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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 14 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    An action is legal or illegal. A person is not. You may or may not be racist but your views certainly give comfort to those who are. That was the point in the rest of my post which clearly went far over your head.


    You feel no shame. No doubt. It is still shameful.


    Sorry, don't care. Im not even trying to filter what I say and pander to your nonsense. 



  2. 9 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Seems like the same was said in Germany years ago. A drop of water turned into a tsunami. I think it states in the bible that one shall come forth and rule the land and his name shall be? Stumps me at the moment but it will eventually come back to me. 




    Room full of idiots = to a speck of sand and OMG WWII again. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    I am wondering what is an illegal Mexican. It seems to me that such a concept cannot exist in nature. How can a person be illegal? I understand how a person can be Mexican. I have been there a few times and met many but I really don't know how someone can be both Mexican and illegal.


    Is there some state of being where an individual is disenfranchised of their right to life? Certainly in the racist Trump's America, there is a state of being where an individual is now to be denied any right to dignity as a person.


    When people use such terms as Illegal Mexican, they give aid and comfort to those misbegotten, awful and selfish people giving the Hail Trump Sieg Heil salute.


    It is racism. I emboldens the worst in the supremacist-incluined. It is shameful. It is not surprising from seeing your posting history.


    An illegal Mexican is a Mexican National in the United States of America illegally. 


    Im not even the slightest ashamed and I got nothing to hide I'm my posting history. I know you really REALLY want to label me a racist but I'm not. Does not matter what you say.


    As for the rest of your rant, I have no idea. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

    I am quite sure there is more than a western  hotel banquet neo nazi un USA but this is another topic.

    I am not trying to put words in your mouth, in fact I am quite happy of the drama unfolding in the USA right now and I am sure it is only the beginning..time to open the popcorn to watch the "America becoming great again"


    You are "Quite Sure" of nothing. 


    Its posts like this that utterly disgust me. 


    Its clear that your distaste for americans and america clouds any rational thought. 

    It takes a certain kind of person to hope for the demise of a nation just because you think you are better. 


    Later dude.

  5. 27 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

    Yep I know that...part of their Free speech...That's why I am quite glad to not be american...I couldn't stand to have those racists morons parading in the street


    You realize that you are creating a prejudice for 300,000,000 people based on a fringe psycho group and there by being the exact same as said psycho group? 

  6. 31 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

    If Trump has literally nothing to do with White Supremacists, why doesn't he publicly and explicitly denounce them immediately after they use his name in a Nazi salute, while at the same time Trump cannot stop bashing a bunch of actors who "lecture" Pence?


    They weren't 'actors' lecturing pence, they were activists that cornered him while they were on stage and he came to view their show. A publicity stunt. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

    deflecting deflecting denying.... up to you..after all you will make America great again


    Im not deflecting or denying anything you want me to agree with you and I'm not. You want to put words in my mouth and I won't allow it. 


    Its my country of birth and Im still proud of it and don't care what you think. If you want to judge 300,000,000 people or 60,000,000 million + voters a certain way based on a fringe group that might, maybe, be able to fill a best western hotel banquet hall then thats entirely your problem. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

    Well the recent rising of racist attacks or attack against minorities (racial and LGT..) seems to prove you re wrong..YOu will probably put this in the "clickbait" box as well..

    It seems strange that Trump and his supporters prefer to attack the messenger instead of the people who did such actions...I am quite sure in most of the western countries if a bunch of people did a nazi salute with the name of the president/PM...the President/MP would write a statement against this...


    We don't have a monarchy or a PM. 


    I dont care what other countries do. 


    I don't know what you are talking about with the "Rise of Racist attacks" this isn't the UK. If you mean a couple loonies spray painting swastikas and some tweets and illegal mexicans being worried about being deported then thats hardly a rise in racist attacks and your going overboard with the sensationalism. 


    This discussion is going off topic but I feel compelled to remind you that the riots on the streets of the USA causing property damage and injuries to people and police officers is entirely the radical left throwing a hissy fit and its 100% not trump supporters doing it. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

    The more we let these kind of ideas spread the more theses racists mentality will rise...instead of trying to deflect this to Trump bashing, if you re a trump supporter you should show you are against it, not try to side this as "clickbait"...


    Trump has literally nothing to do with White Supremacists, those crazies are acting on their own behalf and talking to themselves. That minuscule & meaningless speck of people is just that - nothing. 


    Nothing is spreading so no need to fear monger. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

     Although I agree with you, I do think he won the election fair and square and we just have to deal with it. When he goes too far (which I believe he will at some point) they can deal with it legally. Until then all you can really do is make your voice heard and hope for the best.


    I believe his voice on many topics related to the US has been heard. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

    Well there you go, you just did denounce them! Was that so hard? Anyone with half a brain wouldnt find that hard.


    8 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

    Well I am quite sure it is enough...I m not speaking only about you, but on a general level...I have no doubts you re not part of these nutters


    Geez are you gals that worried about a Nazi Uprising? 

  12. 8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    And apart from yourself, bark and possibly NeverSure, most other noisome Trumpeters have become curiously, suddenly reticent. Even Coulter has had a serious, and public W T F?  moment


    I think some of the reticent behavior isn't by choice if you catch my drift. 


    The demographic here on TVF is hardly a measuring tool for US public opinion. Seriously. 


    Im talking about the anti-trump posters on here and the media headlines that are in the press, but also the chosen headlines for this forum. 


    I could also say the same about a couple of the progressive posters that I literally have not seen in the news section since November 9th. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

    I am sure you right with the 99%. The question is, why doesn't 99% of the Trump supporters here at TV denounce these Nazi too, but only complain about how bias the media is?


    The media is giving them airtime because they use the president-elect for their propaganda. Would the president-elect publicly and explicitly denounce these creeps, the media might actually support the president-elect in their coverage. So why doesnt he? Why merely state that he will be a president for ALL Americans? Aren't these fascist pigs part of ALL America? Is it so hard to say I am a president for ALL Americans but NEVER for fascists? Dont the 99% of the Americans deserve that?


    Im not even gonna pander to being pushed to denounce Nazi psychopaths on TVF. Thats the most retarded thing I have read in in a while and you word it like you need the reassurance that there isn't a bunch of freakin underground white supremacists lurking here.


    Grow up.  

  14. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    You don't get it. It's not about overturning the result. It's about pushing back  against the trumpist false narrative that they have a mandate. That remains relevant whether you like it or not. Obviously not but that's your problem. 


    I know you have me on ignore, so maybe another resistance fighter can chime in, but are you saying that trump supporters should fear the resistance? 


    Can anyone chime in here? 

  15. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    Why would you guys spend so much time bashing the press instead of bashing these alt-right groups with their crazy and dangerous ideas?  What the freak is wrong with you people?


    Because I feel very safe stating that probably 99% of the USA thinks Nazi loving White Supremacists are freaking psychos. 


    Saying that, The media is giving them freaking airtime. 


    Finally, not only is the media giving them airtime, but using it to say "Hey look Trump didn't Tweet much about a room full of Nazis" 

  16. 18 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Edit - posters seem unable to differentiate between the 'far right' and the 'left'.....


    It seems more likely that a large number of Democrat voters voted for Trump because he was their only chance of change from the status quo.  And let's be honest, as in the UK, the different parties were indistinguishable from each other - caring only about their own financial interests that co-incided with corporate financial interests.....


    2 Things  


    1) Im American, and trust me I know full well what the difference is between the far right and far left. What you 'think' as a foreigner will inherently be different. You are not a political advisor with superior knowledge than anyone else, and frankly, what would you know? The only thing you get is what they news is spoon feeding you with zero exposure to the day to day lives of real, on the ground, americans and their problems and the reasons they voted the way they did. 60+ million votes cast on each side, and you and several others want to pigeon hole everyone into what YOU believe, and what YOU think instead of thinking about the reasoning why other people voted the way they did. Its not about YOU, UK, Brexit, or any of that. 


    2) Your last statement is entirely your biased opinion based on the fact that you honestly believe that the only sole motivation for any politician is to legislate for personal gain. This may be true in places like Thailand for example, but this is certainly NOT the accepted mindset to anyone other than conspiracy theorists. 


    18 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    In both cases it boiled down to normal Democrat voters voting for Trump (standing as a Republican).  Any idea why?


    But you're probably sticking to 'the line' that they were all racists and weren't voting for someone/ANYONE that would throw out the current elite and start a shakedown of all political parties caring about nothing other than their own financial interests.


    What are you even talking about here? You don't have a clue nor any moral high road to assume why I do what I do or why I voted the way I did. I don't even know what you are talking about with "The Line" & "Racists"

  17. 2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    Immature banal drivel. It is nothing to do with 'getting used to it', I frankly don't give a crap and if Americans want him they can allow him to lead them and their economy to hell in a hand basket. However as a man who has been elected based on what his supporters were warned were a pack of perpetual lies, which now transpires to be true, I do not think he will get as far as the oval office. Simple. SO how about you 'get used to it'. You support a pathological liar, what a sad reflection on your life.


    2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    you have 3, 720 posts!


    1350 posts and honest to god I don't think I have ever read 1 single positive thing from you about the USA. 


    You say you "don't give a crap" and I would think as a foreigner this would be true, but yet, you seem to be a self appointed expert on everything America and seem to have all the solutions for every issue. You don't. 


    There are a hell of a lot more reasons people voted for Trump other than "Lock her up!" or "Build a Wall". 


    Most of the people complaining about Trump "Backing Off Campaign Vows" are people that were never Trump supporters in the first place and are looking for every single avenue & reason to beat the war drums. 

  18. 6 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

    There are 2 sets of switches, actually 3 if I include the keylock on the lid itself, one set inside the car and another set under the lid.


    Did a little surfing through the Power Up website and google images. Kit is a little more 'complicated' than I originally thought. 4 power window motors, 2 manual switches, and a remote key fob. The way that is wired up is hard to diagnose without being there with a DVOM.  The system is exactly the same as car windows and a car window switch (drivers side) usually has about 20+++ wires going into and out of it for changing polarity for 4 separate windows & 4 separate controls. 


    Anyway the motors are just regular old power window motors. 1500 baht each is about right assuming thats fitted. Otherwise it would be super easy to just buy replacement motors online or at an auto shop. Just take a motor in and compare to stuff they have in stock. 


    Aliexpress has junk too just have to wait for it to come from china. Just takes some figuring because they are either "Left" or "Right"


    3-Hole Gear Drive Window Motor $22 Each Shipped


    4-Hole Square Drive Shaft Window Motor $22 Shipped


  19. 10 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

    May I take it that you're confident, from the details I posted,  that the motors don't need replacing, but that the fault definitely is somewhere else?


    Its always worth a shot to chase your wiring connections and have a look. 


    11 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

    I also measured the front motors and in upward movement, when they are supported by the struts, they measure 12V. On downwards movement, when much more power is needed, they measure 7.5V.


    The 2 wires coming from the motor have to go to a switch that will reverse the polarity so the motor can change directions. That switch might be old and have resistance. 

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