoken English and other than maybe seeing a few backpackers i was likely the first farang they had ever seen up close much less speak with..... at first they were so shy that it was tough to get them to even say hello....but kids are kids and overtime they got used to me and i figured out how to make it all a fun game and lo and behold some of them would practice on me and for some their english became way way way better as their confidence grew that they could actually speak with a real live farang ...a lot of them do know a lot of English words and even how to diagram sentences as the Thai teachers do basically teach reading writing and grammar....but not speaking... bottom line is i have said over and over it the Thai govt would allow ex pats to volunteer even a few days a week it would be a major boost to the kids speaking abilities......in return give them a no hassle one year visa and stop with all the nonsense of volunteer is illegal...etc. If the ex pat screws it up a simple email from the school and visa revoked....also need to do basic screening to weed out perverts/bible beaters etc...when i was there first year there was always the Thai teacher in room sitting there doing nothing while i got the kids to practice speaking...and i suppose to make sure i was not some weirdo... i was a vip at every event..and there are a lot of them that u are invited to....... and the principal told me that i need not worry as nobody was gonna bother me over volunteer as i was jai dee to do it...did it for 6 years and one of best most fun things i ever did....
  15. another fine example of a so called "christian" ....how about you just tell the truth???..you know so help me god and all that? spineless hypocritical shill that licked trumps boots for four years disregarding the lies, the grift, the porn stars, the grab em by the pssssy, mocking the handicap, using the bible for photo ops, cheating on taxes, and trying to overthrow the government and have your sorry butt hung? ....hey mikey..."what would jesus do?" Go hide behind a gang of lawyers or just man up raise your hand and tell the damn truth...you miserable excuse for a "christian patriot". News flash: You have zero chance of becoming POTUS ever. Donald trump hates you. Your continuing to try and protect him with silly legal games is also very STUPID. Telling the truth is the only hope you have of gaining an ounce of respect from all but the MAGA bunch that also hates your guts.
  16. It takes time for airlines and air ticket sellers to change all their pricing to include an extra tax...and what if you already bought your ticket long ago...what then? The thai cabinet would do well to work all the details out BEFORE making a big announcement and ending up looking like fools. Collecting the $$ is likely the easy part....figuring out how this so called insurance will work is much more complicated to negotiate and explain to people in dozens of languages exactly what the insurance might be, what it might cover, etc etc....my guess is it will all be hidden and somehow the insurance company will get paid a massive amount of $$ and the policies will have more loopholes than swiss cheese meaning little if any will get paid out re tourists...but a lot of it might well end up buying new cars, homes, and more for a select few well connected politicians and insurance execs...
  17. I can think of a few dozen questions in five minutes none of which seem to be addressed that i can see....who will collect it, where will it be collected, are airlines involved, take credit card?, what if no have thai baht, what exactly insurance is provided, how long valid, what is covered, how to collect and on and on and on Sounds like yet another idea that they came up with after a few bottles of lao khao and all said yeah that sounds good scheme...lets have a press conference and announce it....never mind those pesky little details....we are the Thai cabinet and we can't be bothered with details that will impact millions of tourists and have hundreds of millions of baht floating around with no idea who how when where why other than oh boy i gonna have a new mercedes and maybe a flat in london soon.
  18. when i was 17 i wanted a corvette....i got a dying uncles 1949 dodge..in hindsight the dodge was better as the back seat was like a huge velvet sofa and lot more room to do the things a 17 y.o boy hopes to do with a 16 yo girl...i have long forgotten the girl but will never forget my dodge...steele was so thick you could jump up and down on the hood with zero damage to the hood...also had fluid drive and a radio that could pick up stations from hundreds of miles away on a clear night... play u can't always get what you want by mick for her...then remind here that if try sometimes you just might find you get what you need
  19. lets hope it is not the dense airbnb mess like the other one
  20. Been carrying laptop into hotels all over Thailand for a decade ++. Leave it on the desk. Never had a hint of a problem. Maids are not the sticky fingered thieves that many seem to accuse them of being. Bigger problem would be guys bringing ladies of the evening back drunk then passing out and said young lady gets a laptop is my guess. Either that or a fellow farang traveler if staying in a hostel or super cheap room that can be broken into in about 10 seconds.
  21. The top airlines will as they nearly always do...the minor players who may have gone under regardless of a pandemic may not. People are not going to stop flying....they will fly more than ever in coming years. Many govts will not allow their top airlines to go bankrupt but will bail them out.
  22. he is an expert on how to overthrow the voters votes and lead an illegal coup and never ever be held accountable....a fine role model for future wannabe dictators...
  23. i used to donate all my empties to a ma and pa store who said that they get a few baht and that a truck comes around every few weeks to pick them up....i would wait til i had several cases of empties and pull up to store and they would take them from car and wai me and smile and act like it was a big deal.
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