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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. prachuap kiri khan is a great spot..make sure to be there over weekend as there is a nice oceanfront very local market every friday and sat night...prachuap beach hotel is a good inexpensive place to stay....two buildings one ocean front newer one across st ...i like newer one with very good rooms, nice balcony, bathroom, a/c etc.....ask the front desk and they will call u a samlor to take you to manoa beach few kms away for 5o baht or rent a bike or motorbike most anywhere....manoa fantastic beach with nice scenery...PKK is not a place for bars or wild nights but a good solid thai town on the ocean and very pleasant for a few days of semu solitude...
  2. For our marine HERO.....gee a bad conduct discharge...guess some of you haters missed that one or maybe it was all fake news by the court martial marine corps. After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.[9][10] The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."
  3. so many "experts" on here as to what biden did or did not do to get an american citizen free...from " experts" that have no clue as to what was discussed proposed etc...bottom line she is now free and for all you haters she is every bit as much an american citizen as any other american citizen even the ones who cheer and scream patriot while they storm the capitol and try to overthrow the government... oh how easy it is to sit in the bleachers and boo the quarterback rather than having to play the game....
  4. I lived in a rural area in southern usa..lots of mobile home types had pitbulls chained up in their yards to "protect their assets"..Then one gets lose and attacks and maims some kids....parents sue and win but owner has no assets to even begin to cover the damages.....oh sorry about your face and arm being half ripped off....my bad
  5. i don't have to own a cobra to know to not want one around...I don't have to play with fire to know you can get burned. I have driven a car and never had a wreck So what. .i would bet almost all pit owners had never been attacked...until they were.
  6. no because i have a functioning brain and have read enough horrible stories to know it is not a chance i am willing to take. Ask people who have been attacked if they are happy that they owned one.
  7. why don't the senators just put a for sale sign on ebay and go with the highest bidder....she ran and got elected as a dem then says screw you voters i am not what you voted for... maybe the dems need to buy off a couple of repub senators and just let the entire senate be determined by the highest bidder... what a disgusting bunch of self serving grifters...
  8. IF you can read you will find story after story week after week from all over the world with similar stories about "sweet friendly pit bulls" who attack savagely or even kill their owners, kids, strangers, other dogs etc....you are correct that the owners have no knowledge of the breed or they would never own such a dangerous dog and allow it the opportunity to kill or maim. Maybe they an also have a pet cobra and allow it to attack people because it is so sweet and never attacked before it did. Cue the pitbull defenders with their stories that their pit bull is so sweet.
  9. well since high season sorta ends about april 1 and the tourists arrival numbers will likely take a dive as they always do at end of high season some might wonder why you would want to further discourage low season arrivals to stay a bit longer with a bit fewer hassles? Keep the 45 days would be a logical plan....(i know i know...logic? what's that)
  10. maybe trumpers should ask their messiah's messenger tucker carlson why he was asking for special favors for his son or investigate favors done for DJT spawn like Ivanka while they are trying to uncover all the " facts...." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tucker-carlson-hunter-biden-son-college/?utm_campaign=Debunker 120822 (01GKSA1YTDE1CQ92A0M69APZGZ)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Snopes Debunker
  11. wow i was at wong amat a week or so ago at about noon time and walked entire beach from end to end....there were very very few people there and the condos looked empty....in fact the whole area looked pretty deserted with lots of real estate companies offering rentals at dirt cheap prices.. ..not doubting your experience but mine was different...it does appear that they have bulldozed almost all of the older bungalow properties back from the beach a block or so like east sea resort which seems to mean more high rises on the way....
  12. as has been said a zillion times there has to be a better way....i often thought why not just charge farangs $1 a day for visa...stay 30 days 30 bucks...stay a year $365.....report in once a year and as long as no police type problems pay and stay...of course that would mean a ton of govt employees would no longer be needed at immigration offices and a lot of companies that run visa run services would be out of biz....but oh how wonderful it would be for the vast majority of people who just want to stay in thailand without jumping through hoops and having to waste time and energy riding all day to cambodia in a crowded van spending $100++ to be permitted another 30-45 days.
  13. I sure am glad that I did not drink the kool aide. It is pretty amusing watching the cult trying to defend the indefensible, twisting themselves into knots to try and create space without saying what has been apparent for a very long time. Trump is an egotistical spoiled little rich boy that is a LOSER. Put down the kool aide and open your eyes and tell everyone with a straight face that you think he is an honest honorable man that has broken no laws and really really cares about the lives of his cult beyond how much $$ he can milk.
  14. thanks....i asked the champions gal and she said all inclusive but i will ask again when i buy the ticket...i am also hoping to be among first for pick up to get better seat...she said vans start in jomtiem then come to south pattaya....but it is possible that there will be several vans so hard to predict re how many board jomtiem and how many pattaya...i may go to jomtiem to get on among first or just roll the dice and get picked up in south pattaya as not sure if bolt or baht bus is gonna go jomtiem at 5 am....it is a long day anyway u slice it...
  15. ok just to update anyone interested in pattaya cambodia visa run I found out this: 1.The companies who have FB and websites are really tough to get to respond. Pattayavisarun.com wants me to transfer $$ via kasikorn bank and apparently has no office or ticket agent in pattaya...they seem to be cheapest at 3100 THB but i am not thrilled re kasikorn and company that is tough to get in touch with etc. 2. i went to soi 13/2 today...there is a travel agent called Champions that says 3500 THB leaves everyday at 5 /6 am...buy ticket day before seems no problem no BS re ticket payment etc 3. Maneerat visa also soi 13/2 says call mr TAY at 081-374 1787 and he does for 4000 THB..prefer to deal with agent face to face in office for me plus price higher 4. couple of bars in soi buakhow post sign for visa run at 5 am....4100 thb with a tel number to call or apparently bar will sell you a ticket...no thanks so after all that i will try the one from Champions as they seem to have their act together as an agent and a real office with people that answer your questions etc...will report back after i do it.. anyone have any other agents info etc is welcome... again do not want to go to Cambodia or Laos or Malaysia or Vietnam etc etc...
  16. Calling Biden a conman is a massive insult to the king of all con men, the bestest ever conman, a huge con man,a conman for the ages, the Heisman of conmen.....how dare anyone insult the con man cult dleader who has sucked millions upon millions from the cult by selling kool aide....all hail the cheif conner of all conners...DJT.
  17. how did you buy a ticket from these people...they told me to go to kasikorn bank which sounds very strange to me....i can't get them to advise if i can visit their office or if they have an agent i can visit as they don't seem to respond very well to questions....frankly the idea of kasikorn bank selling me a ticket and coordinating details for a 5/6 am pick up does not fill me with confidence...
  18. so you hassle a gal who was simply doing her job as she was no doubt told to do by her boss...then you complain that she did not "properly understand english" then you try to explain to her that her attitude was not correct but she did not care? Geez did it ever occur to you that just maybe your attitude needs a bit of adjustment rather than take it out on a gal who probably makes a few hundred baht a day if she is lucky...but you know you were "right". Got it.
  19. you obviously are not familiar with the air quality in the countryside in northern Thailand well away from any big city...go take a nice walk 20 miles out of chiarg rai or chiang mai in march and see how polluted air can be....that is if you can see more than a few feet in front of you....
  20. you got that right....had to stand there for about two hours as x on lot of seats and place was packed...i was happy to have a mask and see everyone there wearing one....already had covid and fully vaxed but i will continue to try my best not to get it again or even get a cold and while not perfect i think the masks just might help a bit more than nobody wearing masks...
  21. "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." Fighting with Thais over masks.
  22. Has this changed? I don't think so. Passengers of BTS Skytrain are still required to wear face masks at all times on the mass transit system, despite the mask mandate being lifted on Friday. Bangkok Mass Transit System, which operates the Skytrain, made the announcement after the Royal Gazette scrapped mandatory face-covering.Jun 24, 2565 BE
  23. you got that right...recent visit to immigration and masks were required...i did not see one person try to argue the point as i suspect they would have been sent back outside...of course the place was packed tight as sardines with very poor ventilation which should be an indication to most normal people that wearing a mask in a crowded room with people from all over the world might not be a bad idea at all.... such a bunch of whiners that don't seem to get that it is much easier to just follow the rules than make a big stink over wearing a simple mask for a few minutes as requested/required....the reality is when in rome do as the romans...don't tell the romans you know better than them and you can sure forget telling the Thais that they should make special exceptions because you want to argue about wearing a mask....be jai dee and jai yen comes to mind.
  24. name of company? cost?
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