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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. "We will use mechanisms that allow us to identify problematic zones within 30 days. That way, we will know whether any official has been negligent or involved in drug trafficking," Pongsapat said." I think it is high treason if the military new this for long time and did not shhare their wisdom with the police so they could do something about the problem.

  2. My mom told me today that the spoke about a Norwegian guy staying in a hospital in Surin. Totally disabled after an accident. He do not have anybody to pay for his return to Norway. Have anybody here heard about the case ? If so, please give me some info on <use PM>

    If I can I will help.

  3. How can these people, assumed as innocent until the facts are on the table defend them selves in a dictatur state ? How can the people of Thailand be sure the justice is fulfilled ? TV censored, newspapers censored and the radio censored.

    The military have a challenge here, how to convince the Thai people of anything when they are censoring the media ??? Good luck.

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  4. I think this just shows that the Thai people is not ready to stop killing. Somebody should teach them a lesson. The saw it before in all neighbouring countries, do they want the same here ? Primitive people has to be dealt with in a primitive way.

    Another arrogant imperialist. American or British I assume. There are 'primitive' people everywhere. I should know, as I'm teaching in a deprived area of the UK. Not for long though. Returning to the land of smiles where teachers are respected and students know their place!! I would class someone as primitive if they had a closed, arrogant mind like yours!!

    yes, how dare a student ask a teacher a question or query their answers, especially when a year 12 student from Australia would have more knowledge than most of the thai teachers. If there is one thing I have seen first hand here it is the amount of thai teachers that are so far below a decent teaching standard along with their totally arrogant attitudes, after reading your comment you would fit in here very well. Although the original post may well be wrong your reply shows that much contempt its not funny, when people think that shooting/bombing/killing people that have different opinions to them is the answer then you do have to wonder at their intelligence or lack of it and that rests primarily with the education of the populace and the so called teachers that worry more about face than teaching the students.

    I`m not American nor British, but why do my kids 5 year old girls need to teach their English teacher to teach the kids English ? Amazing. The people of Thailand should get down from the trees and out from the caves and deal with the rest of the world. I think they do not know som much about the world outside Thailand.

  5. NCPO hopes int’l community will understand why takeover is necessary

    BANGKOK, 25 May 2014 (NNT) - The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) continues explaining the reasons why the army seized power from the caretaker government, stressing that the political protests caused loss of lives and there was a use of weapons to instigate violence.

    Deputy Spokesman of the Royal Thai Army Col.Winthai Suwaree on Sunday said conveying correct understanding to the international community was a priority of the NCPO. He said foreign ambassadors had been informed of the reasons and necessity of the takeover and expressed his confidence that the NCPO would be able to make foreign countries understand the situation in Thailand. The spokesman noted that each country was in different context and the NCPO had strong reasons and clear evidence to justify the power seizure.

    Col.Winthai confirmed the military always supported democracy but democratic expressions in the past had often resulted in loss of lives and violence.


    -- NNT 2014-05-24 footer_n.gif

    If the ambassadors were informed or not do not make any difference. The main nw\ews channels on ntv are blocked. That says it all. Nothing more has to be said.

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  6. "The army chief asked for Department of Special Investigation chief Tarit Pengdit and when the latter stood up to identify himself the army chief told him enough is enough, stop it, it is already messed up!

    Ok, at the risk of seeming to be too dumb to get the joke, but, erm, what?

    I'm with you. Mai Kow Jai.

    It seems to me he's pointing to the endless, nonsensical hunting down of anti-government protesters by the DSI, when nothing at all has been done to hunt down the red shirt militants who have been causing mayhem and death...!

    Actually it was not the red skirts that started this. It was the little faci Adolf Hitler Suthep who started the shit this year. The armed forces has to end the comedy, that`s fair enough. They just have to hand this little insurgent in to the court-system and they will give him a nice little condo for the next 30 years.

  7. PTP is finished, and the current proxy caretaker PM has no influence at all.

    Reforms first now, before the elections.

    Wrong, PTP still has the government of Thailand. Facist movements will not be tolerated, is that not clear for you by now ?

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