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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Back in the day in the Canadian Niagara fruit belt they would import plane loads of Jamaicans every harvest time to pick the fruit. The lads figured out that if they found a Canadian gf and they fathered a child they could stay in Canada and marry her. Welfare for life...No more fruit picking. The larger female species of locals were lining for a ebony bf... My country (ex) "The true north strong and free" (ex)
  2. Come to work here in Myanmar for good salary. You can earn 100,000 baht per month waiting tables in a restaurant.We can't find any local women to fill these positions. You must be young, good looking and have no stretch marks. gimme a break please . is anyone expected to believe this bullcrap
  3. As a Canadian besides myself there are thousands of citizens leaving every year since the current gov't has taken over.There's more democracy in Thailand even under military rule.Canada has turned into a sh____le.Have a peek at who Canada is importing these days. https://www.tps.ca/organizational-chart/specialized-operations-command/detective-operations/investigative-services/homicide/most-wanted/
  4. Russian resturant for sale.Owner wants to spend more time with his family...(elsewhere)
  5. Hot rod gaskets
  6. He is not doing himself any favors.He should use a lot more discretion at this point.I actually don't think he's going succeed going by all the potential enemies he's making.
  7. Great news...but where are we going to store all this power when the sun goes down? Is the technology there?
  8. Way too late bucko! They got your number.This should have been taken care of long before now if you are serious,which I believe you're not.
  9. Before I retired from the O&G Industry I spent a fair amount of time in Dubai between assignments.The expat pubs were crawling with China and African ladies.Being a Muslim country I was a little surprised it was overlooked.There was no shortage of p4p venues thats for sure. I'm not convinced these Thai girls go there not knowing whats really going on.They only hope it works out for them.
  10. Exactly true.This will fade away in days , never to be heard of again.The internal investigation is a joke and everyone knows it.
  11. I also read that they have problems with the yellow cousins invading parts of Manila/Philippines.They marry locals to get long term visa and set up shops and cause all sorts of problems. They enter at young ages and claim retirement visas.
  12. As a matter of fact not far from my house was a large empty field.Last year they planted dozens of banana trees.It was because its taxed at a lower rate.Its true. It makes sense because once in the ground they don't need tending.
  13. From what I see it's usually older well off farang who has the cash and he's in love with a much younger woman.It usually doesn't click in until its too late. Ask me how I know...
  14. The last time I was at the Canadian Embassy in BKK using the lift to leave a 30 ish looking guy got in at the same time. After a brief "hi there" he proceeded to ask me if I could spare and money to give him.It was a long few minutes for both of us on the ride down. I was taken aback as I'd never had this happen to me before inside an Embassy. I felt really bad for not donating to his cause (for about 5 seconds)
  15. The answer to the question may be...have female children and hopefully they will hook up with a foreigner to help things along.When I lived in Issarn I saw several examples of this very thing. I also saw in the middle of nowhere more than a few quite modern 2 story houses looking newer but no one living there.I asked my wife about these and the standard reply was "lady married to farang" and they live in Hua Hin/Phuket etc. The foreigner didn't want to live there. In one driveway I saw a newer pick up truck...oh thats for the ladies mom but she don't know how to drive...hmmm mugs game
  16. I follow the same guide as you.I've been ordering from both for a few years now and only been stung once.I've given up on traipsing around the big box stores for half an hour or more of time wasting. I use due diligence and often compare the 2 co's. If by chance an item is out of stock I always receive a refund.I never buy bigger items(TV,washer,ac units etc) online though.For that I try to use local shops in case of problems.
  17. Funny that..I have some also that I bought over 30 years ago at an outdoor market in Chonburi. Some 1,5,10 and 20 baht notes.Rama 9 looks very young in these. I've given them to my wife because if I took them to a dealer I can only assume that I would get the short end of any deal.
  18. Yes I just realized that fact also(15 mil) .It must be a whopper of a condo.This chap I assume is quite well off to pay that much for a place he only visits occasionally. One born every minute as they say.
  19. Absolutely correct.All western countries want this.Its all about control.No other reason. A couple years ago during the truckers peaceful protest in Ottawa Canada the gov't froze all their bank accounts.No discussion either.The banks complied easily.A very dystopian act. Track&Trace every monetary move you make.NWO/WEF Klaus Schwab and his gang at work.Please be aware of whats around the corner if/when cash is gone.
  20. I compare being a BIB here to being in the Hells Angels. One HA 81 told me it was like winning the lottery. Only issue was that sometimes you had to do things you didn't like.
  21. Yes I very nearly did the same.I almost ordered an a/c unit from Lazada then thought better of it.We bought one from a local shop.If it f____ up we go see them not Lazada
  22. My sentiments exactly.Money well spent. I haven't been in an immigration office in years.They like the arrangement and so do I.
  23. Yes bill...please comment on my observations below..
  24. Part of the Thais diet includes sticky rice. That is very high on the glycemic index if you can even find it there. A lot of people fall asleep or get drowsy after consuming this. (sugar spike) A senior lady next door to us in our Issarn neighborhood has to get dialysis treatment 3 times a week.Her family hasn't connected the dots as she eats this stuff several times a day.Why don't the Drs give advice about this? Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
  25. My step daughter works at King Power.She says that their Chinese business is down a ton. Your article makes sense now. tnx
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