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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. Events:

    Air con remote battery replacement (time limit: 3 hours)

    Check the bin charges for accuracy ( time limit: 10 minutes)

    Best Excuses to Wife or other girlfriend (via random SMS message and based on response)

    Color Matching your wardrobe

    Self Hair Coloring

    Knowledge of 500 baht services

  2. It is so much more easier now. I think I am close to 1-1/2 months now. Smoking seems distant to me. I have bought packs of cigs and broken them in front of folks. Just to show who is boss. The reaction of people are pretty incredulous. But I feel good. i feel great.

    Its good to be in the other camp. The non-smokers camp.

  3. As global warming progresses across the world, there will be horrific

    consequences for all populations in every country of biblical proportions.

    Floods, famine, drought, pestilence, disease and mass extinctions of species possibly including our own.

    So called experts tell us to use cleaner fuels, not to use spray cans etc, etc to help save the environment.

    The truth is that only the governments and big companies have any real power to halt global warming that is of course if it isn't already too late.

    Global warming gave me a bad hair day last week. Global warming also gave me irritable bowel syndrome last year.

    Be Careful out there!!!

  4. I have been guilty occasionally of this when I am drunk. I just up and leave. But, I do pay up and I do ask the bars if I had paid up when I return. I don't mean not to pay, its just drunk thinking.

    Even if I don't like the meal or the service, I understand that the restaurant needs to make money from the customers. It makes no sense to purposefully do a runner.

    I have on many occasions ran out of money while drinking. I than tell them I have to go to an ATM and return to pay. No problem. I do just that.

    Lastly, I learned a very valuable lesson for sales people. Pay for your customers. If you don't, don't be surprised about losing business. It wasn't me who made the faux pas; but I enjoyed the wrath of an angry customer innocently jilted by my boss.

    Pay up people!!

  5. Why would a group of men want to go out to a bar with somebody's wife?

    I can see for work; but not for innocent chatter.

    I really can't see myself asking some guys wife to a bar even if I was with a group of dudes who knew or know her.

  6. quote:

    Let me clear a few things up regarding my work here in England - I currently specialize in Airport lighting ( working on the control systems in ATC towers and Runway/Taxiway lighting systems) Have been working in this field for the last 8 years. Before that I was a Electrical engineer with 10 years experiance in Electrical control systems and equipment. I do not hold a Degree but have many other Engineering certificates.

    I think if worst come to worst and I needed to came back after the 2 years my money would be minus 18k per year working back in general electrical field as I was 10 years ago... but hey whats money !!! Happiness is everything right?

    I've asked my company for a sabbatical but unfortunately they have stopped this a couple of years ago. My manager has said to me that I would stand a good chance of getting a job back in the company but he's afraid this can't be guaranteed.

    Many of you have said about starting my own buisness , do you mean in the Electrical field or in anything general??? Some have said about teaching English - But I can assure you that I'm no English teacher, what qualification would someone need for that?"

    do the math. extrapolate... Things don't add up. How is this guy's christmas tree light up??

    I now say go for it. Your future is bright, I wear shades. :o

    If not, I apoligizxze

  7. If you ever have the opportunity to pee in front of a Rottweiler, I highly recommend it. Pee on a bush or some sort of landmark. Look at the dog while you are peeing. Try to pick up your pants and get out of the way of that charging maddog as that bad boy will immediately reclaim the territory.

    Good sporting fun!!

    I'd wai the dog ; but I don't know what that means in dogspeak.

  8. GF,

    hmmmm, some guy promises sumthing miles away. okd. have it.

    I'll wait in the shadows.. heehehhehhe

    Evarytime I hear you calling, I get down on my knees and pray.

    everytime I see you falling, I get down on my knees and pray.

    say the words,

    cha cha cha

  9. I want a few of them if I can afford them.

    I will stay with the woman who is in the best mood. Maybe I should time the moon properly.

    No entitlements. A cave dwelling for her and I need to lock the door when I'm gone.

    I want to stay out late anytime and do my work without being bothered.

    I need a woman who understands what I mean when I grunt or point or just look really bothered. She should know to turn around and show her sexy bottom to get me back in the happy mood that makes me the swish guy that I am.

    I want my woman to borrow from her rich dad when I run out of beer money and don't have a job.

    If I bring home a stray, I expect respect and omelettes in the morning. No yelling or storming out.

    Beer = cold, ok??

    REmote control = mine.

    She needs to laugh at anything I say except when I ask her to leave me alone. Then she should get me some pizza and cold beer.

    I am not settling for less.

  10. I tried to listen to the Tony in the video. I could not understand him. I think that must be normal.

    Doesn't the book say beware of false prophets? So, it should be normal that there are sceptics.

    There are editing splicing and tagtime evangelism. Are we missing something? Could it be footage of the ladyboys saying hello to Tony?

    And what is with wearing the ties when he obviously has no corporate job to dress up for. Everbody else at night is just wearing casual clothes. What is the message? That our brother is better than us? cleaner? overdressed for what occasion?

    The End. Is near what? Soi Nana? Is it a new bar?

  11. I bought the book and finished it this weekend. I am on day 3 now and looking forward to establishing myself as a non-smoker.

    18 years of second hand smoke because of my mom.

    20 years of off and on chewing tobacco

    5 years of off and on smoking

    Now 3 days as a non smoker in training for the second half of my life.

    I'd say the book does very well to give you the tools to make the right decisions and choices.

  12. I'm working. very busy. This wonderful Thai woman who has a 1-1/2 year old girl just smss me to see if I can find a nursery or day care center so this woman can go to work.

    I did do the forum search and didn't find much.

    Does anybody have informatioon on where this lady can find child care center or a nursery school?

  13. I do feel freeer and less threatened in Thailand vs. many portions of american cities. But, there are great places in the States too.

    I am currently in Singapore and have no fears really. I even leave my front door unlocked 98% of the times. The other 2%, I lock it if I hear ghost noises or if I have friends visiting.

    Can you leave your door unlocked in Thailand?

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