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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Our house came with a pool.We used it all the time for the 1st year or so. I had major surgery and couldn't use it for over a year. My Thai family seldom use it anymore.I finally drained it and roped the area off. My electric bill dropped by almost 3k as a bonus.
  2. Mason,FYI,I,ve given my Dr a signed copy on a 'DNR" paper aka "Living Will" which instructs the Dr not to keep me in ICU until I expire or the money runs out.My family and Dr both understand this. I'm 74 and have survived a quad bypass and colon C. Thats enough for this old dog. I also exercise daily and only drink a couple beers weekly after a lifetime of being a boozer.
  3. This man is single-handedly ruining what is left of any credibility in this LOS.From the zero jail time spent in the VIP Police hospital to the neck brace,arm sling and eye patch, wheelchair farce. Does the Thai population swallow this BS hook,line and sinker? That is my question. I love LOS but this ain't even funny anymore.He's playing everyone for fools! IMHO
  4. Thats exactly the reason I pay an agent 100b to do this for me.I used to do my annual extensions myself for years. Until I was told to get another copy one time too many ...with all the same/correct paperwork ..f that no more for me thank you very much kap! I no longer go to Soi 5 except to get a quick pic and out! I gladly pay for that service. Its really what they want anyway.Easy money from the agents and they can stamp a ton of passports on their lunch breaks. I,ve checked and the signature is exactly the same pre agent and after. I rest my case!
  5. I have the gold card from Fascino which gets me a 4-5 % discount. 1 year the girl announced that I could use the points I had accumulated the past year. About 20k baht in purchases. I wasn't expecting much and wasn't disappointed . I was gifted a lovely coffee cup.555
  6. vi, I agree with you. Condo? I moved from my house in the moo ban of 17 years because they built an Air bnb pool villa next door. Then the 3am pool parties started. I moved to a condo and it is (was) very quiet with a strong no ABNB policy. Last week a Ruskie couple moved in next door. Never a peep until they come back drunk about midnight and the fight begins.She's a screamer and door slammer.After about an hour or so they pass out. Unfortunately we share the same bedroom wall so Ive got a front row seat.It <deleted> up my sleep and I struggle to get back into the slumber zone. Be very fussy which condo you select. You just never know who will be your neighbour.
  7. As much as I've loved living here in LOS for the past 20 years , I'll be so happy when this clan is gone! Corruption from Tony all the way down and I'm quite sure the whole family is being groomed for future generations.
  8. RW,Sound advice. I've spoken to the manager fellow a couple times over the years.I bought 10 k Euros from him and he gave me a "special rate" better than advertised. He will deal.When I used to go to Cambo a lot I always bought my USD from them. Nice clean bills.
  9. In my opinion, this silly job is probably given to the most junior person in the office. When they see what looks like a signature on the line that's good enough. Exactly which rubber stamp from from anywhere on the planet are they looking for? The Boyscouts among us will go to the authorities I suppose.
  10. Over the years I had a mate sign it over beers. Like you say, they only want some scribbling on the paper then their job is complete. Never to be looked at again. BS really. When I stop spending the $ I'm probably dead.
  11. Proud owner of a GED diploma. Had a rough start but joined the navy at 17 for 6 years (submariner) 1 year vocational school and 30 years as a stationary engineer. Took early retirement @ 55 and moved to LOS in 2004. Took a few HSE contracts in the O&G Industry in the usual ME <deleted>eholes. Had all the toys over the years, HD,s sail and power boats rv,s and a Rolex. Retired on pensions/savings and happy I didn't piss it all away. Only regret is not obtaining the NEBOSH certification.
  12. Prerequisite being having small hands and a waterproof watch?
  13. After surgery a few years ago I suffered renal failure. Until I got it under control I had severe itching mostly on my back but all over my body. No bed bugs in my case. Antihistamines do help.
  14. 555 From the Dexter series? Cucumber sandwich. Peeled and sliced and be generous with the cream cheese. Keep refrigerated.Can't be that bad for you.
  15. Not a resto but some larger 7-11,s have above the salad section on the top shelf along with jasmine,brown and rice berry. 15 baht for a small tub. Most would probably need a couple of them.
  16. Wasn't there an eye patch in the kit as well?
  17. I'm thinking along the same lines as you. I qualify for the monthly income test. I'll send half to my account and half to Madams account. 450K each shouldn't attract much tax.
  18. All the makings of a banana republic IMHO...
  19. Just like those dozens of SAS operatives I've met over the years next to me on bar stools....
  20. Ch..I tend to agree with you. I used to think of my (elder) self akin to Mr Myagi of Karate Kid fame. I'd just block the punch then break his nose and humbly apologize for causing him any harm. I then woke up. 555
  21. Back in 2018 I got colon C. My lady basically nursed me for 2 solid years day and night until recovery. I just happened to receive an inheritance after it was all over. In appreciation I bought her a new car from the Toyota showroom. I also married her so she can receive some of my pension (for life) when I'm gone. She was there when I needed it most and don't know what I would have done had she not stepped up. I consider myself lucky.
  22. Lop, I really think you're on point here. In the last 20 yrs here I've noticed there are more and more scammers than previously. People arriving with no means of support so scamming to get by. Lately more Ivans trying to eke out a survival living by any scam they can think of. I refuse to help them. I've paid my own way all along and not by scamming anyone.
  23. Honda...end of...
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