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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Exactly...the big fat brown envelopes have already been dispersed...TIT done deal..
  2. As a matter of fact I remember a Canadian couple who bought and paid for a condo years ago when this happened.When they went south to stay at their condo they were not allowed near the place.Total loss and zero recourse.
  3. I defer to you Sheryl You are the expert on these things.I shouldn't have responded like that.Fact is I had a poor relationship with the surgeon.He refused to reverse the colostomy until I submitted to the chemo.(I had renaI failure) got another opinion with a Dr at Sinakarin hospital and he said he would make arrangements for the surgery only if the PET Scan came out negative which it did. I eventually had the reversal done at Ramatibodi by a colleague of his in Bkk.
  4. Did you have bypass surgery?2 days seems quite short of time in the hospital.I had a quadruple bypass 13 years ago.It was at Bangkok Pattaya because I had insurance with my employer.The total bill was about 30+ pages and north of 1 million baht.They charged per aspirin and anything you can imagine. I was discharged after 7 days.Interestinly they took the veins from both of my arms? I often wondered why as most Drs take them from the legs.
  5. The old chemo scam has been going on for years around the world.After my cancer operation the Dr insisted I go for 2-3 months of chemo etc. treatment.I'd been having severe kidney issues post op and reckoned that the chemo would finish me off. Eventually I mostly recoved from the kidney issue and paid to have the PET scan at Princess Chulabhorn in bkk. Not cheap but they detected no cancer at all.We all know of people who underwent long periods of painful Chemo to only survive a couple weeks or months if at all. Yes there are some success stories out there but no many.
  6. I had a cancer operation at Sirikit hospital in Sattahip.Somehow I ended up in a huge ward.Worst experience ever.Zero privacy and patients yelling and screaming at all hours.Staff was very overworked. My wife had to sleep in some waiting room infested with mosquitoes. I asked for a private room but none were available for a week or so.I gladly paid the extra 3k/day. I did have one intern who kept wanting to up sell me all kinds of tests that were unnecessary.
  7. Yes who knows? But she must have been quite pissed off to drag him to the cop shop.. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall.I wonder if it was unclad and a male masseuse? mmm poor judgement maybe? I'd have to sit that one out as I do like the Japanese females...
  8. Bit of a moot point until you provide more info on what job,salary,job description etc. I worked for an American O&G company outside of Udon years ago but knew exactly what I was getting into. 21/21 on off for example and hotel,meals with car and driver all in.
  9. Maybe she can show some tips to old Porntip the GT 200 gal...
  10. Yes this is to become a "lesson learned"
  11. Could this possibly be a "fluff" piece to quell all the chatter about being fast tracked due to her hiso status? Sanook press wouldn't do such a thing.. Takes some of the heat off to BIB higher ups. Dodgy hings have happened in the past. "Chief Pol MajGeneral Kamronwit Thoopkrachang yesterday defended the appointment of Duang Yoobamrung as a police lieutenant under the Metropolitan Police Bureau" This case is under investigation..<deleted> This young man shot a cop dead and fled the country and got hired as a small arms instructor..not because of his dads status mind you.He got hired because of his shooting ability. Anyone recall this fiasco?
  12. Uncle Tu is getting pretty cozy this Zi...wasn't there a USN just a carrier group visiting here recently? interesting
  13. 555 several years ago I had a red plate PCX stolen from outside a bar I was in.Didn't you see the article in the Bkk Post?
  14. In Canada the Trudeau gov't is importing 500k migrants a year officially but add 200k by other means.A large percentage will require assistance over the long term.Their credentials aren't recognized in the Cdn system hence they end up working as fast food or taxi drivers.The average house price in Toronto/Vancouver is over 1 million $.So much for the dream of the good life.Of, they are also in one of the highest taxed countries in the world.
  15. TBH I recently tried relocating to Phnom Penh after living in Pattaya for about 20 years.After a couple weeks I realized my error.Thankfully I never severed my ties and returned unscathed. I had fond memories of past visits there when younger but was expecting too much. At 72 it just wasn't in the books.
  16. You better have deep pockets and a warm jacket if you intend to retire in Canada
  17. I concur...if Somchai got scammed like that the female would be in deep fear for her life for a long time.
  18. Thai police interrogation unit standing by.The suspect will be questioned at police HQ located on the 7th floor.A few years ago the Bkk Post reported that a murder suspect under investigation actually committed suicide by leaping out the open window when the police left him unattended.Apparently the cameras malfunctioned during this period. Will the take him to HQ via helicopter?
  19. 100% correct.Now he'll have to pay for repairs and also pay off the BIB or face charges.He's in deep s__t. How much you like to bet the pfp is gone also? 555
  20. How much were those bomb detectors that were purchased several years ago... The Alpha 6 manufactured by Samuel and Joan Tree and sold to Egypt, Thailand and Mexico, usually at £2,000 ($3,213) per device
  21. Yes this beauty queen was fast tracked via a trail of brown envelopes or I'll eat my shirt. A relative of my wife's tried to join the cops also but was shy of the passing grades by a lot of $$$.
  22. I left in 2004 and little did I know what Canuckistan would turn into in a decade.I would not fit in.Diversity is not our strength. Look at the TPS Most wanted web site. And this off YT. The bleeding hearts can have whats left of once a great place to live but no more.
  23. There's no welfare in these countries.When I left Canada the bingo halls were full to capacity with welfare moms.
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