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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. I have a vision of some water buffalo walking the fields in size 13 sandles.

    Ok, I feel your pain. You were pilfered and of all places, the temple. There should be very few thais in need of that size.

    Perhaps you can revisit the temple and see if they are returned perhaps by a mistaken temple visitor.

  2. I'm not surprised we haven't heard from anybody bitten by a asian tiger. I've seen discovery channel and those tigers in India are deadly stalkers. I wonder how long it took the Thais or Siamese to eradicate the big kitties in the area. I bet it was around the time guns were sold in the area.

    Has anybody heard of any recent Tiger bites in Thailand or the surrounding areas?

  3. Boy, it seems like there are a lot of dog bites.

    For whatever reason, dogs like to snarl at me; but, I snarl back and have thus avoided bites by any dog. Do any of you have the same problem??

    I was walking down a soi of Ratchadpisek one day and this dog sees me gets up and starts charging my way. He apparently wasn't interested in hassling any of the multitude of thais that were all about the street.

    So, I tried to cross the street and give him a wide berth as I kept walking. The bastard tracked me across the street and kept snarling as he approached me. The <deleted>!! The thais started laughing as I started snarling back at the dog and started posturing like I was going to hit the mut. I was relieved once the mut started to back away. It kept snarling at me while I was walking past and tried to feign like it was going to nip me as I walked away; but, I kept yelling at the bitch until it backed off completely.

    The thais were laughing. It seemed to me like maybe one of the Thais trained it on me to get a laugh. If so, mission accomplished. Alot of Thais had a good laugh at the spectacle. It got my blood pumping that's for sure.

    Which reminds me of when a pack of dogs started approaching me while I was on a 4 am jog. Its NO fun facing a pack of aggressive dogs. Luckily there were some decent sized rocks that I hurled as best I could at them making sure it hit the ground like a skipping rock to make the most noise. Alas, my snarling, yelling and rock tossing won out and I made my way back home in a lot faster time then when I left.

    now, I've moved to a Bangkok Moo baan and I've seen some dogs out and about. I go for my walks with a nice light tennis racket. hehe. just in case.

    Why do dogs single out certain people for aggression??

  4. My wife has just informed me that things are getting out of hand with the economy.

    Her friend has had to reduce the amount of fish balls that can be purchased for 20 baht......from 10 balls to 8. :D

    Those members hoarding fish balls....can make a killing. :o

    After they get the fish balls, do they return the fish back into the water??

  5. Jeanette Lee. aaaahhhh....

    Is her nickname "The SPider woman"? or the "Black widow"? Or "Snake's Girl"?

    I'd love to have her on the table.

    Why do all the other female pool players look like butch dikes compared to her?

    Snooker??. That looks like a tough sport. I think pool is a lot more of a socialable sport; so, I will stick to that.

  6. remember that play pool for money is out of law in thailand.... just play for fun and for a cup of whiskey with friends...


    Please don't ask Khutan about wagers. Mine are tame compared to others.

    All I can say is... if you make a wager worthwhile, the game gets more exciting.

  7. loving most parts about keeping my mouth shut except the ghosts that come to my room " Khun Snake... wake up .... wake up..... time to drink more beer mr falang pisshead..."

    Sometimes I wished I'd moved to sukhumvit and the noise could drown out the ghosts.

    "khun Snake.... shut up.... shut up!!"

    I'll get used to this big house yet. Be careful what you ask for. You might get it.

    The mafiomaoso aint nothing compared to being alone in a big creaky house.

  8. I looked at a couple of bars before I got drunk and couldn't well... concentrate then I had to go home.

    I don't think renting is a big part of bangkok pool life. It looks like I have to buy.

    I need my table in the room ASAP to entertain my peeps.

    Still open for suggestions.

    And as this is Thai related...... I'll find a way to make a hybrid rules between american pool and thai poool

    Help me help me.

  9. What good is body hair in the tropics?

    I found that with my hairy legs, I felt hot, really hot.... even if I had shorts on.

    When I shaved the legs for the first time, it felt cooler. Now I like to shave the legs. it takes some work but I can feel the difference and it is cooler. You might take some grief from all the drunken friends: but, hey, you have to be a man to know what you like.

    Now, I have found the best damned shaver in the world. The new Fusion, 5 blades with a battery powered dohicky. It gives me the best shave - bar none - a seriously damned good shaver. I've only shaved my face with it as I don't like ingrown hair on the legs. It does such a great job shaving that I feel like I don't need to shave but every other day now.

    I gave a fusion to one thai gf I know. SHe used it on her leg and said she loved it;so, maybe I'll try it on the legs because trimmers don't do the greatest job. You always have to redo parts.

  10. Playing pool in Thailand is like waking up with your memory erased every day. It seems like each bar has their own rules.

    So, you learn that winning isn't everything. Its about sanuk unless you're the girl who has accepted a bet with a falang 40 baht you pay if you lose/100 baht you get if you win.

    I am looking to improve my game and entertain guests with a pool table. Does anybody know where I can rent a pool table and the accessories required here in Bangkok?

    I guess is I'll have to make the pool venue rounds in the next few days to flange down a source. I just would like to know if anybody here had good experience with renting or buying a pool table here and having it installed at your pad.

    You can PM me if you want.

  11. A friend and I stayed at the same hotel. THey put our room next to each other. I usually frown on that.

    I met my friend for breakfast one morning. My friend asked me, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

    I weakly smiled and said "no, why?"

    He gave me this incredulous look, shaked his head and said, "You don't remember anything???!!!"

    I gave him a non concerned look back, "no..... we were out drinking...... You took off early with some girl and I continued to drink........ my head hurts a little bit ."

    He " Boyo, Boyo, boyo.........."

    To be continued??

  12. Yesterday I wasn't feeling too good. Maybe I was developing a fever.

    This morning what do you know? I improved nitnoy. I think its 50/50 how I will end up feeling, not 100% bad.

    I hope to take my old bones out of the hotel so I can get some color and fresh (cough, cough) Bangkok air. This is happiness, really.

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