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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. pot pollen can travel 10 miles or more per google cannabis pollen is exceptionally good at sailing on the wind, and can travel huge distances if the conditions are right. Given that bees are not attracted to female cannabis flowers, wind pollination is the plant’s only natural means of reproduction, and, like all living things, it has evolved to maximise its chances of passing on its genes. A single male flower will therefore generate about 350,000 pollen grains[i], and when you consider that a plant can often contain hundreds of flowers, that adds up to a hell of a lot of cannabis spunk in the air.
  2. don't doubt that but he says neighbor has and that is next door i assume so not good for the girls
  3. BUT if there is a male plant within 100 meters or so of your girls and if the wind blows the pollen your way your gals will grab that pollen in their sticky hairs and you will end up with lots and lots of seeds which is not what u want if u plan to smoke it.....
  4. balls to the walls all male...get rid of them immediately unless you like all your gals full of seeds....
  5. true but what other cities would get hit and how many millions dead along with radiation for decades? Putin backed into a corner for sure and maybe crazy enough to go nukes.....maybe some of his generals might decide to take control , eliminate vladie and withdraw from Ukraine and just be happy to suck billions out of russia rather than being part of a no win nuke contest? IF IF that were to happen and sanctions got dropped i suspect there would be lots of $$ flowing to the coup crews pockets....sort of like the cartels message to police...do you want silver or lead? Most of the Russian generals and oligarchs i suspect prefer silver to nukes.
  6. One of the busiest restaurants in soi buakhaow from morning til late night day after day. In spite of naysayers on here there are obviously many many customers who like the food prices and service just fine. Count me as one of them.
  7. what about health care? no idea what would be available and at what cost in scotland but it is likely an important issue for most of us as we get more "senior, elderly".....in Thailand health care seems readily available at a fraction of the cost of many western countries especially if you stick to public hospitals.... and you can also have a maid /cook/caretaker daily for not much $$.....no idea but my guess is that type of care would cost a whole lot more and be more difficult to arrange in scotland and most other western countries than Thailand. As an american i have medicare basic but to add part b as well as additional supplement cost me about $300 ++ a month ...i don't even want to contemplate what a maid/cook/caretaker would cost in usa.
  8. Just call fox news and they will run your "evidence" NON STOP 24/7 and it will be front page on the wall street journal and newspapers around the world. You are correct there is no use in trying when you have got NO EVIDENCE of this massive voter fraud that was investigated over and over and over by GOP legislatures, internet sleuths, right wing journalists, and even a pillow pusher came up with NADA, NOTHING, ZIP. So just keep on screaming fraud over and over and over long enough and maybe some kool aide drinkers will buy it and send you some $$.
  9. Well why don't the trumpers share all the evidence of voter fraud with the world. I am sure fox news & ruperts wall st journal and outlets would give you hours of free air time to put it all out for the world to see. In fact I would bet that out of all the trumpers and all the right wing "journalists" and all the republican millions upon millions in war chest that any investigator who after almost two years of looking could actually come up with any credible evidence that would stand up in a court of law would become rich and wealthy beyond belief. What is holding them up with sharing this long sought evidence of massive voter fraud with the world? Could it be that it is because they have NO EVIDENCE.....just a lot of hot air BS coming from a bunch of sore losers who refuse to just man up and admit they lost?
  10. oh how i long for the good old days of a bankrupt tv star who is really really rich but who begs for $$ from the kool aide cult; loses the popular vote twice and refuses to accept his defeat to biden claiming fraud in spite of 60 court cases telling him to show us the evidence or shut the f up....the dictator wannabe who has a new lie and excuse every week when shown more and more evidence via documents alsong with both audio and video tapes of his total disregard for the rule of law.....yeah i really do miss that guy.....like i miss hitler and stalin and putin and dear leader.
  11. the "deep state".... and you now speak for EVERYONE.... an indictment is not a "gotcha" ....it is an action taken under decades of legal precedent to insure that the defendants rights are protected and that if there is sufficient evidence of a crime to convince a grand jury then a trial ensues. You mean that same immensely popular MAGA leader who lost the popular vote by millions to both hillary and biden...oh i forgot that was all probably rigged by the "deep state"
  12. Don't agree with her policies but she has more balls than the entire republican house and senate bunch of sniveling "men" wimps who hide under their chairs and are terrified to cross the boss.
  13. In soi buakhaow for two weeks now....lots and lots of rooms available by day week month all around at low prices. Check agoda or just walk around and have a look.
  14. Not ranting about the bad orange man....his words and actions speak for themselves and are all on tape for all but the blind/deaf to see and hear in his own words...and they are not in the least "flattering".
  15. this post will not age well when all the investigations are complete and a barrage of indictments rain down upon the orange one...unlike the orange one and his supporters the DOJ takes its time, gathers all the available evidence, presents their findings to a grand jury and then the indictments come having followed the law and the rule of law.....unlike trump and the kool aide crew who ignore the laws, go off half cocked babbling all sorts of incoherent absurd excuses in public but afraid to make those same bs excuses in a court where they would actually have to have some EVIDENCE outside a bunch of deranged tweets and conspiracy theories.....remember only guilty people plead the fifth so sayeth the orange one over and over.
  16. LOL....trumpers who said not a word about the total BS crazy behavior and midnight tweet barrages and incoherent statements and demonstrably total lie after lie along with BS crazy bunch of coup plotters of the orange one are now concerned about biden? Got it.
  17. complete opposite experience at buakhaow,,,never got so many cashews ever in that dish...large portion and nice fresh chicken peppers onions and tasted wonderful....99 baht regular menu item and price.....
  18. Never in history has there been more "smoke" swirling around a former POTUS while the kool aid crew claims there is no fire. See no evil, hear no evil. What a bunch of spineless wimps the republicans have in the senate and the house who still are hiding under their desks scarred to death to say aloud what is as clear as can be....."the emperor has no clothes"
  19. I think cheap charlies on buakhaow is a well run place with good food and good service in a nice clean atmosphere with pleasant staff all at very fair prices. Obviously I am not the only one who feels this way as it sure appears to me to be busy most all the time. I mostly eat their Thai food dishes which are wonderful....try the chicken with cashew nuts and veggies. Delicious.
  20. hope it is ok to post this update https://www.chiangraitimes.com/news/miss-grand-myanmar-2020-seeks-asylum-in-canada/
  21. Just walked there yesterday...they are planting those big double trunk palms all along near soi 2, 3, 4 etc....look nice. Would be better if they had a few of the big old trees that give more shade but i believe somebody decided to cut them all down for some strange reason probably having to do wiith ego, $$, if it ain't broke lets fix it anyway plans.
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