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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. What a bloody mess. Democracy takes a back seat to the cartel. Really though, is anyone surprised?
  2. When my step daughter got her 1st decent paying job after uni she got a credit card easily.She charged up so much so could no longer make the minimum payments.She eventually had to go to court and make an offer to thru the judge to forgive most of the debt.Now she can't get a cc. BTW she wasn't living with us at the time or it wouldn't have gotten that far. PS: Does anyone out there want to buy some slightly used ladies shoes from a large selection?
  3. You can add government employees to your list.Ask me how I know..lol
  4. As soon as my sister in law got her gov't job they borrowed 1mil. Her salary? 15k Now they are slaves to the bank. I do believe that is typical here.
  5. You've just explained it all in a nutshell. Maybe he was coerced or fibbed to to get this transaction through before the light came on.
  6. I think its the 300 baht nurses fee tacked onto your bill. Easy money.
  7. 5 years ago at BPH the total bill for the overnight and colonoscopy was north of 80k.
  8. Good analogy: In the west they advertise auto oil and filter change 19.99 plus free 100 point inspection. They'll pull your wheels off looking for anything they can find.They know where to look also.Scam. Same same but different.
  9. Easy to identify as they wear brown uniforms usually and are armed.
  10. Yes this could get very interesting. I wonder how Somchai and his gang will retaliate? It probably won't take long.I'm getting my popcorn ready.
  11. Actually most pay Actually its under $370 The only way I stopped the stress for these visits, was at the recommendation of a Nice immigation officer, was to use a reputable agency and for the last three years out of the 18 years here. it has been worth it.
  12. How about your colonial cousins in Canada. Throw in 4 months of ice, snow and sub zero temperatures. July and August acceptable. I remember those times and never to be endured again.
  13. Yes it occured to me several years ago that the IO preferred method of renewal is through the agent. For example a friend was told at the IMM office to do just that after he complained that he couldn't easily comply with all their requirements. It's so much easier for them and lucrative at the same time.
  14. I have seen these pressure tanks in hardware shops but really don't know much about them.Our 2 br 2 bath house/garden runs perfectly fine with a standard Mitsubishi 225 W pump.Simple and effective.
  15. I learned something today,retired HSE..off/on shore. After we lived in our house for over 12 years the water pump failed and the solution was to replace it. The fellow with the high pressure can try the adjustments on the video.Very good info.
  16. I think the pressure the pump produces is pre set at the factory. I can't say if there is an adjustment on these.Maybe some subs here will know. I don't believe it's related to the flow..325 vs 150 (volume) liters per minute or?
  17. Industry normally uses two types of valves.Gate valves to shut off flow and globe valves to regulate flow. keith101...says to try this 1st. "Close the outlet valve down on the tank (outlet) to reduce the flow until the pressure you want is achieved" I tend to agree. A regulating valve should be the globe variety but I doubt many pepes will know what you are talking about.
  18. My Canuck buck and others have done the same.I think the operative word here is "manipulation" but of course I could be wrong.
  19. Correct BB. The issue of the shares means nothing.Pre set up from the beginning. Some MP's (2) are practically billionaires in a country where the minimum wage is 300 baht/day?
  20. I predicted this right from the start.Not because of any insider info but from having an idea about how this old system works after many years. The old guard isn't going anywhere without a fight and when they're good and ready.Hello watchman...?
  21. I wish I had faith that my gov't would respond so quickly.Most likely farmed out to the lowest bidder. It would probably take ages and a guy could find his visa expired before it came back.
  22. Oh oh..I've had a couple HD's here over the years, I hope they don't find out. BTW does anyone know of a place where I can get a "Mother" tattoo removed?
  23. When's the last time I've heard of a phone book? It was in a joke told to me about a chubby lady. "She's got more chins than the Hong Kong phone book.
  24. We've all probably used them over the years.I can assure everyone that when nearing the end of the ride I'm not looking at my phone.I'm laser focused on whats going on with my feet. sheesh
  25. 5555 Notice to all Hua Hin shoppers: Hua Hin Night Market closing soon.
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