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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. Thais does never following the manufacturer norms according air pressure in the tires. My father in law pumped my Vigo, which shall have 29 PSI till 60 PSI. One tire blew up a few days later. I took the car to a workshop to check the other tires and they all had cracks inside crosswise. I had to change all the tires 25K. But I told the old man to stay away from the air-pump when using my truck.

  2. Sounds like things that would be more than welcome several places in Thailand.

    Some might be against this, because it should be in Thailand's own interest to make those investments, but nothing really happens. Also, if so it would be one big cartel case with a lot of money involved, oh well, it probably will anyway :-)

    This means that Thailand, as it is, needs help to get their buses, trains, etc. form A to B. This also means a big trillion bill which some of the Thais have to pay. Not all Thais, but the ones paying tax. There are a few of them, and maybe they moves to Japan to make some money from this plan ?

  3. The Thai rural poor usually do not need to plan financially for their retirement as the 'family system' will take care of everything they may need in the future. I see many examples of this each and every day (too many to list here) and it works just fine. In my own family several members are approaching forced retirement (rice growers back) and are not, and never have been, concerned as to what the future may hold.

    Thats the guys having daughters they can send to Pattaya and Pukhet to secure their life.

  4. Just another time wasting exercise for the Thai courts to mull over , in any Democracy anyone can join in any protest , whether against the sitting Government or wage rises for surrogate mothers, better rights for Rice farmers etc, members of Parliament, Unions, workers , millionaires, anybody can stand and protest behind a flag or banner, that's what Democracy is all about , you are free to voice your opinions ,however, in a Democracy a fine line exists in meeting standards and some protests in Thailand stepped outside of those standards, this case is not one of them , when you are muzzled so that you cannot voice opposition to a government, that is dictatorship, very similar that exists in Thailand today, if anything need dissolving it should be the PTP, preferably, in a bowl of acid. When I see this kind of action I can only assume that Democracy is not a well known subject in Thailand , as I represent Democracy and all what it encompasses, I have now had my say.coffee1.gif

    I agree to much of your statement, but dissolving PTP is in the same non-democratic spirit as plague Thailand. I think its much better to require a democratic education before one can be elected, instead of the bullsh.. they require in Thailand. You need an university degree to be politician. You have to be a so-called intellectual to be a member of the parliament.

  5. Once again Thailand is in the news for all the wrong reasons , regardless who the new PM might be, Thailand lift your game , if you wish to compete on the world stage you must start showing some maturity, ethics and transparency , unfortunately one would seem to be banging one's head against a brick wall with anything regarding ethics in Thailand.coffee1.gif

    You has to understand that the Thai people are just about stepping out from their caves. They do not understand the civilised world yet. You can see it on how they sit on the walkways like monkeys.

  6. PTT have just brought in big time in OZ, they will soon find out the tax system is a bit different, in OZ ,the land of fee's , charges, fed taxation , state tax, local tax, rules and regs, licences, permits, more don'ts than do's , will sorely test their international knowledge. coffee1.gif

    What the <deleted>-k does OZ mean ?

  7. "Police were told that 54-year-old Somsong Tirabatjek was overtaking a three wheeler on her motorbike on Yaowarat Rd when she was hit by the car, which was coming in the opposite direction." This means that 54-year-old Somsong Tirabatjek is responsible for this accident. She were overtaking when she had oncoming traffic. What is the problem? Thai traffic culture ?

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  8. "Police are revving up for another crackdown on illegal street racing after the problem was mentioned by the junta chief during his weekly "Returning Happiness" televised address to the nation." Why in the sake of the humans beeing will they make another crackdown ? Why not make this a normal job for the police ? In every siviliced country the police is watching and catching every day the year around. In thailand they just does crackdowns now and there ??? Whats the point ? Crackdowns in every aspects makes the crimes going on.

  9. Police investigators so far have failed to explain the absence of scheduled Railway Police on the "rape-murder-train". It is now fair to say that this piece of investigation has been swept under the rug.

    Now, as to Thai Police restoring confidence in anything...well, they can't. The Thai public knows very well what the Thai Police is all about and the Thai Police giving itself a mandate to restore confidence is absurd.

    On a side note, I do like how in this article it only says "Thai Police" and not "Royal Thai Police".

    Yes the Royal Thai Police did not explain it. But this happened in a time the RTP did not know where them self were. Before they were obligated to do some honest work for their salaries. The army had to come in and tell the rTP what to do. I have noticed that the police are not doing any speed-controls anymore. Probably because the ticket money has to go to the government, and if the brave police officers put the money in their pocket they are busted. Now I have installed a video camera in my car to record them.

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