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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Posted from his tin hut in a jungle clearing in darkest Isaan, consumed with jealousy of those of us that live in fun city. Longing for the day that his missus might let him visit here.
  2. Jomtien wouldn't issue me with one when I tried a few years back. They said they only issue address verification letters for Thai Driving Licence. I already had a couple of bank accounts, but I needed one with BBL for a particular reason. I managed to open one by taking out an accident insurance policy with them which cost me 6000 baht. I let the insurance lapse after one year.
  3. You normally make some quite decent posts spidermike, however your political comments are complete and utter nonsense.
  4. "Clip around the ear"!!!??? I put that in the same category as Lineker's "The Hamas thing". Disgusting.
  5. Just like any country in the history of the world after being brutally attacked by another. For some reason Israel is expected to react differently.
  6. No wonder you get called "Looney lefties". I bet you've been kidnapped by aliens as well.
  7. The far left trying to influence the US election on an expat forum, beats me why they ever leave The States. They even gather to plot in Democrats Abroad groups. You'd think that somewhere like Thailand expats would just relax and enjoy the sun.
  8. Never miss an opportunity to Pommie bash do you? I worked in the top end of Oz for two years and found most of the people to be the salt of the earth. However, I did run in to one or two like you.
  9. Of course they do, same as the Republicans dread a Democrat victory. It's up to the electorate, no party has the god-given right to power.
  10. There's a need to inform people on holiday from countries where the sale of alcohol isn't prohibited on religious holidays. I was completely blind-sided by it on my first visit here. It didn't however, take me long to find a bar serving "diplomatic tea" as we used to call it when I worked in India.
  11. That took a while, normally only takes a couple of posts for Thaksin to be blamed. Just like Pres Trump in the US.
  12. I went out in the garden to do some work this morning and had to come back inside, there were swarms of them about. Never known it like this in all my time here, in fact I always think of the Pattaya coastal area as being relatively mozzie free. You normally pick up a few bites at dusk, but that's about it, never usually in the open when the sun's out. Better be careful, don't want to pick up the old dengue.
  13. People like myself who love living in the Pattaya area don't actually live in town. We live just down the coast or in one of the rural areas. I can't blame people for choosing Pattaya over Phuket, it has everything. Folk who hate Pattaya, I think you'll find, have never actually visited here, but wish to hell they had.
  14. Got done for drugs? He's lucky to still be walking this earth. Whinging goit.
  15. It is relevant. If you'd been charged 800 baht at an office that normally charges 200 baht my reply would have been to speak to a supervisor to find out why. However, if your office always charges that sum, then I'd say that you have no option but to pay up. I was shocked when Jomtien put up the price to 300 baht, it's hard to imagine anywhere charging 800 baht. Talk about kicking the aris out of it.
  16. All the cheap scotch whisky brands I used to buy seem to have vanished from the supermarkets, except for one which has risen dramatically. Seems like some sort of plot to me. I now mix imported spirits with scotch to give me a rough whisky taste. Beggars can't be choosers.
  17. There's a blindingly obvious reason why immig like us using agents, which I won't say on here.
  18. I had my 80th birthday yesterday and in my 18th year of residence here. Never been in trouble with the law here or anywhere else, yet have several tattoos which I had done when in my late teens/early 20s when I was in the forces. Should I now be banned?
  19. Being that he was responsible for the overthrow of a democratically elected government and paving the way for the military to take power for donkey's years, I reckon his sentence should have been drastically increased.
  20. Apart from eating babies and drinking their blood, you got my view of Dems spot on Mike. Don't know how there are enough of you to win an election in the US though, thought you were all here.
  21. Another "I hate Trump thread". The spam woke crowd seem to be getting windy, bless 'em.
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