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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. Shouldn't really be that difficult what with rice exports up to their full potential after a couple of years of hoarding and some of the stockpile sold in the off season.

    With new markets being explored as is happening things will certainly be better in the coming year.

    The main things that will be a problem are vehicles and other traditional exports which depend on developed countries economies some of which are not in good shape.

    The rice export. Thailand cannot live with the current price. The junta continuing ying lucks policy., communist . The big boss that do not like to be qestionrd, is a <deleted>..ng chineese communist spy.

  2. Any dam which will destroy natural resources stands slim chance getting constructed because the project will be opposed by the people, said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha during his weekly address to the Thai people Friday night.<< Quote

    I know a few more things that are "opposed by the people".

    One of them is living under a non-elected military-led "government" !!

    JOC,,,, as far as I can make out, you are more likely to be one of "me" than a Thai person... (JOC) I have been living in Thailand a very long time and have many many Thai friends...educated and non.. by far the majority of Thai peoples are much happier now than living under the Shinewatras control. The Junta may not be perfect but much much better than the previous government. The recently arrested high ranking policeman, which we are going to find out a lot more about was installed by Mr Thaksin and his cronies.. And over the next year many of the mighty are going to be toppled... Elections will take place in a year or two and the Thai peoples will get their chance to elect the party of their choice.. We farangs will have to be happy for them and whomever they choose. So JOC.. you can only talk for yourself and as it has absolutely no bearing on you a farang, I advise you to stop trying to foster hate... Drink your Hon Thong and be happy..!w00t.gif

    Your already &lt;deleted&gt;.

  3. Welcome back to the dark age, instead of trying to ban legal sex between consenting students how about informing them about safe sex. This isn't just conservative it's backward.

    The junta government do not know that outside the military they practise sex different than inside the military. The legal age for sex is ? I do not know, but I`m sure its way blow 25. Whats wrong here ? Jaleous old general ???

  4. Mr Scott Chowtham. Do you think its more democratic system now in Thailand. How can Thailand get a democracy with the draconic lese majeste laws ???? Not democratic at all. Its impossible to have a democracy without the freedom of speak and thoughts. Luckily they cannot read the mind of people. The democracy will not appear in Thailand before this laws are removed. Don`t matter government, junta or not.

  5. "Most Thais want to give the new government a chance to implement a national campaign against corruption as well as the effort toward national reconciliation. They see these as crucial precursors to desperately needed constitutional reform." They are already failing. Why is not Suthep brought to justice ????? Are the religion more important than the country ???? Before they starts bringing people for court for what they have done they have a hopeless case. No matter who or what name. Put the in jail and Thailand will succeed.

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