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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 11 minutes ago, Saraburi121 said:
    3 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Personally, I'd like to see less Federal-govt overreach and power, given such a large country, so that local communities had more control.

    Jack you summed it up and particularly agree with you last quoted point.  Well said.


    Agreed as well and I'm noting that the "Hill" approach was vastly against this ideal. 

  2. 1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

    Would you say the same thing if the situation was reversed?


    Yes. Yes I would.  


    The night before November 9 (Thai Time) I had personally accepted a "Hill" win. It wasn't until I woke up that morning that I was so pleasantly surprised. Never crossed my mind to contest or revolt or cry like a little biatch. 


    1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

    You just made my day with that little Gem! Thanks.


    Can I ask you something? 


    Whats your infatuation with US politics and the USA in general? 


    Also - who gives a shiiiiit what Jill Stein wants. Nothing is gonna change. She's just digging her own grave with that nonsense. 

  3. Just now, DriveByTrucker said:

    If you mean the working class when you say "little people", it really remains to be seen if they have won. I truly hope they will win btw, because that would mean Trump would fulfill his socialist promises of jobs, affordable healthcare, infrastructure improvement, free education, more hospitals and schools, killing trade-deals, etc. I am however very skeptical that come January he will actually consider the working man in any of his political decisions.....


    You are not even american. What would you know about the motivations of US voters other than the minuscule samplings of Americans you are exposed to and the Media you choose to read? 

  4. Just now, DriveByTrucker said:

    True, but why should Kansas be able to decide what is good for California?


    You make this statement knowing that California has something like 3,000,000 votes over Trump and California has the most electoral votes at 55 and New York in second at 31 with something like  1,500,000 votes over Trump? 


    You think its right for Cali and NY to lord over the little guys like Kansas with a whopping 6 electoral votes? 


    Point being that there are 50 states in this Democratic Republic. Its not all about Cali & New York. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    Yes but I have seen many older guys like me that probably used to be tough get their ass kicked for punching someone. Even if you win a fight you are one of the losers, broken hand etc.  I have learned to just walk away when enraged. Not to mention that I was in Pattaya several years ago when a Thai boxer was starting shit in a bar and a US marine whipped his ass, thirty minutes later the marine was dead.


    Its always a consideration weather or not you will get beat up, or weather the other guy can clearly back it up. But in my experience in the 33 years I've been on this earth, the big guys are usually the nicest (always exceptions) and the ones that say things that would enrage someone to the point of physical altercation, usually do so because they think they can get away with it based on the fact that they have lived a lifetime of doing it. 


    Then there are the clear psychos who should be walked away from but can easily be noted within about 10 seconds so its not an issue. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    It was about 50 years ago or so that the Supreme Court decided "one person, one vote." I guess, according to you, they should have decided "one acre, one vote." After all. lots of those acres may not have any people, but they are chock full of gophers. 


    When did the supreme court decide that the popular vote was the one that counted? 


    Why should California get to decide what president would be best for Kansas? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    Not enough info to know what was said and how many times.  I could guess but that wouldn't be right would it. Nobody has the right to punch somebody if not physically assaulted first though.


    I don't agree with the last sentence though because people will hide behind that ideal and have free reign to say and do whatever they want. I can think of plenty or reasons that are more than justifiable. There is the law of the land and then there is your peers. 


    I try to keep that in mind myself when dealing with people I don't know. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

    Many of us Englishmen/British are more sophisticated than you will ever give us credit for.


    As someone else said, why would you or anyone else take any pleasure in one human being visting violence upon another?


    Same can be said for any nationality, you guys aint special, but some of you guys clearly think you are. (Im generalizing - plenty of good english fellas around)


    A good ole sock in the eye is well deserved sometimes. As far as the OP goes, I dunno but I suspect there is more to it than just getting punched in the eye for wanting the music up. 

  9. Electoral College did its job in this election and its job was to create some balance across our 50 states. More states wanted Trump as president. Just some quick math has California, Illinois, NY, and DC at something like 5,800,000 votes over trump HOWEVER when you look at some of the these states by county, there is even more in favor of trump in Illinois and New York and about 50/50 in California. 






    HRC won Illinois, but look at it by county:


    Screen Shot 2016-11-24 at 11.30.02 AM.png


    HRC won NY but look at it by county:


    Screen Shot 2016-11-24 at 11.34.25 AM.png

  10. 6 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Again, your acceptance of my view is not required. Your acquiescence to the neo nazi support of Trump is the same as support to their views. Slinging the hate word at me, as a 'feminist' is nothing compared with this acquiescence.


    Just calling you out on your blatant hypocrisy. If there is anyone thats got hate in their heart, its you. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, dunroaming said:
    41 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Thats entirely your assumption. 


    Yes that's what I just said.  And your point is?


    Oops I forgot "feminist".  That is another one to throw about


    Getting on the train I see. 


    You assumed. You did that. I did not. Neither about your statement nor Tawan Dok being a Feminist because she is, and its not an assumption. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Your agreement to this is not sought. Nor is your acceptance. You will continue to bear the consequences of making racially insensitive comments as long as you continue to do so. You may think that Trump gives you license to stereotype and marginalise minorities but you are wrong. Bannon will never have enough power to change the basic decency of Americans who understand that America is an immigrant country and value a diversity of voices.


    I really do not care how you feel, what you think, or what you believe in. The more you rant, the more you push people away and the entire basis of your revolution and vendetta become meaningless. 

  13. So basically you would be cooling the floor itself similar to floor heating? Like the floor and your feet would be cold/hot but its not actually 'heating/cooling' the house? 


    I might be missing what you are after but if what I said above is true it won't be actually cooling the room IE pulling warm air from the top, across the evaporator and removing humidity and heat in an actual cooling cycle. 

  14. 53 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    That is how I really feel. It is shameful.


    Vanity fair eh? Pass...


    So because I said "Illegal Mexicans worrying about being deported" I then deserve this?:


    1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    You defend these supremacists and call Mexicans illegal people in the context of a discussion about how these neo nazis are emboldened by Trump and Trump supporters.


    I never said Mexicans were illegal people, I was speaking to the ILLEGAL Mexicans not all Mexicans nor do I defend anything about white supremacists. 


    Look, you are clearly a feminist, and thats ok and your right, but in the context of hatred, don't you think your personal vendetta towards EVERYONE that isn't in your belief system - hatred? You might not think so, but it certainly looks like it to me. Hypocrisy. 


    Ive viewed just about every post you have made, and every single one is venom filled, so clearly you might need to look in the mirror at who the hateful one really is. 


    1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    "In the wake of Trump’s victory, there has been an uptick in reports of hate crimes and race-fueled attacks. The Southern Poverty Law Center reportsthat there were more than 700 “hateful incidents of harassment around the country” between Nov. 9 and Nov. 16.


    Furthermore, in your haste to condemn EVERYTHING you view as wrong, you clearly miss the destruction your people are causing not only to innocent people on the street, but to property, and the police during what you call a "revolution" and what I call rioting. So on the one hand there were an alleged 700 incidents of harassment that you condemn, but on the other hand there are people getting physically hurt, many life threatening, maybe even died (haven't looked recently) property damage through the roof, police and protesters injured, gridlocking streets on and on and on and this is ok with you in the name of "Revolution"


    Sorry, not sorry. Ill never agree with this and its text book pot-kettle-black. 

  15. 41 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


    Far from perfect according to my wife!  I hate racists and bigots so I guess in a way that makes me a racist too.  If you can call racist, homophobic bigots an actual race?  Certainly alien to me.


    Thats the thing man, seems like nowadays everyone is looking for a reason to call everyone a damn racist or whatever. Im sure NOBODY is perfect. 


    But the mudslinging continues. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Clearly you do otherwise you would not protest so much. Fake bravado. You defend these supremacists and call Mexicans illegal people in the context of a discussion about how these neo nazis are emboldened by Trump and Trump supporters.


    I repeat. Shameful.


    Go on, tell me how you really feel.

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