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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Interesting day today, one of our neighbours brought a buyer to look at our cattle First words he spoke were where are the wagyu ???? These guys like the wagyu as they are guaranteed to sell them on provided they purchase at the correct price somebody will want to take them off their hands Our non wagyu a different story, I asked how much for the Bull, he suggested 17k when I said ok 17k as we are in danger of becoming overstocked he changed to that is the price at the market, he could not pay that for the Bull He offered 8k for a Brahman/wagyu x Angus heifer stirk At this point I figured as above he was only interested in quick turnaround Wagyu did not want to be left holding other breeds, but would minimise the risk by offering rock bottom prices ???? For now we are just going to grow our stock at the prices offered we may delay the inevitable poor price but can't see them dropping any further given they will continue to gain size and weight The reason I would have let the bull go is as I said we are in danger of becoming overstocked coupled with the fact he is costing on hand feed, but not desperate enough to let him go when there is still money in growing him In my opinion ????
  2. Thailand has changed in last few years, I've changed in the last few years, which one of us has changed the most, for better or worse, difficult to say, but we appear to continue to get along ????
  3. We have Brahman x Wagyu 2nd calver (AI wagyu bull) due in about 6 months had an offer today 30k baht ???? we declined as it produced a good quality Angusx first calf and its not a cow we had in mind to sell Still have our bull calf it is starting to fill out now growing well, will make a good sized animal so will just keep it going until a respectable offer comes in ???? Told today wagyu beef on the hoof .85 baht kg not checked that out yet but appears to have slipped a bit
  4. Familiarity with the term and use of 'petty cash' allows me to be quite relaxed about topping it up See the drinks and food offered by the Ubon immigration guys a genuine pleasant gesture indeed
  5. Double the amount of sex you enjoy, see where that takes you ????
  6. If a person stays in a relationship long enough to build a house, surely they most be getting some pleasures from their experience So it goes wrong later, hard to believe it was wrong from day one Why can't these guys that failed be more honest and say they actually had a great time, until it wasn't and they moved on
  7. People spend a fortune on cruises, trips to Disney land Let him enjoy his ride on the Thai rollercoaster of love, he has experienced 3 happy years, and is ready for more
  8. If you are going through life making constant comparison with others, prepare to encounter disappointing information and observations Better just be happy concentrating on your own satisfaction, as the saying goes "don't sweat the small stuff" accept life is good if there is no 'big stuff'
  9. Well a couple of months on am seeing cattle moving but demand is not clearing the output in our area appears to be quite s few farmers looking to offload but not many takers at the moment
  10. A long time ago I decided people are generally not smiley happy every minute of every day ???? Since this came to my attention I am no longer concerned about the occasional impassive face I encounter, especially if it appears before the morning snifter
  11. I guess those that could comfortably afford a little sinsod don't drop into these threads, as life could well be harmoniously rolling along, but many don't appear to 'take that away' I took the time to teach my wife to cook sausage egg and chips, my daughter to make banana and chocolate muffins life is good, my little sinsod to help pay for the family wedding money well spent As the song goes "It's not where you start its where you finish' ????????
  12. How pleasant to be a little hard of hearing ???? for sure takes the edge off to negate complaining I am surprised though, that those who complain about noise, have not created a quiet room where life outside is but a few muffled sounds Where a head in a good book overides all external disturbance Perhaps the simple solution of headphones listening to music or TV The options for self help are really plentiful ????
  13. Well well it appears I must say this again ???? Conditioning that one is superior regardless of race colour or creed does not make one a racist, so one can only question the validity of such ignorant comments remaining on the thread, takes allsorts to display such ignorance I guess
  14. It's really sad and disappointing, that so many have such little understanding of Thai life and upbringing they spout racism at every opportunity to 'protect' their own reputation Please don't respond as it will derail the thread, instead perhaps contemplate why you felt the need to cast such an inaccurate slur
  15. Surprising amount of posts supporting this rather feeble minded option ???????? It's a challenge, thrown up now and again, but building trust takes time, walking away from a situation that can be resolved, is weak, working to fix it shows strength of character Also assists to understand that there are circumstances where the Thai will achieve a good result, often for little baht, so a guy doesn't need to display his skills, gotta choose your moments ????
  16. Thanks for the input guys, Quite surprised with the comments on Thai product, our village has some real quality Charollais x cattle The solution for me arrived by nature, one of the heifers we were thinking of letting go came into season, plus another 1st calver, so now we only have a 12 month old bull to offload and will keep growing him until an offer comes in we like I think quality is the key, and dialogue above appears to support my thinking that lower quality will not be so much sought after
  17. Perhaps it those who have adapted well, those that understand nowhere is perfect, but get irked by people trying to turn insignificant downsides into major dramas to support their choices
  18. Topic is interesting as assimilation is always going to be difficult if not supported and encouraged by both sides That one 'fits in' is always going to make life easier, but if the task of 'fitting in is arduous, painstakingly slow, and carries a limited chance of real success, who can blame people for accepting what is on offer without the effort ????
  19. In our area there was a fair amount of wagyu cross cattle selling well for further breeding, also beefmaster bulls on Charollais, Angus too, so local beef should be improving, along with an increase in production hence my question ????
  20. Good morning guys, interested in your thoughts on the future of raising beef cattle For me I feel the breeding cattle price 40 - 60k is at its top level for 'quality' animals The cattle for beef appear to be very numerous in our area with people keeping heifers over the last few years and thus there will be an general output increase, so my question for those in the know... ..do you feel there is a possibility of over supply, thus a drop in offering price, on the way, for say 1 year to 18 month old stock?
  21. Actually not bragging just painting the full picture of the situation but you are welcome to post what you perceive to be somebody elses view of my actions
  22. Free thinker, critical thinker Forward planner Not one to follow the crowd Always seeking knowledge and ideas Capable of managing change Reluctant to unquestionably bow to authority Provide my own solutions Not seeking to actively avoid living in my own country Speak my mind easily rather than cautiously Find it difficult to stand by and not offer to assist where I feel I could be useful Am aware that while a Thai can give away their last baht and survive, I would be kicked out of the country So how do you think I would do 'assimilating' How about I am kind and generous to my family I employ neighbours and family to do some work I wai when in the mood, a wave of the hand if I feel that is enough I smile, speak, wave to acknowledge people as I cycle through the village, the vast majority return my greetings I attend the local temple and donate I am learning to speak a little Thai but doubt I will make conversation Thai other than the occasional word people understand will give them a clue I am learning to let things go, but it's a slow process So fellas you guess how do I fit? I can never see myself as Khon Thai, and doubt I will ever be viewed that way Perhaps an occasional acquiescent foreigner is the best I can hope for ????
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