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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. The BIB really can't do very much until they find out who the Hi-so parents of these rich kids actually are.They must cover their as_ in case one the parents is their boss or some dignitary..IMHO 555
  2. Agreed, but not too much because that,s why it's so much fun.
  3. Yes, I'm not knocking KP she's done well by them. Pre - covid they promoted her to Supervisor.( Pattaya) After CV they hired a ton of new employees anticipating pre CV sales which never materialized.Even her manager suggested things were not looking good and if she had the opportunity to move on to take it. She's just testing the waters at this stage. She went to uni in BKK and has some valuable contacts there who have keeping her informed of any good jobs there.
  4. My step daughter works at King Power and she tells me sales are way way down. Previously busloads of Chinese would arrive and some were good spenders. Not any more. These times they are juggling staff and inventory . It appears they bet everything to remain the same. She is now looking for another job and she's been there a while.
  5. IMHO it's all smoke and mirrors.The deal was made weeks ago and this is all part of the act. The major donations have all been made. (read brown envelopes)
  6. Just saying thanks to the generous Thai citizens for helping him become wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.
  7. The stress comes from not knowing if the deal he made for no jail time will fall through or not. (pardon pending) I'm sure his recovery will preceed much quicker in the confines of his family compound.
  8. I will vouch for these folks.Been using them for years.Inexpensive and trustworthy.
  9. I've visited the infamous "Windmill" bar ( Soi Diamond Pattaya ) on a couple occasions and let me tell you that the goings on in there would make a porn star blush.Right in your face, so to say. The place was packed if I recall.Haven't been in years . jing jing
  10. For example Canada is currently being flooded with Africans claiming to being persecuted because they are gay. The fly in from Nigeria and claim they are gay and file for asylum which automatically provides them with shelter,food,medical and other benefits not available in their home country. Some end up on the streets because there is no housing for them all. <deleted> situation for them and the generous taxpayers. A very basic IQ ( barely literate) is what they offer. >According to Canadian CBC News, 60-70 per cent of Nigerian asylum claims made since April cited persecution as a result of their sexual orientation<
  11. Thanks very much I apprecite your response.
  12. Yes as a farang I also rolled up my sleeves for 2 shots.They made it so easy and I was lead to believe that I wouldn't be able to renew my 1 year visa unless I submitted.I call it coercion. No more injections for this fellow knowing what I do do now. How many high up politicians/VIP,s have you heard of having side effects from this poison? Few and far between because they got saline or nothing. The purebloods were right.
  13. They are HiSo...won't do a day in a prison cell,same same Tony
  14. I just renewed mine in March.All you need to do is get online and and follow the instructions. You'll need all the regular docs etc. I didn't even have to go to BKK this time. They mailed it to me within about 2 weeks.Quite easy. You have lots of time.
  15. Yes and yes, but I haven't seen ime since so I can't form an opinion as to whether or not he is happy although I'd like to know.
  16. The old git probably has at least 20 more years ahead of him with nothing but the finest of everything
  17. Good points.I'm 72 + and have assumed a policy of "giving while living".I inherited a few bob a couple years ago and bought the Mrs a new car, Gave some some to SIL family to upgrade their house. Took Mrs on a vacay to Vietnam and bought some gold bars. I felt all the better for it. A buddy of mine spent several years waiting for his dad to pass so he could inherit the loot.I felt sorry for him to be so small. I somehow feel its sort of my duty to pass on any wealth to benefit my immediate family.And no, I was not coerced into that.I survived "C" and they we there for me when I needed them most.
  18. Yes the governments keep raising the retirement age.Their problem is that life expectancy is rising. In some countries they are now offering euthanasia (CDA) even for poverty struck people.(illness not required) They want you to drop dead on your last day of work.Funding pension schemes is expensive.
  19. Ganja growers use it. (ashes contain most of the essential nutrients plants need to thrive)
  20. Children and or siblings...they usually all live together...much like the dot Indians
  21. Similarly I took some Thai baht back to Canada and exchanged it for Canadian dollars.They beat the crap out of me in the ex rate. Never again.I would change it here.Just shop around for the best rate. Just out of curiosity take a 1k Thai baht note back with you and see how much you get.You'll be surprised.
  22. I grew up in Northern Canada. Every fall/winter people got colds. Runny noses and maybe a cough and sometimes the flu. Some did some didn't. It didn't warrant mass injections of questionable substances.We carried on with life.I never ever saw a face mask until entered industry and they were called dust masks.This mass hysteria every time someone gets a sniffle is called a pandemic makes me wonder.
  23. Thats my observation to.When it rains they all get sick are "my sabai".( my Thai family) The temperature drops a couple degrees and you'd think there was snow falling.555
  24. So this fellow dies from Covid 19...(the unfortunate case is a 39 year old male beset with complications stemming from both alcoholism and chronic liver disease) whats the message here? his health was in jeopardy due to drinking but covid killed him? One foot on a banana peel the other on a skateboard.
  25. Seat guru.com works for me...unless the airline makes a last minute change which they do on occasion
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