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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. 2 months of no smoking for me.

    Its seems like I never smoked. Those things don't look worthwhile at all to me.

    If and IF I get anyh cravings to smoke with my work. I just think of the filth it is and why would I want to bother. Then I drink some fluids and I'm good to go.



    YOU have to be smarter than that piece of paper and dried leaves. YOU have to be smarter than the mammoth sales job the smoking industry promoted.

    Who is the Master? Who is the slave??

    I hope that helps!!

  2. I had to make sure the main reason I got excited about Thailand "got old" before I could move to Thailand.

    Now I am making the move. I should be able to live and work a productive life instead of getting drunk most days.

    The people I work with don't beleive me. They tell me I'll just only join the zombies. Not by accident but by necessity because I'll be working with them. Let's hope not or I'll be tranferring out or I'll have alot of beach, buddha, and elephant pictures that I'll have no idea where they came from.

    I do look forward to being surprised. But maybe I've read too many TV threads and I'll muddle through like its no biggie.

  3. This Thai woman friend of mine has a young child, almost 2 years. This morning she leaves the child with me at my hotel room(even though I have to work). Oh, what a handful!! But, really, I've had some great laughs this morning. Too bad I have to work.

    She has many times requested to sit on my lap while I work on the computer. That's great but then she wants to hit all the buttons on the computer to help me. What a sweety.

    There are messes all over. chocolate here and there. Pieces of oranges here and there.

    She is always "around" then she disappears and then I have to go see what trouble she is causing.

    She has a fantastic smile and great personality.

    I just had to save her from danger. Baby proofed hotel rooms are a great idea right now to me.

    Dancing singing, talking baby babble and that damned milk and water bottle is always being nursed.

    I wish she never grows up.

  4. Thailand is becoming the fastest growing segment for the business in my area. Hence the upcoming move to the area. As I know some good people, I expect my actual living of life will become better than the residence lifestyle I currently do not enjoy.

  5. Put me down for a penchant to the Lobos. I saw them in concert up in that casino by where Michael Jackson keeps his monkey. In California, north of Santa Barbara. I forget the casino, but, remember that strange monkey bit.

    Good dudes. I have a few CDs cause I like the band's verve too. As I am of Mexican descent, I can't refuse sounds like that.

    One of the cool things to do if you have a long taxi drive and maybe you are towing a thai passenger in the taxi as well. Bring a few CDs and see how the thais respond to the music.

    Los Lobos are good for it.

    Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) is a Thai mindbender. They like the heavy violin action.

    Country - For what ever reason, they like it.

    Dance Compilations - Ok, get a sixer and enjoy the ride. Just don't look how the driver is driving.

  6. Why didn't you go and shake hands with her?

    I could have then found you, shaken your hand and been happy that I got fairly close to touching her.

    If you see her eating in a restaurant again, at least steal the knife and fork she was eating with, particularly the fork cos the fork goes into her mouth.....and then let me know....thanks. :o

    We did walk right past her as she was sitting at the end of a table by a walk path. But, her boyfriend (who was dressed as a clubber - not too discreet) was taking pictures. My intent was to have my thai friend first confirm it was Tata Young, then I would follow up by either the following:

    1) Ask her if she was indeed Tata, then just stand there and look at her then do some weight lifting poses and ask if she needs any more dancers,

    2) Spill her drink on her then attempt to lick it off her until I was arrested for being so damned genius.

    3) Steal her food plate and sell it to somebody on Thaivisa's ebay (the TV Store)

    4) Ask her if she could do muay thai on me

    5) take a picture of her with my cell phone and ask for her number so I could send it to her.

    6) Claim to be special Singapore Security and pat her down to check if she was hiding anything - then you'd really want to shake my hands and I would never wash my hands again nor ever forget the day I patted Tata down in Singapore.

    But. alas.... As I was walking past... sigh.... She was still absorbed with the picture taking and then one of those drink carts pushed in between me and my future girlfriend and meal ticket... sigh... and I felt the strange tinge and pull to act my age and move along like the lemming I am. sigh.... sniff sniff

    Tata, I am yours!!!

    Yours until I can brush by Shakira!! Yours until then!!!

  7. Voodoo

    The use of psychology


    drink to drunk

    brain washing

    Breaking them down

    Getting Married


    send me money. now


    The girlfriend's sister


    The girlfriend's other sister

    send me money

    The girlfriend's friends

    Be careful out there.

  8. Tata's got me all wound up.

    I think I'll go for a walk to get my beer. Maybe I'll buy a tata cd to add to my mp3 player just to remind me that if I was taller, better looking and richer, she coulda had me today!!

  9. I remember heading past the Hyatt when some of Bollywood stars were there. I flashed past a few well dressed spiffy deep colored people and paid no notice but I was wondering why all the 8 deep shrieking deeply colored Indians were on the other side with signs.

    It didn't click til I saw the news that night about 10 or 12 Bollywood stars in Singapore for some to do dah. My thoughts were: Then why weren't they dancing?? Ya know. If you ever get stuck watching an indian flick, sooner or later the whole town is dancing.

    Clark Quay is happening. I hadn't realized it before but I've been there a few times in the last 2 months. Good people watching.

  10. Well she is not really that big down here in Singapore is she?

    A bit like Fiona Xcie (sp) knocking around BKK with her ABC (Austalian born Chinese)

    I have seen her on some Starhub/StarWorld commercials and MTV sometimes but I bet moast Singaporeans would not know her or have heard of her (I would do a straw poll but most sitting around me today are Chinese, PI or Malay)

    I downloaded a video of her the other day and she does look "Curvy" shall we say - is she getting a big lass then? ;-)

    I agree, if my thai friend wasn't there, I wouldn't have known it was her. I don't think Singapore has a Hollywood or Starstruck citizenry, especially knowledge of other local asian "stars'

    So i went to Youtube to see if it was her. Obviously, no one goes out to lunch in MTV vamp clothes but the face and body type matched. Like I said before, my first look at that girl drew my attention based on her good body and spunky attitude.

    She had her hair pulled back today instead of the videos which seem to make the hair mask her side of the face. But the face type and bone structure and eyes were there.

    I just wish this little 2 year girl I know that likes to dance could have been there. She would have known instantly.

    Oh, that lass is fine. Those legs are fine. No worries there.

  11. My brush with Tata Young.

    I was taking this Thai lady to lunch today at Wisma Atria in Singapore. Upstairs, they have decent food court with great food options.

    Coming up the escalator, I had noticed this girl with a very perky figure in a black and white outfit. Great curves. She walked with great confidence and a cheshire cat grin on her face. I thought "wow, there sure are some pretty women out today" and there was. for whatever reason - it just seemed like decent looking ladies were all over the place.

    We sat down with a birds eye view of food court. The girl with the black and white outfit walked about picking up food plates from some restaurants.

    The girl I was with suddenly said. "That's Tata Young". "WHat?" I asked. "That's Tata Young and her boyfriend" was the reply. I've seen some of her videos and listened to some of her soungs.

    In person, if that was her, and I think it was. SHe looks likea a lifely, fun woman. Jai dee. Just perky and enjoying life.

    The only reason why I did not think it was her was there was no crowd forming, no video cameras. She must have enjoyed the ability to walk around in public without a throng if that happens to her in Thailand.

    I'm off to check some Tata videos to see if it was her.

  12. Dear Dish wash Adrift,

    Eat dog schlong!!! Get high on Korean aunatuaral cure for dead dog dick!!! Give it a go!!

    Ask for dog banana. If they frown at you, look around for any prying falang eyes. order testerone on a plate. Order the balls and just not the juice.

    Testownseharona!!! MMy My testoshwarona!!! didnt nana nangt non tnot nioot tont.

    Kishka asha!!!

    The meekisha shalswaq mule the wurlfddhh

  13. mmmm.

    I just got done reading a relative's story about a young beautiful lass in the family who has chosen marriage to a Mexican national over nunnery. Loads more to the story and me and my sis were having a laugh.

    When, in the end, how could I judge??? I have 3 gfs in Thailand. ok 4, maybe 5 ... Why am I having a laugh? and 1 in Jakarta, or 2 but I could have more.

    When ever I do go back IF I DO, there will be good stories. The best will be whatever it takes to take the piss out of cranky diddly <deleted>.

    "Oh, I met her on Blimey Kiss the SKittles out my ass day and she was wearing a freaking woven couch on her to protect her from the sun and the Denque clan. The Denque clan being much less brighter than the sun." And I fell in love when she gave me some water as a I was a young lad of 50 who had lost his vehicle in the city last nighth to 3 shots of tequila.

    On topic. Jealousy will ask ridiculous questions.

    Love of better salary and desperation are true virtues in relationships. Just look at American women.

    True dat.

  14. The Hansum man competition.

    A panel of 10 non-BGs will be sat to judge 5 old man farang. The judges will then drink a a beer every 5 minutes until all judges agree to determine the "Hansum Man" of the group of old man. If after 25 minutes, no old man is claimed, the judges must switch to drinking SangSom until somebody is chosen or the last judge falls asleep after her SangSom tirade to the audience.

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