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Head Snake

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Posts posted by Head Snake

  1. These are some great suggestions. I'm thinking of making a trip to the airport just to try these out.

    What would I suggest?

    Point at people then talk into your hand.

    Buy books then return them 3 hours later.

    Organize some trolley street races.

    Bring back Streaking

    Look up and try to find cracks. Look down too. use a marker and circle any you find. Put your initials by it.

  2. Does anybody have the schedule for the BKK Trolley Training? I did take my trolley down the gradual escalator. I was spooked when I could not move my trolley. Luckily in the end, my trolley developed the ability for locomotion. Boy! Was I relieved!!! How about some bigger elevators for me and my trolley?

    I'm also interested in knowing what to do when the automatic door doesn't open. Is that why they put flower planters in front of it and signs to use another door?

  3. golf is it.

    I am moving to a more boring place than Pattaya; but, I am moving onto the golf course so I can get back into shape. Don't laugh. walking 3-1/2 miles a day can do wonders. You work the legs, abdominals and lower and higer back on a golf swing.

    I am choosing to live away from Sukhumvit so I don't end up like the lot of other bored sods.

  4. Well,

    I have found a few places; but, I think one needs to pounce on the nice properties when you see them.

    THe bad part is: you can't stay there for a week first to test the waters and how they ripple all the day.

    For example, I went to one place that had a nice open airy design with a pool. I saw there were about 10 thai men outside doing some work. It looked like maintenance. So I asked anyways "Is that work just one off or do they do that everyweek. SUrprisingly, the house overlooker said it happened everyday - somehtin to do with pumping water for the whole area. So.... you have 10 thai men who will soon know everything about you and your house and when you are there and when you are not. Not for me.

    I am workign on a brillilant housing option now. its so big, I am thinking of buying a pool table now, a 9 footer so I just need to verify the footprint.

  5. I think QQ's post has some good application to all you parents and uncles and aunts out there.

    Basically, kids want feedback, preferably positive, safe feedback. They want to feel their decisions are highly regarded and respected.

    Sometimes we let children make decisions and by not commenting because we accept their choice, we may come off as noncaring or out of touch.

  6. Yesterday, I went with a friend to look at potential sites on a golf course. The houses were big of course and very affordable when we called to inquire about monthly rates.

    This was only at one golf course site and I know there are more. This golf course was south of the airport, maybe a good distance southeast of the airport. So, far enough away from the CBD.

    For my work and to keep me off the streets, This looks like the perfect area to live. Quiet, big space, easy golf access, easy access to the highway and to the airport.

    I want to work out to have a golf membershhp included with the house rental

    I'd prefer access to a decent pool as well.

    DOes this sound like too much to ask. This would be my ideal to settling for living in a condo on Suk.

  7. So I emptied the minibar of all the 8 cans of beer. I orderd 6 more with ice on room service.

    An empty heart cannot be filled.

    I am serious about finding a place away from downtown/suk BKK. A place near golf courses is preferred.

    I don't want to be part of the zombie party.

    Got clubs, just add cart.

  8. The plan was to sellaBraTE. ZTHe Sales job went better than expected.

    I stay anothe day to try and find a place to live starting anytme soon in the BKK area.

    Then the penny dropped. Let's just say I have to pick my heart off of the floor. I am not innocent, but, it hurts non the less.


    In 2 days, I'm good to go, I do believe. hohohohho


    Does anybody know somebody who wants to rent a country club membership and house on the course. I'd love a pool, bar, and 5 bedrooms for friends.

    send PM on good bachelor pads with golf in mind. 2year contract.

  9. Where does the band play? It must be the Huntsman's. Maybe I should check it out tonight if the girl comes over tonight.

    Marking Territory. I am sure it happens cause I've seen some funky stuff left behind in crazy places.

    if I close on a deal, i am heading to Saxophone near the monument tomorrow.

    Any news on Saxophone from all of you in the know?

  10. I've not scene the apocalypto; however, I've seen a 1 year old who has a bigger than life view of life and presents some of the funniest and well-inspired representations of why people should live.

    I wish she could make a film and people like us could enjoy her view of life.

    Not a guy who ... well... seems to be lacking.

    I think I will pass on the movie. Mel Gibson. been there. seen 1 film. Gott the STD, er, I mean DVD.

    I'd rather spend 2 hours with the priceless little 1 year old I know.

  11. Great fish and chips at the Huntsman in the basement of the Landmark hotel. Order the crispy one not the beer batter. OI!!

    Ok, I feel I need to hijck this thread with a girl question. I girly friend left some stuff in my hotel room. SHe's been gone for a day. I think I check out tomorrow.

    SHould I:

    A) Look in her stuff just in case she wanted me to look in her purse because why else would she leave it?

    :o Put on some of her clothes and take pictures and then give her a printout?

    C) Put some things from the hotel into her purse, like the coffee maker or maybe a plant. I'm not hoping she gets caught. I just want to make her laugh. SHe probably just think it was her daughter who did that. Her daughter once left 3 Oreo cookies in my work attache. i found out about in while reaching for a pen during a meeting with a customer. It was a damned good laugh.

    D) Is she marking territory? I do believe some women do that.

    Ok, back to the thread I just wanted to see if anybody reads this stuff.

  12. Usually, its noisy from the upstairs because of loose nails.

    Get a hammer and pound all the nails firmly into place.

    If she complains, get a bigger hammer and really have a go at those nails. they do have a tendency to get loose after a day or 2 of expansion and contraction. Explaiin this to her.

    If she stll complains, you will have to remove each nail and replace them with new nails.

    If she still complains, then there must be just voices in her head. Empty the pool and see if she notices.

  13. When you know that "love you long time" refers to

    hours not days.

    Thanks for the laugh farangsay!!

    Ok, now mine:

    When you can walk on a sidewalk that is skewed, crooked, cracked like an airport runway, missing half its cobbles, being worked on by 5 guys in flipflops, has 4 telephone poles, 1 light pole and an electrical pole with 100's of offshoot cables at 6' above the ground and still not have to slow down or miss stride for the family of 5 walking side by side. All this with 10 assorted beers in the belly.

    The Tuk Tuk drivers are bored with you and can't understand why you don't go crazy looking at pictures of women sitting on bleachers with some photoshopped soap party.

    you know how to cross the street without touching the ground.

    you bring a cheap lighter from China that flashes red and blue lights and use it in taxis to see if you can get the cars in front of you to move over.

    You actually can understand conversations about sinsod.

  14. I like to drink; but, I don't typically remember how I get home.

    One time, I stayed sober for 2 months; but, I still could not remember getting home most times.

    I guess I just switch off on the way home.

    I think its by taxi. I think its by taxi. taxi....yeah, I think.

    Do you have any great stories about getting home?

  15. I predict I will eat red snapper around January 10th, and February 3rd. Its just something I like to do.

    I will meet another wonderful woman born between March 26th to APril 8th. Its just a fact that all the best women I've met are born in this period

    The tides will come and the tides will go. Everyday. Its lunar.

    Denver Broncos Super Bowl champions 2007. Ya heard it here first.

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